
the car is a 2017 Subaru legacy with real quarter panel damage when she hit a pole at CVS. She isn't driven in a year and her grandson been driving her during this year. Now she is a rehab faculty, but its a good possibility it will go to long term care. She signed the bill of sale about a month ago and he's making the payments so she doesn't run out of funds in her back account for other bills. I'm also filing for conserve she forget her bills, ect. I don't know who's she written check out to the check book register is blank and checks missing. She never filed out the register, just wrote checks.

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I can print off my statement and look at it when I want to. I can click and see the check itself.
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Possum, I don't post in my checkbook register because it is just too small for us seniors to write into and read later. I call the bank for the balance if I need to pay something that large. The bank had stopped sending paper statements.... [sigh]. So far no luck with trying to set up the statements on-line. The software doesn't like me.

Did your Mother use a computer? Maybe she had set up a check register in Word. That is what I am currently doing. That way I can have a larger font, plus color code if an item is a donation.
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JoAnn29 Sep 2022
You maybe able to request a paper statement. Seems the default is now only thru the computer. Tell the bank ur problem and ask that it be mailed. There must be Seniors that have no access to a computer.
I see no problem in selling her car to her grandson I do see making payments a problem.

If the car is paid off and he is paying her, I hope he bought it at book value. Because that is what Medicaid will look at. Plus that sale is going to be considered against her spend down. Yes she should sign over title. And I suggest he get a loan for what he owes even if you have to co-sign for him. Same if Mom still owes on the car. He needs to get the car in his name. If total payments due are less than the car is worth, he may need to pay the difference between payments due and book value to grandma.

I am saying this because if Mom goes into LTC all her assets need to be used before she can apply for Medicaid. Having him make payments may effect her getting Medicaid unless you can keep her under the asset cap allowed. In my State $2000. So if he is paying her $200 a month, you have to make sure you do not go over that $200O. That means constantly spending down that money that needs to be used on her personally. I don't think it can be used on bills, maybe medically? So much easier that he just get a loan or if Mom still owes, get the loan company you change the loan to him. Then you have all the money upfront and you know what is needed to spend down. Hopefully he is paying by check or at least getting receipts showing he has made the payments.

If Mom owns a home and goes on Medicaid her SS and any pension she receives will go to her care. A small amount of her SS will be placed in a PNA (Personal Needs Acct) This can be used for hair cuts, snakes, clothing etc. She will have no money to keep up her home. Unless someone foots the bills, the house will need to be sold at Market Value. All the proceeds will go for her care.
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Cover999 Sep 2022
What would she need a snake for? Lol
Is she able to call her bank and ask for her balance? Do you know if she has online banking access to her account? Where are her bank statements? Bill of sale for the car has been done, but was the title actually transferred to grandson? All of these questions and more must be answered, so you have some work to do.
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