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So I'm checking the upcoming grocery flyers on line and many of the stores are pushing BBQ season and sales on stuff like watermelons, corn on the cob, steaks and burgers and their condiments - what the heck, it's the first of May! And we live in Canada! Even here in the sunny south of Ontario it's not time for backyard parties🙄 I think our grocery executives need to get off their yachts and take a reality check.

nacy - breathe deep. You'll be OK and you will have fun.

HHF, I'm so sorry to hear this devastating news.

I'm flying for the first time in 6 days, so that on my mind! Starting to really feel the tension, stress and some excitement!

Lol, Alva, your right Jeff Daniels is not aging well.

Yeah I've seen pics of Clint recently, he looks tired.

It is interesting to do that. Jody Foster is my age, and doesn't get any surgery, so I look at her and then look in the mirror. Lol

Poor Clint Eastwood would like to join the cast of that show you mention, SP, as well.
It is sad to see. That said, some of the stars who I watched as an older adult and who were just "kids" now look almost old as me, as in Jeff Daniels. Something of a comfort in that and also somewhat disconcerting. I keep looking and wondering if I should go check the mirror like the plague. If I check I may not look like Jeff Daniel's Sister, but rather STILL like his granny! Ha ha!

My mom looked like an extra from a horror movie and nothing was keeping her here but her fear of death and her own stubborn will.

It's what happens when you have good doctors, prestige, and money.

Which I'm glad I don't have, the poor guy needs to go 😔, I feel like they really need to let him go

Jimmy Carter looks like he should be an extra in the TV series The Walking Dead but he is still alive one year after entering hospice. It is insane.

I have my fingers crossed.

Waiting to hear if we win a bidding war on a ranch home in 55 and over to downsize .

Geez , trying to be good and plan for old age is tough in this real estate market .


I am glad the car is gone. One less worry and the payment was so high on it. I have decided to get only used cars from now on, as in six or so years old so I can pay insurance, I will begin driving again by starting slow, driving a couple blocks.

Thanks doggiemom, I was wondering since I do have people in my life undiagnosed on the spectrum.

Also I'm an undiagnosed dyslexic. It obvious to everyone around me. So I find it interesting to get diagnosed.

I am a bit concerned about the cognitive test , when they start that. So I've wondered if it should be in my chart. Although I may be better at spelling words backwards than some, 😆

I just wanted to answer the question as why I want a diagnosis. I might have to hold off for a while, but down the road I might have to apply for disability. Yes, I know Asperger's Syndrome not longer exists as it is under the autism umbrella, it is just a personal preference to use it vs autism for many reasons. I can be diagnosed by a psychiatrist, I just would not get testing although I may be able to get a referral if I am diagnosed again.

hothouseflower, I am so sorry about your friend. Prayers

HHF: So very sorry. Prayers sent.💝

@Hothouseflower I am very sorry to hear about your friends brain tumor.

My heart is broken for you. I am going through this with a family member. He is 15 months past diagnosis, removal and treatment and the last two months has developed many new issues. Every so many years it seems that someone I know has a glioblastoma. Only thing in common is seems to have happened to them in their 60s. So sorry.

HH, may The Lord touch both of you during this difficult time.

May you both receive courage, strength and wisdom to face this challenge.

So sorry, HH. Sending you hugs.

Hothouseflower - ((((hugs)))) for you and your friend. So sorry about the diagnosis. Prayers for both of you for strength, peace and healing.

I'm sorry Hothouseflower, I lost my brother to glioblastoma.

So sorry for you and your friend, flower, we are here to listen ❤️‍🩹

Hothouse Flower. Your friend is lucky to have you in her corner. She has a lot of decisions to make now about what kind of care she will and will not accept in fighting this. Support her and let her use you as a sounding board. Don't complicate things with your own opinions about her options unless she specifically ASKS for it. As one who has done the Big C. twice I can tell you that the opinions and advice of others is one of the most complicating and confusing parts of it all. She's going to need the advice of a good medical team who gives her ALL the options. Support her choices and love on her. There's a lot to learn that enriches us on ALL of life's journeys, even this one.

My beautiful friend who is more a sister to me than my own was just diagnosed with a malignant inoperable brain tumor. Any prayers be would welcome. I’m devastated.

I’m exhausted when my granddaughters leave after a weekend. I cannot imagine having to raise kids into my 50s and 60s.

Nature has its reasons for what it does.

Okay I just read an article from Yale University and the idea behind delaying menopause was not to prolong fertility indefinitely, it's about having the ability to preserve the hormonal benefits, in addition this could also possibly benefit women who experience early menopause or have to delay having children because of cancer (or other) treatments. Of course we don't have to look hard to find lots of unethical doctors who might take such treatments to the extreme.

"they want to prolong menopause so women can have babies later in life" It's not only wrong it's stupid. They should work on a menopause pill for men to stop them from remaining fertile until they die.

Just heard on the news , they want to prolong menopause so women can have babies later in life , this feels so wrong to me.

I'm picturing 30 year olds taking care of there parents there while adult life.

I am curious doggiemom, why you want to get diagnosed for the autism spectrum disorder. If being diagnosed will get you more help

Because I have an undiagnosed son, he is awesome, and doesn't need help, but my undiagnosed step son. He does well, but works as a janitor, lives with us. I don't mind, I enjoy his company, and he dosent bother us. But I worry about him and his future, would love to see him socialize more, and get a better paying job for his future. His dad gets frustrated with him, and sometimes I'm all he has.

So any information you get may be helpful to me.

That's what I thought cwillie, but wasn't sure if it was state or all states, I'm wondering the same thing why to get tested,

Also it can be called niro divergent.

Margaret that's really interesting about vestibule deases. I suspect it's not as uncommon as they say. I've wondered if there was at times a relationship between anxiety and vertigo. It seems some people get vertigo at times there stress is really high

AFAIK Asperger's is no longer a recognized diagnosis, instead it is now considered part of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

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