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I don't care if I get allergic to chocolate.
Death by chocolate is sounding good right now. Lol.

Yes, I have allergies! I may be allergic to myself!
I had a quick sore throat yesterday, just thinking about honey. Lol.
I took a Vit. C. It was gone later.
I am careful to store honey in my cupboard way in the back, hardly ever use it!
On second thought, I am not going to try it for allergies.
Thanks for the 'principle' behind honey for allergies. I don't like honey all that much, and Chamomile tea does not make me feel very good.

This year, I am gasping for breath every so often (not daily), as if my throat is closing up.

Funfilled day at NH. My mother had to go to the bathroom and needed assistance. She said she wanted to go back to her room. I wheeled her there but could not find a nurse to assist. I tried to get her out of her wheelchair but didn’t think I could do it properly so I left and found a nurse.

It turns out if she was in the common area she would have gotten the assistance she needed. There is someone there who does exactly this but I didn’t know.

My mother had a few choice words to tell the nurse about me, that I did not help her, etc not knowing I was there.

And on top of that the pacemaker tech was waiting to see my mother and heard it all while standing there. I told him this is nothing new, I could never do anything right.

Looking forward to the end of this slog.


I did not know that and I tested positive for ragweed allergy. I have chamomile tea in my pantry. Uh oh…

I am allergic to just about everything. Mostly, inhalants. A couple of meds, only a few foods.

I did allergy testing many years ago. I tested positive for all things except for a couple of them that I was tested for.

I begged the technician to spare me from being told that I was allergic to chocolate. He laughed and said that he would do his best!

Yes, cwillie! Yes. As with so many things, we overdo it. Like me and a package of Trader Joe Old Fashioned Potato Chips.

The principle behind honey for allergies is that you would be doing the same thing as allergy shots, using small amounts of an allergen to desensitize your immune system, therefore the honey would have to be local and unpasteurized and ideally also collected from bees that were feeding in the proper season thus collecting pollen primarily from your allergen species.
I've read lots of anecdotal evidence but nothing in real life.

People need to beware of any natural remedies, natural does not = safe. For instance did you know chamomile is a relative of ragweed and can cause symptoms in those sensitive to ragweed?


I asked the forum for feedback on honey because I have horrible allergies.

Anxiety and Send were responding to my earlier post on this thread.

Thanks for your feedback.

Oh yeah, AnxietyNacy, it is sure a thing. When you are reactive honey, especially honey made in your own region (which is growing the things you are reacting to) can swell your lips up real good, and if it swells your throat as well (angioneurotic edema) you can just about croak from it! Send, if you're having allergies be careful playing around with honey!

So anyways, quick note. I talked to a friend that has horrible hay fever and he has a huge sensitivity to honey. Gives him a bad sore throat., honest thought he was nuts , so I googled it and it is a thing.


Sorry to hear that this trip has started off with sadness. It can be depressing to see these things in nursing homes.


Do you have allergies? I am going to try eating more local honey too.

Honey, locally sourced.
I am going to try it.


We see that from time to time. Hit the report button because they aren’t supposed to advertise anything.

Who is bestbrain1946, and why is someone pushing selling stuff?

Is that ok to do. I'm not a fan of that. Have enough sales people in life.

Does anyone else agrees?

House flower, I'm glad your parents are doing!

Needs, I have not heard of the honey thing. But kind of makes sense, because the honey in your area are collecting pollen from the plants around you. I have friends we get honey from for years and actually don't have allergies much, but I never really had allergy issues.

Arrived in NYC for my one month stint with my parents. Not the best day at their nursing home. One of the residents was parading around in his dirty diaper and three nurses were trying to get him back into his room and he was yelling at them telling them no and then kept saying “I am alive”. Sad to witness. Not sure what will be done with this gentleman. He will probably go upstairs to the memory unit I imagine.

And my fathers roommate, a really nice man who was mobile and had his faculties is declining. He’s now in a wheelchair and doesn’t look well at all.

No changes with my parents. They are exactly how they were in March.

Allergy sufferers,

Have any of you noticed a difference in with allergy symptoms if you eat locally sourced honey?

My allergies are driving me crazy. I have had allergies since I was a child. In my adult years I have suffered with asthma too.

It’s hereditary. My father had horrible allergies.

Our pediatrician recommended that I breastfeed to reduce symptoms for my daughter. We adopted our oldest daughter but I gave birth to our youngest daughter.

I did breastfeed her and she didn’t suffer with allergies when she was younger, but as an adult, she has started developing allergies like me.

I am allergic to everything and I took allergy shots when I was younger. I had a severe systemic reaction to the shots and nearly died.

I wasn’t ever able to reach the maintenance stage while I was taking the shots anyway.

I do take meds but there are times when they don’t help me at all. In addition to having seasonal allergies,
I also have allergies to animals, dust mites, mold etc.

I keep my house extremely clean to ward off any triggers. I wear a mask when I clean, dust and vacuum.

Everything is in bloom now and I love going for walks. Spring and autumn are my favorite times of the year.

I make sure to take my meds when our grand dog visits. He is so lovable and hard to resist.

I would love to get another dog or cat of my own again but I know that I shouldn’t, so I haven’t caved.

Please share with me if you have seen a reduction in your symptoms from consuming locally sourced honey which is supposed to help with seasonal allergies.

Eva and Golden,

I am a fan of all of the Seinfeld cast.

As far as George’s character, I thought the episodes with his parents were hilarious 🤣!

I must say that I am a huge fan of Elaine.

Ratings went up when Elaine joined the show and fans missed her on the episodes that she didn’t appear on.

Elaine really did add a new dimension to the show. I love her character!

You are not alone, Eva.

George C is my fave on Seinfeld,

I think I have strength and intelligence but sense is gone, as I know I should not overdo it and yet I do it.

Love it!
will copy to my notes.
My is simple if any are fans of Frank Canstanza (sp) on Seinfeld,
Serenity Now!


Sounds like a good prayer to me.

My version of the serenity prayer these days -

Lord give me the strength to do the things that can be done, the sense to ignore the things that can't be done, and the intelligence to know the difference

Took mom to dollar general yesterday, wanted to get her out more this week since I'm going away next week. But my trip anxiety is high and wasn't in the mood for long day out. I was assuming that sence she went to dollar general last week and spent 120$ , that it would be a quicker trip this week.
Well I need to learn to never make assumptions, 150$ later....

Moral of the story, assume nothing 😖

Wow cwillie I thought, new Yorkers had it bad.

The May long weekend is not that far away and that's always been the traditionally start to summer and BBQ season, IMO flogging things like imported corn and watermelons when most farmers haven't even been on the land yet is just exacerbating the disconnect between expectations and reality.
And Lake Huron is currently 5°C

Cwillie, in east tn my little grand-nephew (age 9) has already been swimming in the lake for 2 weekends (in 70s and 80s).. although we have snow in the forecast for tomorrow. So grilling outdoors has already started too.

you’re always one decision away from a totally different life.

Look at how exciting it will be to go on trip.
I admit I am fearful flyer who loves traveling and I went on hundred of flights. I know it is the safest way to travel, but fear is not rational. I would never give up traveling.
So true for us Canadians, my BBQ is cover with 10 cm of snow, another 10 cm predicted for today.

Same in NY Willie, in a couple weeks we will be seeing, back to school supplies 😠

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