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I have heard of a "Special Needs" Trust where the title of a house and other assets are placed and that can be used to pay for the care of the person named. In my case it was my Husband. If anything happened to me the trust would have provided funds for him for Memory Care medical...Once he died the trust was no longer needed.
I have not heard of a Health Trust.
Good thing you are talking to someone that knows Elder Law.
Please let us know what you find out never hurts to get more info.
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Yes there are trusts where u can "save" ur house. Medicaid will not take it but they will put a lean on it. My problem was, my Dad had died and it was just Mom. She went on Medicaid and all her income went to her care. The house was up for sale but I paid the utilities but had to let the taxes go. Lately, the water bill. There is a small Medicaid lean put on at Moms passing.

I too am going to look into a trust for my house. Because of what I have had to go thru with Moms.

Be aware though, Medicaid has a five year look back so anything done in that five years is void in their eyes.
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Have you googled health trust Florida? I did as I never heard of a health trust. What I found was a company called Health Trust in Florida. Sounds like they manage funds for clients. This may or may not make sense to you.
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Soniacarlile Jun 2019
Thank you. I'll google. Someone told me: you could sell your home, place the funds in a health trust with the condition that the money would be used for your health needs only. This way wouldn't affect Medicaid benefits. I'm going to talk with an attorney specialized in elder law.
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