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Needhelpwithmom, I finally got the hang of skating forward but was envious of the people that could skate BACKWARDS! I tried and tried but could never skate backwards. They would have a moonlight skate and the guys could skate backwards and the girls would cuddle with them skating forwards. It was fun.
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020

Oh my word, I could barely skate forwards so I absolutely know that I could not skate backwards.

Moonlight slake does sound fun. I used to skateboard but I couldn’t roller skate. My kids did the in-line skating. Did yours?

Do you ice skate? I tried it on vacation once. What a disaster! I can’t roller skate so why on earth did I think I would be able to ice skate? LOL I almost killed myself. Of course, I wiped out! Fortunately, did not break any bones.
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I hate any song by Weird AL Yankovic!
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MAYDAY Mar 2020
My brother's wedding, they didn't have a cake eating song, so I told the DJ to play JUST EAT IT.. :)
We had an indoor roller skating rink open when I was in high school in 1977. I loved all the disco music and Donna Summer. That’s all they played on Friday nights at the roller skating rink was disco. I LOVED it, lol.
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020

Were you a good skater? I was a horrible skater! I was an even worse bowler! Once I rolled a gutter ball into the next lane. The guy wasn’t too happy about it. LOL

My grandpa built me stilts and I was really good at that. I became so good that I could walk around an entire block without falling off.

I was a super fast racer. I won lots of races at school. I was an avid cyclist. I was a really good at jump roping and hula hooping but I could not skate or bowl.
Did anyone have a retro birthday party for themselves or anyone else?

My oldest daughter wanted a sixties party when she turned 12. It was a blast! We had 60’s decorations, dressed in 60’s attire and played 60’s music.

This is funny. My youngest daughter gave a ‘retro’ party for her friend’s birthday. Guess what era? The 90’s. That’s the age they grew up in.

You know as far as fashion goes, so much of it recycles itself. When I came home with a peasant top, my mom said they wore peasant tops. Platform shoes, they had them too.

My youngest daughter loved converse tennis shoes as a kid. Those have been around a long time too! I wore Keds as a kid. My oldest daughter was a Nike kid. Now they have tons of different tennis shoes! They wear a variety of brands now.

Older people switched to velcro closures! Hahaha 😂
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xrayjodib Mar 2020
Haven't had a retro party, but we have a great community theater in town "Hamilton Playhouse ".
Last summer we did the musical "Disaster ". It's a spoof of all the cheesy 70's disaster movies.
Lots of disco! Opening number was "Hot Stuff ". Totally hilarious!
It was a lot of fun doing the disco hair and makeup!!

Sadly this summer's musical has been canceled.
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I thought bell bottom pants were cool. However, the thick frame coke bottle eye glasses were definitely not cool. Are those from the 60s? I don't like the thick frame glasses trend that came back in the early 2000s. So dorky and nerdy looking.
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
We had bell bottoms. We had halter tops. We had low rise jeans that were called ‘peanut’ jeans. Have no idea why they were called that. We had mini skirts.

We had ‘love’ beads. Yeah, eye glasses went from thick frames to (wire frames) John Lennon look, granny glasses. Flowers in our hair. Bikinis. Very long hair and so on.

Hahaha, Catholic school uniforms! Only proper dresses for Mass.
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Thanks so much all of for playing along with me!!!!
You all have helped rejuvenate my sense of humor!!!
Far out!!!😘
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Isthisrealyreal Mar 2020
Like, groovy dudette!
I loved my bell bottoms too! Elephant bells were a fav! Not to cover up my platform shoes though, to cover up my huge feet.

Still wear cutoffs too! But usually at home.
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Favorite dress is her faded blue jeans!
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8 track and vinyl are coming back, the new technology can't match the sound quality.

You know that you are aging when you see things coming back around.

Okay off subject, but bell bottoms were awful enough the 1st time.
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xrayjodib Mar 2020
Mom Jean's and scrunchies are too!
What's next? Neon and shoulder pads?
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Least favorite song "The Poetry Man" by Phoebe Snow. How in the world did that ever get on the radio?

And 8 track? Yep.

But the kewelest thing ever was learning to pirate music (Napster days) and burn your favorites onto CD's.

No longer having to fast forward thru 3 songs you dont like to get to the 1 reason you bought the 8 track or later cassette.

Now, to be able to make playlists on your cell & stream whatever you want ..

Great time to be alive.
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Xray, go roller skating! I have a friend that has 3 young children and we take them for the 1.00 day. I still love it, don't do the smooth moves like I use to, but still a great evening and a good workout.

And they still do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around, that's what it's all about.🤣 some thing's never go out of fun.
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Just thought of another stinker!
'Don't give up on us" by David Soul. Starsky and Hutch!! Ugh!!
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neeniedith Mar 2020
lol loved this song at age 13... sooooo much. cracking up, thanks.
From a different genre of 70’s music - “and shes buy- i-ing the stairway to heav-ven”. Led Zeppelin. It was a
radio DJ’s best friend when needing an unscheduled potty break. Love it, still.

I had two older brothers who were into music - but definitely rock. One of the few things I can thank them for was balancing my love of music. I use to sneak into their room, put on the headphones and listen to Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin... Good stuff.

