
I'm a full-time live-in caregiver and I get my 40 hours each week, but from 6 pm till we wake up is supposed to be my "rent", even though I pay for all the groceries, cleaning supplies, cook and clean and the family doesn't acknowledge this unless I say something to them. I'm hoping someone can give me some advice on this whole situation...

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Lifes2short, get a new contract in writing, spelling out clearly what hours are work hours and which ones are yours. Work out vacation times and when you can leave the house.

Or give notice and get a decent caregiving job.
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Lifes2short - can you clarify a bit? You pay for ALL the groceries- as in, for everyone who is living in the house? How many people is that - just curious as paying for more than your own is just wrong. And, 6pm "till we wake up is rent" - are you cleaning then or during your 40 hours? When do you sleep? I'm wondering also - is this a relative your caring for? How did you come by this job? This whole situation sounds too skrewy to not have more back story to it than you're saying.
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Non related, and have worked for them almost 3 years and live in for a year. When I did mention to them, that they owed me, they said I should have came to them at an earlier time. How did they think I fed their mother?
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This is not an equitable situation. You work 40 hours for pay, and then you are supposed to work additional hours to pay for your lodging? And you also buy groceries? Whoa ... that is not how caregivers get paid.

I suggest that you go through an agency for your next placement. Your hourly rate may be less but everything will be above-board and reasonable.

I'm curious about the same thing moecam is -- are you caring for a family member? If so, the family ought to look into hiring people from an agency (they will need to hired more than one shift) and see if that person buys groceries and pays rent. Even if they continue to use you as the caregiver this would be an eye-opening experience for them.

If you are caring for a non-relative, give your notice. You can do better.
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Is this a family member you care for or are you paid non-related staff?
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