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Summermole's mom been to a urologist. But she hasn't told us what the urologist recommended. Or if there has been any follow-up.
Helpful Answer (3)
Summernole Oct 8, 2023
Mom's urologist suggested the D-Mannose, trying to urinate every two hours, the estrogen cream for her vaginal area three times a week and drinking water (but she doesn't push it (?)).

Now she wants to try PNE (Peripheral Nerve Evaluation). It involves the insertion of a couple of wires into mom's back to try and stimulate the bladder to empty. My brother and I do not like this idea.
Summermole, I would make sure mom is using the estrogen cream. That and a probiotic made all the difference for my mom.
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My 78 year old mom had mild, recurrent UTIs for years. She was prescribed Methenamine by her urologist. It's worked like a charm and no side effects. No UTIs since she started taking it.

Also, AZO makes a great over-the-counter product: Cranberry Powder with a Probiotic + Vitamin C to support urinary health.
Helpful Answer (4)
Summernole Oct 9, 2023
I have a request in to my mom' doctor to consider the methenamine and AZO capsules.
I just Googled PNE. What is it you don't like about this procedure?,local%20anesthesia%20or%20numbing%20medication.

It sounds quite useful.
Helpful Answer (2)
Summernole Oct 9, 2023
It is the wires in her back that we don't like. She is 92 and has so many other aches and pains. I guess we need to consider it.
Ask her doctor about estrogen. There’s a patch or vaginal pill that’s an alternative to messy creams.
Helpful Answer (2)
Summernole Oct 9, 2023
She is using the vaginal cream. Or, at least she tells me she is.
Try Uquora, I am a victim of UTI infections having 2 to 3 a month. I was taking AZO like candy. My husband saw the Uquora add on TV and ordered it, I have had only 2 UTI in the last year. Its 2 capsuls every morning and every 3 days you mix a packet in 3/4 bottle of water. It tastes like pink lemonade. Each shipment lasts for a month. Hope this helps.
Helpful Answer (2)
Summernole Oct 14, 2023
I have seen the commercials, too, and wondered about it. I asked my mom's urogynecologist about it and she said she had never heard of it. I found that hard to believe but I am a little hesitant to get it if it is not recommened by her or my mom's ARNP. I am going to look in to it, though. Thanks for the advice.
My mother was a very independent senior six months ago too. She had a complete shoulder replacement and her decline after the surgery is tremendous. Her surgery went well, the new shoulder is great, but she’s had such a decline that it’s just shocking. She’s had about 3 urinary tract infections too. She’s been in and out of rehabs and hospitals too.
Helpful Answer (2)
Summernole Oct 15, 2023
I'm so sorry for your mom - and you, Franline. I have really noticed a big mental decline in my mom since February when she started having the non-stop UTIs. They are continuous. She has fallen five times since then and been hospitalized twice and recently got out of rehab. I feel so badly for her because she is aware of the mental confusion. I'm hoping to get her to feeling a little better and then I will take her to a neurologist to see if any medications will help her. Good luck with your mom. You are not alone.
I am 74 and began having UTI'S 2 years ago very often. I used the vaginal cream for several months, but did not help. I was finally prescribed a daily low dose antibiotic. This stopped the UTI S for about 6 months. I was prescribed a different low dose antibiotic and didn't have a UTI for 7 months.
This has worked very well for me. Prior to this I was continuously having UTI'S.
I would try to talk to Mom's urologist to request the antibiotic.
Best wishes
Helpful Answer (2)
Summernole Oct 20, 2023
What was the antibiotic that worked for you, Chickie? I have asked the urogynecologist for a low dose daily antibiotic for Mom. She did not like the idea. I will see her again this Tuesday and ask her again.
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Instead of estrogen cream externally (or internally which is messy) look into vaginal estrogen tablets. 2X per week inserted. It can make a world of difference.
Brand is Vagifem, generics available:
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