
When it first began, we went along but now he wants to involve lawyers to meet with the condo management to resolve it. My Dad has always been opinionated and this is even more evident now. Any ideas how to end this fixation?

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Reduplicative paramnesia. So interesting. My husband has Capgras Syndrome. AlzConnected.Org forum has discussions of Capgras that might be of use to you
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Thank you 97yroldMom ... much appreciated.
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Capgras syndrom
Reduplicative paramnesia

Look up both of these. Capgras is usually a duplication of people. An imposter wife for example who looks just like the real wife.
Reduplicative paramnesia
Is a duplicate of locations.
My FIL suffered from Reduplicative paramnesia
some years after a brain trauma from a fall. He thought he had a second home in a neighboring community. He said it was furnished exactly the same. He also thought I had furnished my home exactly like my “ other” home.
Once during a crisis when a family member was dispatched to go retrieve medication from his home he asked which home did SIL go to, the one in community A (where he actually lived) or the one in community B?
I answered community A. He was satisfied. Just wanted to know.

Do some research on this. It’s supposed to be rare but it does come up on this forum.
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