
My husband has Parkinson disease, dementia and has a history of strokes. He had another stroke last week which effected his right side. He is at the advance stage of Parkinson, whereas, his throat muscle has become very weak (dysphagia). The speech pathologist recommended all his food be pureed. Since he's been at home I've pureed his food. Cooking and Pureeing his meals have been challenging, so I was wondering are there any places that I could purchase food already pureed other than baby food.

Any assistance you can provide me, will be greatly appreciated.



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I would buy organic pureed baby food from the supermarket until sourcing more adult products/flavours. Take it out of the packets to avoid embarrassment over labels. (I often buy the pouches as snacks for work).

Can the Speech Therapist provide recommendations? (I would assume they have a list?) Hospitals & nursing homes buy in bulk but they may advise the brand names? Call them & see if they sell retail as well.
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Try googling "pureed meal delivery". I'm in Canada so my search tends to show Canadian companies but people have mentioned Mom's Meals and I know that Hormel has a few items available, there are bound to be more. I was able to buy a selection of frozen dinners from meals on wheels, it doesn't seem like that is commonly available there but it wouldn't hurt to ask.
I really liked my stick blender for whizzing up smoothies, soups and stews, I found it so much more convenient than transferring to a blender.
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I used to make a LOT of different types of soup and stews for my Husband and I would put a good portion of them into the blender and then freeze them in 2 cup portions. (pint size Mason or Ball jars are perfect)
This is what he ate most of the time. Other times I would make Cream of Wheat and when it was almost done I would crack an egg or two on the top and finish cooking it. Easy for him to eat and extra protein with the egg.
Making meals in advance and freezing them is much easier than pureeing each individual meal when you make it. And I would not bother pureeing each individual food item.
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