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Happy 1st Day of Summer!
Somewhere, somehow, there is a body of water with your name on it, just waiting for you to celebrate summer!

Thank you Luckylu!

I can too!

I would think just get through the next 12 hours or next 6 hours or next hour.
I would think I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I would remember that God was right there with me.
And writing. I wrote down how I was feeling and that helped some just getting it out and onto paper.

Thanks Grannie Annie!
So being grateful helps.

I have heard from members who are having a hard time finding this "Discussion".
So congratulations if you tried so hard and then found it! I count that as a success.
Kudos for you! From me.

Also, Kudos to the many exercise buddies over on another thread for keeping it up, or for keeping going back!

My dH rides with a group, who afterwards send KUDOS to members on their cell phones. Sometimes, I wonder if he rides his bicycle the 45 miles just for so many KUDOS..

When I got overwhelmed and feeling guilty, I'd whine to DH (who was feeling well then), he'd listen amd then remind me that Auntie was much better with us than she was home alone, 2 states away.  If that had continued, she'd be dead by now....take a break and be easy on myself. I needed that reminder.  I also get reminded here on-line about that glass being more than half full.

Sometimes, I just take my hubs by the hand, and say:
"We will get through this together".

Should someone make some rules for the group therapy?

In the 12-step groups, there is no cross talking allowed. What is cross talking?
Answer on google is:
"Crosstalk is giving advice to others who have already shared, speaking directly to another person rather than to the group and questioning or interrupting the person speaking at the time."

I am an advice-giver, so that will be hard for me. I will try not to cross talk if that rule is accepted by the group.

We will need a group moderator, who knows how to do that? Volunteers needed.
I would like to nominate CWillie, Countrymouse, If at all they would be participating. First posters early a.m. would be nice, imo.

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