
All my mother's life my uncle, her brother, has always been controlling of her. Recently he has fallen ill, he keeps my mother on the phone for up to 4 hours and I overheard conversations where he keeps saying mean things and she has to defend herself. He has been begging her to come to stay with him a couple of days just for a visit. She is 85 and in good health, has an active social life with friends and neighbors.

I tried to convince her not to go or only go for a couple of hours, she insisted she stay 1 week. He lives 2 hours away. She told me the entire time he verbally abused her, he has no food, none in the fridge and told her nobody delivers to his house so eat cookies. It was over 90 degress he refused to put on the AC, then he told my mother to get to work on his garden in the hot weather, she almost fainted, I'm sure there are many things she didn't mention to me, because she is severly shooken up and very depressed now. She tells me she should of listened to me and won't go there again, but she is under his control. (he doesn't give her money and has stated he is leaving her Nothing) It's just an abusive relationship... it's been going for years and now getting worse as he is sick. If she decides to go back is there someone I can report this to? If this abuse continues?

Also his childen are not nice people, I have no relationship with them

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Your mom can do as she chooses. She doesn't HAVE to talk to OB for 4 hrs and take abuse. SHe can hang up. She can block his phone number! She doesn't have to even acknowledge his existence!

And, rarely do you see sibs leaving inheritances to each other esp if there are kids involved.

He also doesn't owe her money or anything other than familial kindness, which sounds like it's sadly missing.

You have no relationship with his kids? Fine. Encourage her to stop talking to him, completely.

I am curious--HOW does a 95 yo man 'control' someone who is 2 hrs away from her?

You can only encourage her to stand up for herself and that seriously is as easy as blocking his phone number or using caller ID to know when NOT to pick up the phone.
Helpful Answer (6)
marcie88 Jun 2021
Thank you! It's just been a pattern her whole life which got worse after my father died, He also has been controlling me and my siblings lives and constantly meddeling, He is very loud, agressive, controlling and a bully most of his life. My Mom is just the opposite, He calls almost everyday, when she wants to get off the phone, he will keep telling her to stay on. My husband drove her to his house, If i say he can't drive her then her brother says he will get one of his sons/grandsons to pick her up and demand it which I don't want. He also involves his family with backing him up.
Marcie - if your mother is one of those women who love the abuse and its endless rewards, then I recommend you try this approach.

Reward #1-Your mother loves complaining to you about the abuse, then stop listening to her. Tell her: "I don't want to hear again about how awfully you were treated unless you stop going to your brother and volunteer for more abuse."

Reward #2-Your mother loves to feel like a victim and have others feel sorry for her. You stop telling her what a poor woman she is, and what an assh0le her brother is. She's not a victim. She is in control of her actions.

Reward #3 - She gets to be the center of attention. "I'm being abused here, pay attention to me." Everyone's got their own problems, big or small, but none is more attention grabbing than hers. Gosh, everyone, stop what you're doing and pay attention to this poor soul.

Act nonchalant. Don't give her the attention she's craving. When she starts rehashing the abuse, you walk away.

Remember, your mother is IN CONTROL of her actions. In fact, if you have the nerve, then ask her when she's going back to her brother since she seems to enjoy his company so much.

Maybe, if/when she stops getting the rewards she's looking for, she'll stop getting abused by choice.
Helpful Answer (6)

OK, she is home with you now, and agrees you were right. Stop the "but she is under his control. " You got her back, she is safe, and you can monitor the phone calls.. as in hang the heck up! Does she need him to give her money? If he has no food you could look into getting him meals on wheels or report him as in need,, but do not let her go back or let him continue to abuse her . He seems not have wanted a visitor, but unpaid help.
Helpful Answer (5)

Block this horrible person's number on your mother phone so he can't call her. Your mother has been abused by her brother all her life. She is unable to stand up for herself so it's your job to do it for her. Also call said brother and read him the riot act. Tell him he is abusive and if he keeps trying to contact your mother you will call the police and charge him with harassment. I don't care how old this pos is and I hope he is 10 feet under sooner rather than later.
Helpful Answer (5)

Can you nobble her phone and block his number? Or divert his calls to your number? - that would be even better, you could tell the old bustard to f**k off and never call again. And let's hope the shock wouldn't kill him, eh.

