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I agree, Margaret.... It took 2 of us, mom and me, to watch out and care for my grandma, who had ALZ, and she wore us out. I was pt time companion to another lady with ALZ, and while we had fun, nowadays you can't even talk to her - it makes no sense to her. Demonic, I've always thought.... who do you think they're talking to, those that do that? And why are some so afraid? My mom has had lady client with ALZ threaten to push her out a high window; mom locked herself in a bedroom, called the agency, and got out of there when a replacement came.
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Its called 'sundowning'. Many people with Alzheimer's and/or dementia get it in the evening into the night, sometimes at the same times every day. They get restless and piddle around the house, and are wide awake, and active. My dad was like that in the evening, but once he went to bed about 8pm, he slept all night. My mother in law has Alzheimers now, and has it every day usually towards evening and during the night. They have to give her pills to relax her, as she has a hard time sleeping too, and gets pretty fidgety. Its part of the disease, and its hard for the family that cares for them. Once they can't walk anymore, it ends, but they can still be restless.
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