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Really interesting sendhelps, love information like that.

Send: I hope that you can get some sleep. Insomnia is not fun. Prayers for your pain to abate, too.

I made some bran muffins from a vintage Quaker back of the box recipe because I was feeling nostalgic about the muffins my mom used to make and I remembered that was her recipe. It really drives home how much our diets and expectations have changed, the recipe stated it made 12 but I made 8 not overly large muffins from it and they are just so different from the fluffy, overly sweet, cake like muffins we have today. But I like them, although I should have used more dates per muffin.


I like bran muffins. Did you put raisins in them?

I once heard from a dietitian that in most recipes we can cut the fat and sugar in half and it will still turn out well.

Many muffin recipes use an enormous amount of sugar, as much as a dessert.

There are some recipes that use honey, molasses or pure maple syrup. They have a bit more nutritional benefits. It is still a form of sugar though.

I haven’t tried replacing fat with applesauce yet. Some recipes call for applesauce to reduce fat intake.

Same with yogurt in recipes instead of sour cream or mayonnaise. Oh, and don’t get me started on eggs. Some say they are good for us and others disagree.

Cooking is chemistry, finding that right balance of ingredients. We want food to be nutritious but still have a good flavor.

I know that we save money by cooking our own food. I enjoy cooking.

People who watch what they spend will cook at home instead of eating out often.

I rarely get dessert in a restaurant. Most cost around $10. Pastries in a coffee shop run up the bill too.

I have had some vegan desserts, that were delicious. I have no clue how they do it.

I've tried to cut out some of the fat. But I tell ya, everything is better with BUTTER! 😜

My mom always stuck a whole date or two in her bran muffins so that's what I did too, my grandmother put raisins in hers but she used a different recipe. But I was a picky child so I picked out the dates and the raisins lol

I had to think on the vegan desserts for a while but there are tons of everyday things that are or can be vegan. Pies using shortening in the crust, and crisps and crumbles too. Cakes, biscuits, breads and muffins can all be vegan. Lots of cookies too - peanut butter balls (buckeyes) are vegan.

One of my sons is vegan, once for his bday, I bought a vegan cake for him at a vegan bakery, had to carry the cake maybe 3 blocks . It was the heaviest darn cake I ever carried.

No clue what it was made of but it was really good.


Dates sound fabulous in a muffin. You made me giggle about when you were a kid. I was a kid who picked the raisins out of my cinnamon rolls.


Some vegan recipes are very good.

I made broccoli cheddar soup. I find soup making to be very relaxing.

I wish that I had a passion for baking. Homemade bread with soup is yummy. I tend to eat soup with a couple of whole grain crackers.

We started with cabbage fritters and sour cream this morning, R loves them so I thought I would give him a healthy Easter treat, He's trying to lower his blood sugar which is always on the high side despite his active lifestyle and lean physique. Go figure.

Cranberry preserve is already done. I cook my cranberries with orange zest, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves and I like it tart!!!

I think dessert will be a square or two of good chocolate and maybe a few berries. One day I am going to make strawberries dipped in chocolate but not today!

Golden, cabbage fritters sound delicious. I am going to be trying them soon, cabbage is a staple in my kitchen and just feels good to eat. :-) especially for sinuses.

Well we met the other grandparents for the first time today, They invited us to have easter dinner with them, and we had a really nice time ( I was nervous for no reason!) The traditional Easter meal of ham and fixings, his mom is a really good cook, and we also met the younger sister and his Aunt. So all in all a good day!

How wonderful Pam. A traditional ham! These special meals really do help bond families together.

Yesterday I made do with a frozen box dinner but tonight I pulled myself together and whipped up an Easter feast for one - scalloped potatoes with ham, roasted butternut squash and German sweet and sour red cabbage. Unfortunately the lemon pie that was supposed to be the finale is only wishful thinking.

Sounds so very good!
And the cabbage is good for you.
Maybe tomorrow on the lemon pie.

My Mom made the best lemon meringue pie and it did not look easy.
She was seen scraping off the meringue and trying again because it wasn't exactly the right golden brown.

lapin au chocolat

I never heard of cabbage fritters but I looked them up and they sound really good.

itrr - cabbage is one of my fave veggies. Always has been.

pam - so glad the visit went well. You won't be nervous next time.

cw - wow Sounds so good. Sweet and sour red cabbage is a great dish.

send - your mum must have been a perfectionist! Haven't made a lemon meringue pie of a long, long time but I know I have never scraped off the meringue!

ana - a must for Easter!!!

brandee - R who is loves latkes (potato fritters) was surprised they were so good

I was gratified that the turkey etc. turned out very well. I thought I had over cooked it but it was fine. The gravy was to die for and the stuffing was light and tasty. Actually it was one of the better turkey dinners I have turned out. I guess I haven't lost it yet!

