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Most larger grocery stores deliver food and nearly anything that the store offers. Your brother may have to have someone order for him online, but some may take orders over the phone. Good luck - it's a better time for that than in the past.
take care,
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I doubt many places would deliver for so little. I really wouldn't be worth their time. It sounds more like he needs a friend in the outside world.
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There may be some Senior Volunteer groups that would be able to take him out shopping or do some shopping for him.
There may also be a church group that would do the same thing.
Check the stores they may have a service like "Pea Pod" that will deliver groceries. (By me that is Jewel , I think that is Albertson's )
If you do not live near him what is the possibility that once a week you could make up a "Care Package" and UPS it to him. That way he can save his $25.00 and get a few snacks that will last him a week. That is if we are talking snacks and not full meals that he wants to get. Most AL facilities have in addition to the meals snacks at specific times as well as many now have juice bars and snacks available 24/7
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Aren't any family members helping out financially? A few bucks a week to help out a senior in need?
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Check with the local grocery stores as they are starting to deliver. Even Walmart delivers food! I'm saying that based on the Fry's, Albertson's, Walmart, and Safeway here in AZ. The stores are making it easier to shop.
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It doesn't sound like LW lives near the brother, if she did she would be doing his shopping for him and wouldn't be inquiring about a delivery service. Is there someone at the AL she could talk to about this? Do the other residents have someone shopping for them? Is there a senior center or church nearby who might have volunteers who would do this once a week? ... I have a disabled relative who gets $35 walking-around money, but I am in the same town. I can cash his check (or he does at a local convenience store) and take him on a monthly grocery run for snacks and incidentals (he gets his meals at his group home). But there is something called the ACT Team who is supposed to take him to doctors appointments, to get him new glasses, things like that.
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You mention that you are available to help him place the order. If all he has is $25 a month it would be very nice of you to just pick up his few things. Even if a store delivered, you would need to tip, and that would be a big chunk of his money gone. If he were my bro, I'd be happy to do it. It would probably take less time and energy just to pick up his few items than it would be to place such a small monthly order. I'm sure he would be very grateful and it would show him that you care about his needs.
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The AL provides all his meals and snacks, right? What is it that he'd like to order over and above that?

The Personal Needs Allowance in Florida is more than $25 a month. Why is he getting only $25? How can he get his haircut and replace worn-out clothing on that small amount?

There is something that doesn't seem right in this picture. Can you explain a little more?
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If his income is only $25 per month, then regardless of delivery charges he won't be able to afford his monthly groceries. Has he applied for government assistance to supplement this? Is there any friend or family member who lives near him who would be willing to pick up a list of items for him while they are doing their own grocery shopping? Any sort of delivery service will cost something, even if you hired a teenager to go pick up groceries for him, you would need to pay them $10-20 for that. I hope you can find a good solution that works for him. Best of luck.
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Donna: Why is his only income $25? Does he not have some kind of disability pension? Or does he not need a full grocery delivery b/c the AL provides his food? I'm just trying to see what he would need.
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They only drop ship for free with a prime membership. And that's $60 or so a year but you can use it too.
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Become a prime member on Amazon and order groceries... Many vendors drop
Ship for free. It will take a little
Planning but should be do able.
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Thank you....I did the same, but my brother cannot afford the price they charge. His only income is $25/mo and that seems to be what most of the delivery services charge...this would leave $0.00 for him to buy anything with. Thanks so much for responding.
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Donna, I did a quick google search for grocery delivery in Jacksonville and got several promising sites, perhaps you can do the same.
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