If you don't understand yet why she is still so much under his sway, it isn't likely you ever will. But you can meet fire with fire. If she insists on going to his house again physically, can you insist that she doesn't go without you? - then you can either keep stalling, or go and give him a piece of your mind.
Helpful Answer (5)
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 2021
Oooooh, I love the idea of forwarding his calls. Great suggestion! I suppose that I can be a bit devious at times but wouldn’t it be funny to forward his call to somewhere like a recorded message like, ‘Dial a Prayer.’ 😂 LOL

Actually, there are great choices to forward his number to, the zoo, since he’s acting like an uncivilized creature. Perhaps a mental hospital, since he is unstable.

What about a funeral home to remind him where he is going! I doubt that he is interested in changing his ways before checking out but hey…

The list is endless. The forwarding number would block him and he would be hanging in limbo with nowhere to direct his abuse! Problem solved!
I would call him and read him the riot act for treating my mom that way.

Maybe getting his azz chewed would stop him from doing it to mom.

They are from a generation that was very male authority figure, so I assume that he is the elder male in her life. Tell her it is okay for her to stop being his doormat. She needs to hear that it is okay for her not to take his abuse. She deserves better and he deserves a swift kick in the teeth for treating her that way.

Give her lots of love and help her feel like she is important after he has obviously torn her down. Sheesh! What a POS he is.

I would call her phone provider and have his and his off springs phone numbers blocked.
Helpful Answer (4)
marcie88 Jun 2021
Yes I agree, its that culture from that generation, he is the male authority figure in her family since her father died at a young age. When my father was alive, he wasn't that bad but still the same way. Hopefully she will listen to me and stand up for herself.
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marcie - do you think your mother suffers from Battered Women Syndrome? Seems like she can't leave him, and keeps coming back for more abuse.
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 2021
Good point. I wonder how her brother treated her when growing up together. Not all siblings have a loving relationship. There are many dysfunctional families. A long time ago these situations weren’t openly discussed. There were no support groups either. Very sad.
marcie - there are women who LOVE to be abused so that they can ENJOY complaining about the mistreatment and GAIN sympathy. One of my uncle's wife is like that. He abused her physically and mentally, yet all she did was complaining about the abuse ENDLESSLY and with RELISH because she would retell the same stories with all the unpleasant details again and again to ANYONE who would listen. She did not take any advice other family members gave her or do anything to stop the abuse. Even after they got divorced, she went back to him.

Your mother seems to be one of those women. Very unfortunate. Nothing anyone can do. Your mother is doing what she wants and enjoys.
Helpful Answer (4)
marcie88 Jun 2021
Thanks, sadly this is the case here. Just makes me feel powerless
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I'd change your mother's phone number and not let your uncle have it. That may be the best way to shoo him out of her life once and for all.

Otherwise, your mother is a grown woman and like Grandma said, if she is competent and not suffering from dementia, she can make her own decisions about how much abuse she's willing to take from her brother.

Good luck!
Helpful Answer (3)
sp19690 Jun 2021
No she has PTSD and must be protected from the brother.
You need to go pick up your mother before something really bad happens to her. Get the police to escort you over there to remove your mother from her brother's house immediately. Do not ever let her go back over there! Report all this to the police about the abuse. Block the brothers number on your house phone and all cell phones. Your mom needs your help. Be proactive!
Helpful Answer (3)
marcie88 Jun 2021
Thank you, she is back home now for 1 week from his house, everyday for hours on end she kept telling me how he verbally abused her and how she will not call him, today she went back to the abuse by calling him.
If I block the #'s she will call him anyway, she broke her promise to me and my family about not calling him
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