
When I first moved in with mom to take care of her with Dementia (or risk the hospital placing her somewhere) I did not know what was getting myself into. Our first Christmas (two years ago now) had her taking the great grandkids presents from under the tree and hiding them in her room. Having moved so many times she is a professional packer and can pack and hide objects like no other. Last year I did not decorate for anything. She keeps saying we need a tree but the stress of finding decorations missing or presents taken may not be worth the risk. The pros and cons of decorating for a holiday we both love is driving me crazy. I love knowing I am not going through so many of the same things others are and greatly appreciate this forum.

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The only way to get out of this is to just have some tree and have fake boxes underneath it while you stuff the real presents in your own room or one behind lock and key, then drag them out day of and hope it doesn't trigger her.
Helpful Answer (17)

Of course you should put up your Christmas decorations! It's the most wonderful time of the year(to me anyway) and needs to be celebrated accordingly, of course while remembering first and foremost the real reason for the season.
You can keep it simple if you are concerned with mom hiding the décor, and you can keep the presents hidden yourself until Christmas Eve or even Christmas day if needed.
So get that tree out today and have fun decorating it with your mom.
Helpful Answer (8)
Cover99 Dec 2021
With presents and families that tire of each other shortly after it is over. Merry Christmas indeed
I don't know if you can get this in time for Christmas, but this has taken the stress out of my life regarding Christmas decoration. The pop-up tree. It's got lights and is fully decorated with the ornaments and decorations ATTACHED to the tree. One link is below and you can get it thru Amazon[ADL]+[PLA]+Smart+Shopping+-+Holidays+-+Seasonal+Christmas&utm_content=Smart+Shopping+-+Holidays+-+Seasonal+Christmas&utm_term=&affiliate_id=049&affiliate_location_id=01&utm_adid=pla-1435399935302x131364986554x14942498289&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIps_C1KPh9AIVi8mUCR1IOAGYEAQYASABEgKJ3fD_BwE
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Go out and buy a huge package of inexpensive plastic ornaments from Walmart. They look nice, are unbreakable and won’t cause any other problems.

Give her packing tasks to kee her busy and happy.
Helpful Answer (5)

I have downsized considerably from the huge tree with all the trimmings but I still LOVE looking at my beautiful 3 ft tree. You say you both love the holiday, then by all means decorate with a simple tree - maybe just a ton of lights which looks lovely. (Keep the gifts in another part of the house and put them out just before they're ready to be opened) as someone else suggested.
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As annoying as putting up a tree or decorations might be, they also mark the passing of time and do a little to indicate that we're at a particular time of the year.

I would say it matters, no matter how small the effort you make.
Helpful Answer (3)
bundleofjoy Dec 2021
yes pstarkey!! :) :) do it!!
everyone loves xmas trees, xmas decorations...
there are also miniature xmas trees :).
nice xmassy colors.

at whatever age, it looks beautiful. :)
warms the heart :).
Why bother??? I'm not decorating and my mom doesn't even hide things. It's just too much work when our lives are already busy and stressful. Maybe put up a few simple things and call it a day.
Helpful Answer (2)
Cover99 Dec 2021
Exactly, plus real trees are usually tossed out for the next waste collection
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I’d consider getting a smaller tree even one of those tabletop tree decorated with lights and a few ornaments - don’t use any that are extra special that you don’t want to risk them going missing. Dollar stores and the such have cute ornaments that will give holiday spirit without the worry of having a lot of special ornaments possibly disappear or break
Helpful Answer (2)

If it’s something she is asking for and something you both enjoy I think a tree and some decorations are an important thing to do. It doesn’t have to look the same as it has in the past, perhaps a smaller tree or just lights and maybe some ribbon chains or as someone else suggested just enough inexpensive and non sentimental ornaments from Walmart or something for her to hide (why take away that need entirely) presents in your room or somewhere she out of sight and mind. Then just before the greats get there add the ornaments you want to the tree and put the presents under it so she doesn’t have time to hide them for safety. After the family leaves remove the valuable ornaments again and enjoy the lights and chains. It sounds like the season and decorating for it brings you both joy don’t deprive yourself or your mom of that. I know I love the season and have to have some festive decorations around me but I have learned over the years that it doesn’t have to be the same each year. Have a wonderful Holliday!
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Sure put up the tree and decorate, when decorations start disappearing, change the holiday to Easter and do the decoration hunt.😊
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