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CM- you are probably right, The way things go now a days.

Just for the "heck" of it, I looked at pages 2, 3, and 4 of the Forum and found 4+ postings that have NO answers or replies.   The Forum has been so busy these past couple of days that there are postings from 5-9+ hours that have never been replied to.  What can we do about this problem?  I don't want these people to feel that we don't care about them.

They'll probably just keep raising the age at which you become eligible, Smeshque.

Over here it used to be 60 for women and 65 for men. That obviously wasn't okay from a gender equality point of view, plus they raised the age for men from 65 to 68, I think it was, so then they had to even up the gap, so they started shunting cohorts of women up the scale bit by bit.

Since all this began I've rather lost track, I don't know what state pension age is now. 117, I expect.

By the year 2035, SS will be unable to pay full benefits to US residents. It will be cut by 25%.
So probably in 25 more years, maybe none.
Looking like DH and I will not be receiving and SS. I guess what we pay in now and all our working life, goes for those now.
And so the story goes......

Send-It appears Murphy has run away.
Was Al Capone the right answer? To who said, Never mistake kindness for weakness.

Did Murphy run away?

Al Capone.

Countrymouse, Linda 22, Thanks so much for the information.

Here's a good link for Maine

Google Parkinson's support groups - I found a couple that listed groups around the country. MJFox Foundation is a good source of information. Look for a Rock Steady program in your area. I can't say enough about how much this exercise/PT program has helped DH. I saw changes in balance, muscle strength, no shuffling...just wonderful. He's even had improvement in range of motion in his shoulder, which we'd been told might need surgery (just needed steady PT). The side benefit is an impromptu support group of people who get it.

Does anyone know of an organization that has local čhapters in the US for persons or caregivers of people with Parkinson’s? My younger brother was diagnosed about 2 months ago and we’re looking for resource information.

For those of us who are "off" anyways, we enjoy the company.

MsMadge took the day off, and she is not even in Canada!

Yay! Easter Monday! Just after Easter Sunday!

Easter Monday is kind of a weird semi holiday in Canada, some people get it off - most notably gov't offices, schools and companies with strong unions - and the rest don't.

Went back to the store for journals.
All the "S" engraved journals were gone. Too bad.

Those Canadians, get Easter Monday! One more chance to eat chocolate eggs and bunnies.

Gershun keeps reading my mind. I was in a store where they had small journals with a choice of only two different letters, engraved in gold on the cover.
I bought one, and the clerk asked if it was my initial for my name.

I explained, yes, but there are only two choices, maybe the "J" stands for Jesus?
She laughed. Asked what the other initial is? Well, it is an "S", and you know what that stands for! She then laughed much more.

Maybe I should buy that one too.....I said. It is my sister's initial. LOL.

You should Madge. I say , do things that make US happy. We deserve it, taking care of our loved ones. Like I probably said before.. being a caregiver is a job & were the boss. Do what you want. Have some fun and relief!

Unite Together


I have thought of taking creative writing. I may one day. I do enjoy expressing myself in writing. It's therapeutic.

I was in a bookstore the other day and they have really nice journals with beautiful covers.

Aye are es?

It makes you wonder 'what did we do before technology?' Oh wait...we interact with eachother! We not only enjoy the people we were around but we enjoy just what the day will bring. Remember those days when you woke up just wondering what will happen that day or who will you run into? When people actually looked at you or do I dare say--smile at you! Everybody is busy being busy.
But I have to ask...what will be these people's regrets not getting that prefect picture or that new cell phone or will it be that they missed their lives because it was stolen from them by technology and they never even knew it!!!


you should take a creative writing class

So, hubs is not cooperating with filing taxes, he says "tomorrow".
Coachella Music Festival has his full attention.
I am not going to scream.

I’m a widow. No children. My MIL moved in with me to save money. FIL is self pay in NH. Her children and I are frugal so she will hopefully have the funds she needs when her dementia advances to the point she can’t stay at home. We do go out to dinner at a local restaurant that discourages cell phone usage. We enjoy seeing people we know and chatting back and forth between tables. This outing and church activities are our social life. I saw a teenager texting yesterday in church.

Seriously, people have to stop butt dialing me, it's costing me money (I've passed my talk limit)

True that, Send. I've watched in amusement a couple sitting together at the local mall food fair, both with their laptops out not interacting with each other.

I wonder to myself was this the scenario that morning?

Husband, "so, still on for lunch today" as he scrambles to put his coat on with one hand cause he has his cell phone in the other trying to text.

Wife, "yeah, I may be a bit late cause I'm stopping off at Amazon to pick up that order"

Husband, "what order?"

Wife, "you remember, that pop up that came up the other day about prepackaged food delivery, we're starting that today by the way"

Husband, "okay, see you at twelve" not even listening to her answer

Wife, "kay" as she absently stirs little Joey's cereal not even noticing the dog lapping up the milk she spilled.

Fast forward to Lunchtime:

An hour passes, Husband and wife both close their computers. Husband absently mindedly pecks wife's cheek. They barely exchanged three words at lunch. "great we could finally meet for lunch hon" They both dash off in two different directions.

15 min. later: homeless guy happily eating lunch left on trays at foodfair that hubs and wife didn't eat.

Yep, modern society at it's best.


Not even going out to lunch with that person who used their cell phone all during..........never again. It is bad enough when it is an entire family of four sitting nearby, but never at my table please.

Gershun it is a sad thing going on with kids now. Pretty soon, they will not even know how to read or write and can only identify and communicate with pictures.
Gettin' crazier everyday.

So what's been on my mind today is how weird this world is compared to how I remember it being when I was a youth. Don't you feel like kids today are really missing out on real experiences. Is there such a thing as a spontaneous moment anymore? People are so busy capturing things with their cell phones so they can post it on public media sites that I wonder sometimes if they ever really soak up the moment or are too busy trying to get that perfect shot for their instagram accounts. I don't know about the rest of you but I just want to eat my meal when it's served at the restaurant, not take a pic of it.

I guess this generation probably thinks how we did things was weird but I wouldn't trade playing in the backyard with all the neighborhood kids with sitting staring at a computer screen for hours. But, that's just me.

“I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers”. Blanche DuBois played by Vivian Leigh in A Streetcar Named Desire.

murphy- if you run away, they will just find you.

if I decide to run away.... don’t tell on me.
( packing bags in my squirrelly mind)

Wasn't that quote from Gone The Wind? Or am I thinking of "I've always depended on the kindness of strangers"?

I saw one that made me chuckle. I don't know who originally said it, but it says, "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things."

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