Midkid - I loved Bobby Sherman as well. “Julie, Julie, do you truly love me...”. Sigh!
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Zeppelin definitely saved me from the horrible disco music of the seventies!
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Arrrghh--I just remembered that my sister broke up with her jerk of a HS BF and played "Bridge over Troubled Water" all day and night as she painted her bedroom hellfire red and wept and wept. After 2 straight days of this, my dad went in her room, took the record off the player and broke it across his knee.

I can't even hear anything that SOUNDS like that song or I am transported back to 1972.

We could do a link on "misheard lyrics'---my Dh heard me sing along with "Proud Mary" and I really effed up the lyrics and when he heard what I was singing, he lost his mind, laughing. It was beyond filthy and here I am belting it out in the car with all the kids, singing right along with me.

OF COURSE he told everyone he knew about it.

I get a TON of grief for still loving Bobby Sherman, but he just sang what others wrote. I Still LOVE James Taylor, and always will---but for a lot of folks, he's just too bland. Our whole family goes to every concert when he comes to town, but they draw straws to see who has to sit next to me b/c I really want to sing backup with him :)
Helpful Answer (1)
xrayjodib Mar 2020
I would love to know what lyrics you were singing?? That would be a great thread!
P.S. Julie, Julie, Julie do you love me!!
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As I read the listed songs I couldn't help but wonder if I was the only one that roller skated to the entire playlist?

Anything by Rick James but especially Super Freak, that was just warped.

Xrayjodib this was a great idea for a thread, transportation to a different, less stressful era. Thanx!
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cwillie Mar 2020
I never learned to roller skate but our local resort town had an outdoor roller rink that was very popular.
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Basketweavers too?
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bookluvr Mar 2020
Yeah, but my dad didn't like it...
A few weeks ago, I asked nurse niece if she ever heard this song that I like called: They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaaa!.... She said no. I played it from my Kindle's playlist under Oldies. Her facial expression! When it was done, she just stared at me. She said something about the guy sounded crazy, with a mental problem... and 'you like that song?' I gave her a wide smile and nodded. Then I started singing it off-keyed...

P.S... this was one of my go-to songs when caregiving mom and/or dad got to me. Or maybe it was wishful thinking...
Helpful Answer (7)
Beatty Mar 2020
What a great song! My Dad will sing it & my DH does too if the occasion gets silly - it never fails to get everyone joing in & laughing even more!

Thankyou for mentioning this one.
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I have to admit I linked Don't Worry Be Happy to some of my emails last week (I mean, it's just so apropros 😝)
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bookluvr Mar 2020
I used to love that song until... it was played repeatedly on the radio, and then in movies. Overkilled. Now I cringe or change the radio station when it plays.
I really liked 'Don't Worry Be Happy' until my cynical colleague (who hated it) started muttering to himself "man's a fool, it's all going to sh*t and he stands there grinning like an idiot..."

Kind of ruined it for me.
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bookluvr Mar 2020
That was funny!
Also Loving You by Minnie Riperton....gag me!
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Love to Love You Baby by Donna Summer made me want to puke plus I used to get embarrassed when it came on if I was with a guy what with all the moaning and groaning in it.😖
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Amen! Any of that crap music. Hahaha 😂
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Don't like 70s except a few songs. I'm an 80s person🙂
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Just played "We built this city", Starship.
Hubs face lit up....
He knows that song.
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I was a total nerd in high school and college. Didn’t listen to music enough to remember. I did see the B-52’s in grad school. Love Shack was awful.
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In my generation, assuming makes an azz out of u and me.
Lol x-ray. I had to look up which generation I am in....feeling excluded now. ha ha. I love your game!

Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (54-72 years old).
Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (38-53 years old)
Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old).
Post-Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-21 years old).

Is that accurate? Where is the "Sandwich Generation?"
Maybe the same as Generation X?
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Countrymouse Mar 2020
BBX, I'd say, with a few millennials creeping in to the sandwich. We still have plenty of 1920s and 1930s dates of birth on our books.
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RIP Kenny Rogers. Dolly Parton did a nice tribute to him from her home holding a picture of the 2 of them.
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"I've never been to Me".

My DH was OS & missed the worst of the radio play for that one so I just enlightened him. 🤣😜😭🤮
Best belly laughs this moring!

While I sipped champagne on a yacht... (must sing it all breathy).

I NEVER want to hear that song EVER AGAIN. You win 😅
Helpful Answer (2)
Sendhelp Mar 2020
That must be the worst song I never heard before.
I agree Beatty and Xray. 🤮
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So if we're gonna include 80's songs, "I've never been to Me".
My vote for worst song ever!
The 80's had some awesome music!!
My hubby and I are in a band.
We play everything from the 30's
To 2000's. We have a blast!!
I think my current favorite to sing right now is "Moondance "!
Love me some Van Morrison!
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polarbear Mar 2020
Agreed! The 80's had some awesome music!
Journey, Air Supply, Phil Collins, New Kids on the Block are a few of my favorites groups/artists.
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loving you is easy cuz your beautiful.... lalalal lalala, ohhhh (eek eek eek ) that was high pitched sound..
Helpful Answer (4)
xrayjodib Mar 2020
My dog likes it!
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