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"Ahhh...astute. We paid her the amount for the year that we agreed upon (30k) and will not fund until next January. So, I have stopped paying her and will have to see what comes around next year."

Why in blazes are you paying this bully $30k per year?

It doesn't keep her from threatening you, does it?

What are you afraid of? Her showing up in CA? Where you can get a restraining order for harassment?

What part of "stop this madness" are you not getting?
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I don't believe OP is only giving mom 30K a year I think its a lot more than that. The only way this ends is when her mother dies.
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I just read your responses since I posted. Two things caught my eye, first that your in touch with the hotel people and second you are contemplating sending her more money!

The hotel people, tell them you will no longer be in contact with them and you are cutting off any financial aid to Mom. Do not contact u with any problems, call the police. Tell them to say to the police Mom is mentally ill and needs to be Baker Acted. This is the only way she may get help. Mom has 170k, she needs to spend it.

I am sure u were told this last year. The only way you can solve this problem is to go NO CONTACT. Forget ur Mom exists. Get rid of any emails you don't need for business. Block, block, block. If someday u get a call from APS in Fla, you tell them Mom walked out on u at 13. You have no relationship with her. She is mentally ill and you cannot care for her or want to. That the State of Fla needs to become her guardian.
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