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Golden: It certainly is! Glad that R is doing better.


Oh my gosh, I love Queen too. No one sings like Mercury. Another one who died too soon.

The movie was pretty good. I liked it better than Elton John’s movie.

I have very eclectic taste in music. Gotta say that I was not into disco. Led Zeppelin saved me from disco!

😆 My mother threatened to break my albums if I didn’t stop playing them so loud!

My DH and I LOOOOVED Queen as well .
Wish we had gotten to see them live just once .
We have gone to see a tribute band . They were pretty good ! !
The movie Bohemian Rhapsody was pretty good too .


Lucky you! He is definitely the piano man. He’s so fun to watch playing.

I love his classic tunes but glad that he is recording new music too.

We watched it the other night .
We’ve seen him a half dozen times .
He always put on a great show .
He is the “ piano man “

Growing up on Long Island it was a rule to be a fan. My friend’s husband went to high school with him .

Need - He's a great performer!!!

Anyone watching Billy Joel’s sold out performance at Madison Square Garden right now? So good! Wish I was there.

I saw Joel when I was 18 here in New Orleans. He was great then and still great now. Love him!

Hahaha, I love when people have a wonderful sense of humor and can make fun of themselves.

Joel just admitted that he can’t hit the high notes like he used to. Elton John couldn’t hit the high notes when I saw him at our jazz festival a few years back but, damn he can still play the piano!


Hoping all goes as well as possible.


Glad R is doing well.

How's your SIL, Alva? Sounds like a sick man.

R is much better since starting antibiotics. He never did see the dr. He was seen by an RN who was going to send him away without antibs in case it was viral. He insisted he needed the antibs as he didn't want any infection going to his knee. It worked. I knew he needed them even 2 weeks ago but...I think he only told them he thought he had pneumonia to get their attention.

doggiemom - hope you are getting your complex problems sorted out

nacy - I'm with your on not talking politics. R loves to and mostly we agree but nonetheless I saw um and ah and don't get involved in conversations about politics with him or anyone else.

llama - sounds like quite an improvement

Alva: In the past at my ER when going via ambo after vitals and IV insert, the patient was placed in the waiting room. Fortunately things have changed there and they have a separate 'urgent care' area without a marathon wait.

Great advice Alva, thank you

I'm glad you are working on things doggiemom, and slowly getting things figured out.
So wrong that mental health is so costly, seems so wrong!

As for what's on my mind. Life is good, but I don't talk politics, hate when people talk politics, and it's starting again. Just this week 2 people I've ran into and where chatting said things that really made me frustrated.

I can not talk politics at all , I've learned what not to say, to advoid and political division. But when someone I'm talking to brings up something so darn stupid and a completely lie , I have such a hard time walking away and not opening my mouth. And I'm afraid that being election year, this is just the beginning. I know that whatever I say isn't going to change anything, but I just can't shut my stupid mouth, when I here such stupidity.
I'm feeling like I've really got to learn how to shut up, but not sure if I can.

Just need to vent that out

I have to refile the divorce paperwork because I didn't use the right paper (it's online but still the one paper did not have the stamp they wanted on it). Mark's medical bills total over $6,000, so I did make sure to add that in trying to get court paperwork waived. I have had a few job offers already to do video interviews, which is nice. My brother and sister-in-law are working on setting things up for the home I will be moving to in NM and will make sure all the utilities will be on when we get there in May.

I am just amazed at how much mental health costs in this country. My insurance covers all of it since I met my deductible, thank goodness, but I still have to go to two different therapists. One is a psychotherapist for Asperger's Syndrome. I did get diagnosed about four years ago, but I can't remember the name of the psychotherapist, so I will undergo testing again and then a regular psychologist for my anxiety/depression issues.

Just weighing in here with everyone needing medical care it is sometimes hard to get these days without a month or two wait time. NOT GOOD. In medicine nowadays the squeaking wheel is getting the oil, and the rest of us are out in the cold.

If there is a case where it may be pneumonia? Blood clot? SOMETHING?
Get thee to an ER.
If truly there is pain do this by ambulance because the cot gets DIRECTLY into the ER rooms, not in the waiting room.

