
Her dementia has gotten worse and I am ready to put sign a contract for an assisted living that has memory care as well. it is expensive and she can only afford it for two years. She is 90. I am terrified of her money running out and her having to leave this nice facility and go to a medicaid nursing home. what if she is still aware of what is going on? How could do that to her? I have put off this decision but now she is truly not safe in her apartment with the level of care we had been giving her. Help!

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I just looked it up and saw that it was a doctor. I
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You might want to look into a NAELA certified elder care attorney. A geriatrician is a doctor certified in the medical care of elders. Not sure if that was what was meant in that post.
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Thank you for response. I'm in Cleve area, and will check out what a geriatrician is.
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And what exactly is the best outcome?
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I just asked your question a minute ago. I'm afraid my moms money will not last. How can I put her in home now? That would break my heart. I can stretch it for 2 years but NH wants at least 1 year private pay. She is 87 dementia, but no other major problems. This is such a journey.
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We all take our loved one's assets and divide them by the monthly cost to see how long they will last! It IS frightening! (Don't forget that social security and possibly pension income will help stretch those assets over a longer period of time). Would your Mom qualify for veteran's assistance (if she or her husband served?) See this website for more info.
If she isn't safe you have to help her now. In two years or when the money runs low, you will have to reassess. Personally, I would opt for giving her the best now and pray for the best outcome.
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