
I have been dealing with my father who is diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer's. Its getting worse. He has been living in my home in my living room. His bedroom is my living room. Small two bedroom house. Me, my wife and my daughter. I have been fighting with Medicaid since I brought him into my house in July when his second wife died. He only has SS, no savings. She died leaving him broke. Trailer had no working plumbing, no working water, no HVAC, trash everywhere, dirty clothes, mold on the furniture, and at least a years bed bug infestation. Getting the trailer condemned. Cannot get a title, state shows a lien on it. Medicaid has been giving the run around since July. Looking to get the full Medicaid to get the Aged and Disabled Waiver to get reduced rent in assisted living. No answer on why he has not approved. Medicaid basically told me to sit and spin. CICOA left me high and dry and refused to assist because he smoothed talked them into thinking he is fine. I have Blanket and Medical POA. I WILL NOT BE HIS GUARDIAN.

My wife took him to the grocery Friday 1/24/2020 and to get his smokes. Within 15 minutes of getting his smokes, he forgot that he had bought them. Wife showed them to him. 15 minutes after that he lost control of his bodily functions and deficated himself while in the store, did not know until he stated he felt it fill his pants. He walked himself to the rest room to do what he needed to do. He came home and took a shower, he refuses to bathe first shower in months (maybe, we heard water running but his smell was still there). We allowed him to go to sleep and planned to take him to the ER on 1/25/2020. My father woke up at around noon on 1/25/2020. We let him drink his coffee and eat breakfast and let him smoke. I told him that I was aware of what happened at the grocery (he could not recall) and we needed to get him checked at the hospital. He refused me but when my wife asked, he agreed. We drove to the ER. I checked him in stating that "My father has been having Cognitive Behavior Episodes and about the events of last night and needed to be seen. I stated all that had happened this week. I also stated that I was no longer able to care for him as he was a danger to himself and others. He was taken to the ER Room promptly. This was around 1pm. I talked with the nursing staff after he was settled. Told them the same information with the addition of him refusing to allow me to put together his meds and he admitted to missing 2 to three days of meds. During the check in, he could not tell the nurse what year it was. Said that they would relay this to the ER doc on call. The ER doc came in, talked directly asking him questions. I asked the ER doc to come outside. I asked him if he had read ANY notes prior to coming in. He stated he did not and would not till after he talked with my dad. I explained what was going on, stated the same stuff, I stated once again that he is a danger to himself and others, I can no longer care for him, he needs help I can no longer provide. I even said call the social worker, call APS, call the police, I can no longer care for him as he is a danger to himself and others. He walked away stating he would do what he needed to do. We were there from 1pm till 5pm. Staff Social Worker came him, told her the same info I had told the check in, the nurses, the doc. She kinda huffed and walked away. She came back later stating that there was nothing medically to keep him here, I WAS going to take him home and call the assisted living place back myself and tell them what they needed to do. I told her once again that he cannot and will not go home with me and that he was a danger to himself and others. I am not able to provide proper care anymore. I gathered my stuff and left the building. I was told by professionals to admit him with Cognative Behaviors and share I cannot care for him due to the danger to him and others. I did email the PCP today to make him aware. What happens to him & I?

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I agree with the others. You did what you had to do. Stay strong and if the hospital comes back to you say “I can’t keep him safe”.
Helpful Answer (7)

You did the right thing, everything you needed to do. Good for you for not caving in , the SW needs to do her job. The hospital case manager needs to find a NH with an open bed that will take him as LTC Medicaid pending. Your job now is to assist in applying him for LTC. Meet with the SW at the hospital and help fill out the application. The hospital will work to find a bed for him, it may end up that nearest location is many miles away, so he may be moved far away from you. Once he's placed in a NH, the NH will likely ask you to fill out admission paperwork. Make sure you do not sign anything that says you will be financially responsible. If you're unsure, bring the paperwork to a credible lawyer and seek his advice before signing.

