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I bought my mother (dementia) one of those digital calendar clocks that displays the day, time of day, date and exact time, thinking it would help her. Instead she just argued that it was wrong. If she thought it was Saturday afternoon, it was Saturday afternoon, even if it was the middle of the night Tuesday.

I think the concept of time and its passage eludes people with Alzheimer’s and dementia.

My mother still asks to wear her watch. It hasn’t had a battery in over a year. She also wants her hyper-local newspaper subscription renewed, even though she can no longer read. They’re routine items and may represent attempts to reassure themselves that they’re staying in the loop.
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Reply to Anabanana
Forsuchatime Oct 11, 2023
I was wondering, too, if that is why mom asked for a watch, because it was familiar to her and part of her past routine. Thanks.
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