Turley soup is on the way!!!

Golden, you had asked a while ago about an appliance that did multiple functions and were wondering if they did any of them well. I couldn't answer at the time, I was still using my toaster oven. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately it pooped out and I could not find a replacement, so, I had to bite the bullet and get a multifunction air fryer/toaster oven/pizza oven and 50 other preset functions oven.

I would highly recommend the Emeril Lagasse French door air fryer.

Once I stopped slamming the doors, I really like that they are not hanging down for one of my dogs to accidentally get burned by being nosey. I have used loads of the features and I find it is superior to a toaster oven for all the things I used my toaster oven for. It has a smaller footprint but larger profile, it has 2 shelves for cooking, so more space overall. I can not use my 9x13 pans but, I can easily use 2 8x9 pans, just more dishes. It came with lots of pans and I think it will serve my purposes brilliantly.

Hopefully you have found something that fits your needs but, if not, I really do like this product and would recommend it.

itrr - thx so much for remembering and for your detailed description. I haven't bought anything yet as R is still moving in some of his stuff from the house he is selling. I really need a new dishwasher first. But I looked at it and have have added it to my Amazon wish list. It looks like something I would use often. My oven here is on the small side, not that we need anything very big, but extra cooking space would be handy. With my oldest son moving close next weekend I guess I still have hopes of doing a big family dinner one day. The turkey this weekend was a trial run. If I did a decent sized turkey in my present oven there wouldn't be room in it for much else. Thx for the recommendation!

Easter leftovers = ham and potato soup for 3 meals. So happy it turned out yummy because potato soup doesn't freeze well, makes the potatoes to mushy imo.

Golden, you are welcome.

We cross posted last night. I want to confirm that I have the 360.

I went on Amazon to see pricing, I got mine at Sam's club for 180.00 and I was surprised by all the different models. Just wanted to clarify.

I need a new dishwasher too. But, I am married to a contractor which means I am last. :-) soon though, he will retire for real this time and then my house gets his attention.

With all your new friends at your condo, you can do potlucks and have your son over :-) big dinner!

thx itrr - That's a good price! No Sam's club in Canada. The condo social association does potlucks in the amenities bldg for everyone. I haven't been to one. My food allergies really restrict me and, honestly, I am not a very social person. But family - yes!!!

I wouldn't call them friends -just people I say "Hi" to, My oldest son says it takes him 5 years before he calls someone a friend. I'm more in that line.

Golden, the 5 years has started. May you find your friend cup running over in 5 years.

May you have lovely family dinners to fill your desire.

I find as I age that a big dinner looks different. I use to do 10 or more dishes, now 4 or 5 with desert is BIG and I enjoy it more, more time to visit instead of meal prep, clean up, etc.

How nice that your condo association does potlucks so you can at least meet the neighbors.

thx itrr. For sure as we get older it's all about achieving the same basic thing with less effort - working smarter not harder.

May God bless your day in a special way,

ETA All this talk of potlucks has brought back some great memories. I used to entertain - lots of people (mostly from work) and loads for food which I did myself. My policy was to cook till the first visitor arrived. I did the main dishes then experimented with new things in the last hours. and it was all good. People remembered my parties. The house was packed but it worked. Couldn't do it now. 😊

I finally got around to making my lemon meringue pie and now my house smells like burnt meringue 😢


One time I burned sweet potatoes with the marshmallow topping! Somehow the thing caught on fire.

LOL 😆 I had no idea that marshmallows were so flammable!

I think that I ended up scraping off the marshmallow topping. Even experienced cooks goof up once in a while.

Is your entire pie burned or just the top? Lemon pie is delicious. Sorry your pie was ruined.

Somewhere along the way I lost my ability do make the kind of meringue that tops so many pies - it shrinks, it deflates or it burns (or it does all three). I picked off the really burned bits (most of the peaks) and it was surprisingly okay, it tasted like campfire marshmallows.


Use a Swiss meringue recipe and a kitchen torch to toast the peaks. Guarenteed it will be perfect every time.

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