I say all this because my beloved SIL just got a blood clot in the lung. He may actually have already had one in the past couple of months because about 2 months ago a lot of pain in chest on hike. They saw him in urgent care right away as 69 y/o with chest pain gets seen. His CK enzymes and heart stuff all fine, so they did xray which looked like "inflammation" and sent him home, with ibuprofen.

So a month later he goes to AZ to see his Mom, comes home and about 2 days off plane with same pain but on the other side. Off to urgent care and a scan done this time. And lo and behold. BLOOD CLOT.
An odd one apparently with fluid around it, may have been there awhile and isolated itself. On blood thinners. Being worked up as someone with no DVT, no other symptoms, but s/p covid, so "one of those" clotting disorder perhaps to do with covid. The whole forms being made out and all for studies.

Just this. CHEST PAIN, COUGH, BLOOD in sputum. Get to urgent care or ER and if it is chest pain then do it by ambulance. It's hard to get seen today. I don't know about you kids, but I don't call a doctor unless I NEED TO BE SEEN and this whole two months in future? Nope. Not sitting still for that one.

Good to see you, Venting, even if stopping by to Vent. Hope you stick around. You're missed.

Just letting ya all know bladder control items at CVS are on sale this week. In my anyways

Golden and Eva: You're quite welcome.

Thank you, everyone!!

Just a reminder to get your flu and pneumonia vaccine when you’re due for it.

I never bothered with getting the flu vaccine when I was younger but I never miss it now that I am 68.


Saw on your thread that your friend has pneumonia. I hope she will recover soon.

NHWM, Llama and Golden
Thank you. Difficult night and day, but he is getting better.
We all have those days. Hope it will be better tomorrow.

Thanks for prayers,all.

So glad your hub is feeling better, eva.

R is too. He had a looong nap and a good meal and feels and looks better. I don't think he has pneumonia, but he feels he still has something in one lung since he had covid. This is such a change for him. I guess he is still a bit worn down from all his medical issues and working outside on the farm in cold winds doesn't help. And we aren't getting any younger...

Re hair colour, I'm thinking about an ash blond next visit to a hairdresser.


Sending love, hugs and support your way for your DH.


R seems to be able to handle whatever comes his way. Hopefully, he will be able to get back on track soon.


We all have crappy days. You can vent on this forum anytime.

Eva: Prayers for your DH.

golden: Prayers for R.

There seems to be a LOT of pneumonia going around right now!

Thank you.
He is getting better.
Hope R will as well.

Thx nacy
eva -hope your husband gets better soon. Sounds worse than R who had a chest x-ray. is back with antibiotics, and is napping now. I better get out the frozen turkey soup.
venting - hope things get better soon. You are the only one who can change them.

Hope you're all well.

I'm in a terrible, terrible mood today. Things aren't going well. It'll improve. I just needed to get it off my chest, that I'm having a horrible day.

I do not embrace gray.
I have little gray so far, I cannot stand it.
Had my cut and color done last week, copper and blonde highlights. Needed change.
It is absolutely essential for all caregivers to get some nice outfits. I always be fashionista. Slovenly is OK on occasion, today is definitely one of those days for me.

I hope R will be OK.
It happened to my husband yesterday as well.
Called dr, told him first appointment available May 6.
Trouble breathing, coughing and so on.
I called and right away there was appointment available after I explained there was no way my husband can sit in emergency for 10 hours. Bronchitis, all night coughing, wheezing.
The state of modern medicine indeed.

Golden, yeah modern medicine is great. I guess we all need to schedule are sicknesses and plan better around the doctors schedule. 😖. Hope R is ok. Keep us posted

Sends, I was wondering about that, if I colored my hair gray, will I still be coloring every 3 months. Good to know. 👍

Thanks needs, 😀 ! Oh I didn't see the aquarium, great idea. Love aquariums. Went to the one in Gatlinburg TN last year on are road trip stop. It was really fun 🤩

The state of modern medicine -

R came back from the farm yesterday, his "cold" having got worse. He called for an appointment with his doctor.

R: Hello -I need an appointment.

Nurse: May 9th

R: I think I have pneumonia.

Nurse: Tomorrow morning 9:30, 10, 10:30...

Send: Good tips!

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