
My husband has stage 4 AD.

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Vivi, luck and good wishes to you as well. Feel free to come back if you need to vent or seek further advice.
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Thank you Sue & GardenArtist for your excellent answers. We have wills in place but will be soon working with an elder law atty to have DPOA, living wills, & health POA prepared. My husband hasn't signed a check in 30 yrs, I do all that. He is b/t stages 3/4 AD I think. He understands we need all this done. I never ever would of thought he would end up with AD, not with the sharp computer like mind he had running his own utility construction business like a well oiled machine for 40 yrs!
I have cried many tears over this & now I am getting our future in order so I can have peace of mind & care for him the way he deserves. He is 78 & I am 60. I lost my mama & daddy 30 yrs ago & we have no children together. Sometimes I feel so alone. He has 3 grown daughters from his first marriage that I can talk things over with which helps a lot. Wish me luck ladies on this journey, I feel sure I'm going to need a lot of it, that & a lot of prayers. Many blessings to you..
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I had my mother sign me on to her bank accounts, we did a Will, a Power of Attorney and a detailed Advance Directive when she was in Stage 4 Alzheimer's. Her signature had changed-(much more squiggly and going up off the line) but it was still legal. If submitted to a handwriting analysis, it would show it was her signature.

She had been told by the neurologist a year before that she had stage 3 Alzheimer's, so she knew the she had to prepare to transition to me being the caretaker. At the signing of these documents she had memory problems (couldn't remember the names of her husbands) but she understood that I was getting prepared to be her caretaker.

As long as your husband understands what he's signing, (I'd ask him to repeat what the document means before he signs it, just to make sure), then there should be no problem.

An "X" is admissible as a signature if someone else also signs, stating that this person is who they are. If he can make just wavey lines, it should be accepted.

Try having him hold the pen in different positions to see which signature looks most like his old one. There are also hand devices for people who have had strokes that can help with hand positioning. Have him practice on scratch paper before he needs to sign the official document.

Our signatures DO change over time as we age. Mine looked much different when I was in my 20's compared to my 40's. Now, at 60, my handwriting is more jerky and less flowing.
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If it's estate planning, an attorney might be able to record a session in which he's questioned on the issues of whatever he's signing, but that would be primarily for the attorney's purpose and documentation in proving the validity of comprehension to execute estate planning documents.

If you're referring to everyday tasks, such as signing checks, you might raise the issue with a personal banker at your local bank. I've done this.

On the other hand, how do you think he'd react if you offered to take over transactions which require his signature? If you think it would offend him or make him feel that he's losing another aspect of his ability to manage his own affairs, perhaps let him sign checks (or whatever) but don't submit them. Sign comparable documents yourself. And hide or destroy what he signed so he doesn't realize he's being accommodated but that you're providing substituted documents/checks.

If would help if you could elaborate on what it is he needs to sign. So much business is transacted these days w/o the need for signatures; sometimes I just scribble my name when I charge groceries, just to see if anyone challenges my signature. It's never happened; the charges always go through.
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