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Lillylu, if you do check into hospice please share what you learn and tell us what country you are in. We learn from each other!

In the US, most hospice service is provided at home, or if the person is already in a nursing home or assisted living facility, then there. There are some really nice hospice houses but the minority go there.
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I don't think he wants to live at this condition...
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Lillylu, wherever you are, I think you should investigate what hospice services are available in your area/country. If there is one thing I've learned in my 62 years, it is to not assume that I know things about a subject I haven't researched myself. Don't go by what you might have heard from others. Hospice is certainly not a place to "drop" someone. In some places hospice will come to your home. In places where there is a hospice facility, often a family member can stay round the clock.

Stress causes most people to think in a rigid and linear fashion. At this point, you might want to take a step back and evaluate the therapies your father is currently receiving and if they are appropriate. I'm talking about the feeding tube mostly. Did your father express a desire to be kept alive at all costs?
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Final stage means ?Is it days or months or years..
It is feasible for him staying at home we have a person taking care of him 24/7.
I feel staying at home during final stage is better than dropping him at hospice...
Thanks again
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I don't know how hospice works where you are, but it is worth checking into. I agree that keeping him home would be best if that is feasible.

Usually by the time they are sleeping 20 hours a day that is final stage.
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Thanks for sharing but my dad don't live in US to cover by Medicare..
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Lillylu, hospice will come into your home to help. The easiest way to get their service is to have your father's doctor request it. Look around tomorrow for recommended hospice services and schedule an evaluation. Hospice is covered completely by Medicare.
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Can't we keep at home instead hospice..he is 81years old and my mom wants to be there during his last stage. Once they reach last stage when they give up does it take day or weeks or months of year..
It's hard to see him this stage..
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Sounds like dad is probably ready for hospice. Ask his doctor if it's time to have him evaluated. I'm sorry.
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