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That's what I thought. So the "Cancer at age 90" thread where I was scolded for pointing out it was from back in June should have been closed.

I know where to find the glossary but I'm still not able to find the article about abbreviations. An easy link to the forum rules might be good too for when threads go off into the twilight zone.

Three months I think.


Does anyone remember how long a thread has to be dormant before it is closed? I've tried searching for the answer and can't find it.
And where is that link to all the abbreviations for the newbies?

Ditto to everything you just said Pam!

Well I have to say that I have been away for a few days, but the last few I am really noticing a lot less posters. If you look at the timeline for answers you can see when others posted.. often it is hours ago. I get on after work, or in the evening,, used to be prime time for posting. Now I can get on and no one seems to posting . And indeed we seem to have lost a lot of us old timers. I do welcome the newbees, but they seem to get a lot less responses now. That is sorry in my opinion. So while I am still here, I don't seem to have many chances to respond..

Uhmmm… I hit the Newsfeed to continue to read the latest. And it kept spinning for a while. So, the internet hiccup seems to be related to the Newsfeed portion.

I just clicked on the browser and hit Newsfeed. It took a while with the spinning thingy before it finally opened to Newsfeed. I tapped on the 1st item, which was this. Opened quick enough. Maybe it's stop-and-go flow...

The site has slowed to a crawl for me this morning. Anyone else?

Also response box keeps closing.

And had trouble with login.

I give up. Have a good day all.

I actually find myself looking for the new questions more now just in case someone has been left with no response whereas before the new questions were hiding in plain sight.

I admit I've been guilty of just going to the threads where people chat but lately am looking for new questions where I could possibly be of assistance.

Sendhelp, I fully get what you’re saying, and I haven’t given up. This site has been a huge help to me in days past and likely will continue to be as the challenges with my dad increase

It is easier for me to navigate using just my avatar, click News Feed.
It seems to me if one wants more content, click "follow" more people. If one follows the busiest and dedicated posters who are daily answering new questions, one will get more new content without really trying.

You know who they are, and it is not a clique, just wonderful people. Imo.

However, Daughter of 1930,
Many posters have said they are just reading, but it is nice to see you have not left us as abandoned caregivers.
Same with CTTN55, good to see you still here.
O dear, now I am sounding like the attrition keeper, when all I want is our place to be comfortable, safe, and friendly, and also welcoming to caregivers and former caregivers.

Peace to you all.

I’d be very interested to know how much less posting there is since the change. I know I’m here less and less, and others are gone entirely. But I don’t guess that’s info that will be told. It’s unfortunate that people were driven away

I didn't know that people asked for a section of questions that needed answers.

Personally, I get tired of looking at so many sections, and it's even more annoying when reading the forum on my phone.

Then again, I'm not as invested in this forum as others. I'm really only checking it nowadays for updates on Dorker's saga and to see how Midkid58 is doing.

Some of us actually asked for an easier way to find questions that needed answers because when people posted in the middle of the night or the forum was extra busy some questions got pushed off the main page and overlooked.

I think there is definitely less traffic on the forum now.

There are three sections to Questions -- Needs Answers, Recent and Popular. Too many! Why is there a Needs Answers section? It's a little like nagging people that questions need answers.

For Discussions there are two sections -- Recent and Popular.

And it's confusing to allow replies under posts, because they are difficult to find.

Still no word from the forum administrators?


There it is!

When the new site launched, that is what the website looked like when I pulled it up. Not sure when that view changed for me.

Anyway, just thought I would ask or whine about it in case admins were wondering about traffic. I imagine the number of folks trying to use the site with phones is way down.

On my phone, the Forum is very hard to find. The only way to find it seems to be from the menu drop-down and click "Ask a Question". No wonder traffic is down. And instead of forum label it current activity or some such.

Hi Send

I can see the reply’s directly to a specific poster. And the option to do so if I choose.

I read also there is a forum button on the top ribbon.

On my phone the top ribbon consists of menu bar, AgingCare, Find Care, and my Avatar.

I don’t know, I am just not seeing as much content as I did on the old site.

The upside to that I guess is that I don’t spend much time on the site going from topic to topic like I used to.

I wish we could upload HUGS of our choosing especially since there are so few.

I wish there were more Hugs to pick from on the new site.

Oh yeah. It is just like Cwillie said.
I was trying to say that......😯😜😜😜😜😕

There is a new feature that allows posters to reply directly to another poster right there on that thread, just below their name. Even much later.
So maybe this is where the news feed item is hiding.

This has happened to me also. I am still at a loss to find the latest entry at times. And, I will post, then a previous post shows up below mine.
Here, have some emoji hugs.....

I am signed in.

Newest First.

Newsfeed shows an answer 22 mins ago. Tapped on thread title to see complete thread. Last answer showing was 44 mins ago. The answer showing on newsfeed is just not there.

This is a problem often for me.

Wondering if it is because I’m using my phone?

I want to once again complain about the option to reply to a comment 😒
It seems that some members have been busily replying to each individual answer rather than updating the group as a whole - this is probably exhausting for the OP and all that shows up on the news feed is the last comment made, so although the OP might have been busily replying to a dozen people we get none of it. IMO it really is asking a lot of anyone following to scroll through the entire thread to read each reply in order to see any updates or additional details that have been added (or to even see that their own comment has been replied to).

So nice to see some of you posting again. Frequent Flyer, MountainMoose, CM etc.

Please stick around.............please! Pretty, pretty, please............with honey on top.

There, did I grovel enough?

One more for good measure................PLEASE!

Another thing I don't like is the response window is a fixed size. That's fine if the response is short, but many times responses can be lengthy. I'd have to move the slider up and down to re-read it. There's no way to pull the response window bigger to see the whole response.

As much as I love this site, I'm rarely on it because of the new format.

CM, are you checking for new questions and posts using the "Forum" button on the Aging Care ribbon at the top of the page?

If you aren't signed in the threads you visit are usually showing helpful answers - be sure to check that you are getting newest/oldest first.


Yes. When I pull up the site there are new answers/responses. When I pull up a particular thread the new answers/responses aren’t there.

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