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If the person ur are carrying for or even u needs a hospital bed and on Medicare you can get a prescription from your primary doctor to get one. Then you oder the bed thru a durable equipment store. Or as suggested try Facebook Marketplace, Craig list and want ads.
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In many cases a doctor can write an order for a Hospital Bed and that would be covered by Medicare or Medicaid as well as most other insurance plans.
Check with Senior Centers in your area there may be a "lending closet" that has donated items including Hospital beds.
Check Craigs List (does anyone use that anymore?) FB Market Place or the Garage Sale section of FB might have one.
If the person is a Veteran you can check the VA and or various Veterans groups that may have donated beds.
In MOST cases the donated beds will need a mattress as very few places will accept used mattresses. the exception to this might be one that is fully cleanable and able to be sanitized. (Most companies that rent beds have special cleaning, sanitizing process that they do that a homeowner would not be able to do with a donated, used mattress. )
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Kenisha, I’m sure you know that hospital beds don’t fit in a post box, so if you need one you have to look locally. Try ebay or market place, or whatever service is looking after the person who needs the bed.
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