
My mother refuses to admit she is peeing and wetting the floor. This has been going on for a long time. The hard wood flooring is ruined by her bed. She claims its a plumbing problem and water is coming into her room. She is 97 and very stubborn. It is her house, and she threatens to throw me out and gets very indignant if you tell her she is wetting the floor and bed.

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If your mother would allow you to help her dress, I recommend her own underwear with those panty maxi-pads. These max pads hold A LOT of urine and they're easy to pull off her underwear and replace. That's what I've done with my mother. There are days I'll swap them five times to make sure she's dry.

When she goes to bed, of course I make sure the pad's fresh and move it more to the back since she often sleeps on her back.

My siblings and I used to use the Depends, but the person wearing them has to practically disrobe to change them. Awkward and hassle and expensive and Mom complained she wanted her own panties. The maxi-pads are easy, quick, and much cheaper and she wears her own panties.

Also, there are large and washable waterproof pads that can be placed under her bed sheet that'll catch any urine.
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srbruno, ah yes, our elders can become very stubborn. I would recommend that you no longer tell Mom of her mishaps. Mom is only going to deny it, and why have that discussion over and over again. It's a no win issue.

Any chance of putting a washable non-skid carpet next to Mom's bed? Buy a couple, so when one is in the wash, the other is on the floor. I realize the hardwood flooring by her bed is ruined, but the carpet would keep the liquid from fanning out to other areas on the floor.
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