Also, it may take a while and hospital may continue to pressure you. Do Not Cave in! You cannot adequately take care of him and keep him and your family safe, make sure they are clear on that.
Helpful Answer (6)

You did the right thing, stay firm, he needs to be placed somewhere, and that somewhere is not in your home. The pressure will continue for awhile, just keep saying no.

I am sorry about this, keep posting it will help!
Helpful Answer (6)

This is so hard! Stick to your guns. You have told the staff at the hospital all the right things. They will have to work it out. So many on this site have gotten to the point where you are and guilt often keeps them from following through.

Just always remember you have to take care of you and your family which is your top priority.
Helpful Answer (6)

So sorry. It must have been so hard. Him living with you was not really the best scenario. Your Dad needs more care than an Assisted Living would have been able to provide. LTC will be better. Hopefully the state will take over his care. Then the responsibility will be off your shoulders. He will have everything he needs.
Helpful Answer (6)
ohmeowzer Jan 2020
Excellent idea thank you
You did what you had to do. The hospital will try and make you responsible even if you are not capable. Hold your ground. Use the words "Unsafe environment".
Helpful Answer (4)

I don't have the answers for you but wanted to say that I am sorry for your situation. Hugs!
Helpful Answer (3)

You are between a rock/hard place.
Does he have a GP? Does he have scaring from bed bugs? Have you or your wife recorded anything regarding what he does no matter what he's doing?
I don't know the State you reside, but when I had to become involved with my Mother's mental issue; she had not seen her GP for annual required Medicare physical.
Take him to his GP, inform the doctor's nurse about the situation so Dr is prepared.
Our daughter is an RN, which was very valuable for me said, 'Mom, when physicians examine or informed of the mental, physical issues by family and the exam; the Dr must report to Social Services. They will admit to the hospital WHILE they contact various facilities to find a room for the patient'.
I know doctors can do this. I took my Mom to her GP because my sister had not taken her for over a year.
Her GP told her she had 1 more chance as she only had 5 marbles left in her head. That she should be in assisted living NOW!
Mom told him she'd call the police because he can't make her go.
GP told her he could LEGALLY and would right then and there if she wanted to try him.
Mom used her last marble and ended up in the hospital in less than 2 weeks.
Me and my husband drove 16 hrs to get back to her. She was having major issues which required me to call EMTs. She wasn't going, you can't make me.
Yes I can Mom. If you don't get on that guerney I'm getting the safety belt and spank you (loved being able to say that to her). She let them take her to the hospital.
That's when me and my husband found an assisted living facility for her and stepfather.
Your Father's doctor CAN BY LAW, place him in a facility. It may not be the Ritz, not even close or even horrid, so be prepared for that.
Is your Father a Vet? There is a wait list for their facilities, but apply for the benefits. They will have a list of their ACCEPTED facilities as the benefits are paid directly to the facility. He will also have the benefit of medical, yes everyone has a story, but he'll have healthcare.
Talk with a reputable in-home care to request help for a caseworker to help. That person will go over everything as well as visually evaluate at the same time. They will take you to visit various facilities that have space. The caseworker will inform the facility manager/owner of the issue(s) about your Father.
I'd also demand a meeting with the Chief of Staff over the ER and/or the head of the hospital.
Illegals get better care/help than you. FYI, our daughter worked over 10 years in the ER of a County Hospital back home. She had to deal with it all, report situations just like this, and even the homeless men asking her to marry them.
You need to 1) take care of Dad 2) take care of you family 3) take care of yourself.
I'm blessed to have Mom's 2 brothers as my support system, you may need to find some type of support for yourself/family.
Helpful Answer (3)

I’ve just read through your situation and update. What a hard road you’ve been down with your dad, I’m so sorry for it all. What you’ve done has been the advice I’ve seen given on this forum for others to do, but you’ve walked it. I hope it will get easier now. And I also hope you’ll continue to let us know how things progress for both you and your dad in this
Helpful Answer (2)

Oh my heart aches for you. You did the right thing, leaving your dad at the hospital. Please let us know what happens to your dad. Hugs!
Helpful Answer (2)

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