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Hi everyone. My mom is drinking now up to 2-3 cups of water a day. She still fights me some what. When I started this post, I didn't know how one topic could stir up so much attention. Thanks for all who posted great ideas. Best wishes to all who care for a love one.
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It amazes me, too, where topics lead. It's healthy talk. I'm so glad you've got her drinking water : )

I think the reason this stirred so much talk was that no one really knew what shape your mom is in. That makes a huge difference to how one responds. So, we thank you for wording the topic as you did. It was thought provoking and brought losts of practical suggestions, as well. Good luck with your mom, and I hope you will keep checking in with other topics as well.
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If she likes cold water, try giving her ice chips to suck on. Give her in a bowl or cup with a spoon. That will not fill her up. Hope it helps.
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my father is a diabetic on dialysis and is now bedbound and has been for 3-4 months. he had all toes on one foot removed. they can't get him out of bed because when they try, his blood pressure plummets, he gets dizzy and lays back down. he has a 50% blockage, but they won't operate because it's too risky. my problem is that nobody can get him to drink water and he doesn't know just how badly this is. my mom said his muscles are just gone and thinks it's from something else, but i just can't get them to realize that it's mostly from not drinking water. how do i convince him that he is killing himself. i know it's his life, and he is the most stubborn person i know, but if i don't try and he dies i will never forgive myself. i'm at my wits end.
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This situation points out how complex caregiving really is. Furthermore, it also points out that we, as caregivers, are forced to come up with our clever solutions because so many so called experts are clueless about practical issues.
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