
Can anyone please answer my question or advise, it's like nobody here in Oklahoma where I live has the answer anywhere I call. Thank you.

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Medicare does NOT pay for long term care in a facility like a NH or AL.
Medicare will pay for a short term stay in a facility IF she was discharged from a 3day minimum hospitalization AND she has orders for rehab.
Medicare pays only 20/21 days at 100% and afterwards requires them to be progressing in rehab and do a copay (abt $180 day) to stay in the rehab facility. Most get discharged from rehab within the first 3 week period.

Medicaid is who will pay for LTC but she will need to meet Medicaid’s financial and medical “at need” requirements set by your state. For financial its basically that they are impoverished with 2k max assets for an individual and under whatever OK has for LTC Medicaid income maximum (most states have this at $2100). Facilities do not have to participate in either M&M. But Most hospitals take both.

Also please please realize that if mom goes into a facility under Medicaid, she is required to have all her monthly income be paid to her NH as the copay or SOC (share of cost). If mom still has her home or if her monthly income is being used to keep your/her household afloat financially, her $$ will not be there anymore to pay on house or household. If mom wants to keep her home, family will need to pay all of its costs and eventually deal with Medicaid’s Estate Recovery system. Often family end up at caregive at home as financially they are beyond interdependent on mom’s income. Caregiving is better than being homeless. Hopefully that’s not your situation but often family is gobsmacked by the required copay or SOC requirements.

This site has several really great articles on what Medicaid & Medicare are and more importantly are not. Read up & post new ?s. Lots of experienced expertise on this site.
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