
Looking for a contractor who specializes in single family homes to meet standards for assisted living.

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If you want to run an Assisted Living facility, start with the Zoning Department in your town and see if your property is properly zoned. They will be able to provide the zoning codes that you will have to meet.
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Another thought - if you live in a community with a lot of ALs and rehabs, contact your local building inspection department. They sometimes will have lists of various contractors. That's how I found my very good plumber over 30 years ago.
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Contact your local area Agency on Aging. They should have a list of contractors qualified to do these sorts of modifications.
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Are you looking for someone who can provide adaptive remodeling for your own home, to meet what would be comparable to an AL apartment or room? If so, I would tour some ALs and surreptitiously note what changes would be needed for the new AL apartment (?) in your home. If on the other hand, you'd like specific recommendations for specific rooms, just post again.

The Area Agency on Aging in my area holds Fall Caregiving Expos, at which adaptive contractors are typically represented, sometimes with vehicles they've adapted for wheelchair use. I've found this to be the best source.

You could contact your AAA and ask (a) if they have any brochures available yet, or from last year, identifying the adaptive suppliers. If not, ask for a list. The Alzheimers' Assn. is top notch in speed and scope for providing lists as well.

If you're looking for specific names of companies, that would be hard to provide since your state and city aren't provided in your profile, and any companies we find might not be local or operate in your area.

Search for "adaptive remodeling", "disability remodeling", handicapped remodeling".

You can also contact your local Senior Center, County or State aging or elder agency. Our County provides a good variety of lists for elder issues.
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