
Hi, my mom is in her 50s and she’s struggling with her weight. When I was a teen I was also struggling with weight so I’d try different things for a diet but it made me so thin and fragile that I realized I have done the worst mistake. I lost tons of weight and had many loose skin. My mom, a doctor who is supposed to know that this isn’t healthy encouraged me that this was the right thing. She’d always encourage my brother who has a big weight to eat less and only eat once a day which is not healthy.

She does this to herself to but for a reason that is very dumb. When she sees someone/a friend who was fat and becomes thinner, she will starve herself at the mornings and afternoon and binge eat at night. I told her that a balanced diet and exercise daily will eventually give her a healthy body. But she doesn’t care and would rather listen to herself talk. She thinks that as a doctor she knows what’s up but she always gets sick after these diets and eventually gain weight again.

I also liked to reassure that we love her for who she is and would rather have her gain a healthy lifestyle than doing these diets that won’t help her in the long run. I’ve also been eating healthily for nutrition and exercising daily. But her reason for not doing it is because she thinks her way is better! Now she’s looking sick and older, not enough nutrition and I’m tired of telling her advice. I don’t know what to do anymore but she has always been so stubborn. Which is tiring because almost all of my family members are stubborn.

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50s is not old, and this is not a diet forum. Your concerns will be better met in a support group that is specifically geared toward eating disorders or personality disorders.
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