
My husband had a neuro-psych last summer for suspicion of dementia or Alzheimer's. Because of Covid, I believe the exam was cut short. He was in testing for only an hour! The person who did the evaluation diagnosed him with "Sluggish Cognitive Tempo" and said his memory issues were due to this and low testosterone (which he has been on treatment for). However, I am noticing a decline in his memory and mental state. This morning, he became very agitated because he said we were supposed to meet his son and family for lunch at noon and it was 11:30 am and I was not ready. I told him we were meeting them on Saturday and today is Friday. He became beligerent and insisted it was Saturday. I told him to check his phone and he saw it was only Friday. I also just checked a checkbook that he had been keeping for his Mom (she recently died) and everything is in the wrong columns....and he was not even carrying forward a balance. He had the been putting the amount of the check in the balance column. All the columns were messed up. He is 69. I am 60. He says he refuses to have further testing because they told him he was fine. He is forgetting conversations we had...sometimes that we had MANY times. It is never his fault. Nothing ever is. What do I do now???

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I had never heard this term before.. so just googled it.

According to Wikipedia;
Sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT) is a syndrome related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) but distinct from it. Typical symptoms include prominent dreaminess, mental fogginess, hypoactivity, sluggishness, staring frequently, inconsistent alertness and a slow working speed.

So many questions..
First, is this a real thing?
Second, surely you don't just developed it?

Agree with Alva, this dx seems waffling.

I don't know how to help, but keep your diary & write here if it helps. Gather some supportive friends, family & a good Doctor to talk to. I am sorry this is happening.
Helpful Answer (2)
AlvaDeer Apr 2021
Thanks for this extra info, Beatty. It at least does make it seem that this IS some sort of diagnosis. Not one that is especially helpful, but it makes me have at least fewer questions about this MD.
Could I ask what kind of doctor dx'ed "sluggish cognitive tempo"?

I agree with Alva that you need to find a better team. My mom's neuropsych exam was with 3 practitioners-- a psychiatric nurse practitioner, a neurologist and a neuropsychologist.

It took 6 hours over the course of 2 days, including 3 hours of paper and pencil testing.
Helpful Answer (2)
AlvaDeer Apr 2021
Wow, what a thorough workup.
See 2 more replies
While he is semi-competent, let me ask you, have you each done your wills and your POA? Because if not, you may be approaching the land of not being able to do this.
What does your husband say about the check book being all wrong?
In my opinion you now need a GOOD evaluation. And I would begin a diary so that you can take evidence, with copies of what you are finding as well. I think you are right, and that this is not going any place good. However, it seems that, like many, especially men, your husband is in deep denial.
I sure wish you luck and hope you have support of family around you. This is going where it is going, and you will know that soon enough. Meanwhile attempt to keep up on things that are legal/financial concerns.
By the way, I would not go to that MD again. I have never heard of staging as being something as waffling as "sluggish cognitive tempo." Whatever in the world can that possibly mean, and how can it help you as you move forward trying to help your husband.
Is he under treatment with testosterone? Because if so do know that this can cause some more "male-primitive" behavior. I believe it I would stop this if it has been going on with not only no improvement, but with deterioration. Do look up side effects.
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Monica19815 Apr 2021
Thank you for your reply! Yes...I decided today that I would start a diary of "incidences." I think that is critical right now and necessary. When I showed him the check book I got the same old response..."Huh!!!" And walk away. He is not capable of recognizing a problem in himself right now. Denial? Yes! He never wanted my step-children to know what was going on last year. But once I start the diary I WILL share it with them when I feel I must. The testosteron helps but he has already had to increase the frequency....with his doctor's approval...once in the past year. All our legal paperwork is in place. My attorney is awesome and thinks of everything. No worries there! Thank you so much!!
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