
But I am really Frustrated with Peoria hospital telling me she was approved so we come back from Bon Jovi and picked up the dogs and we were going to check on mom at the nursing home. Well we walked into her house and the nursing home got the denial so now I have to get a doctor to call their doctor by 4;30. We didn’t hear anything I said lee has to go back to work and we only have one car here then I guess my sister in law called my cousin telling him he has to talk to me for his hunting and everything is mine. My brother blocked my number again but my husband is cutting grass and they are joking around. I was terrified that I needed to find a renter. he told me to just tell him where to send the flowers when she dies everything is on my shoulders and my husband we have to go down every week on his days off to cut grass and work on the house all because of my daddy’s will. I am ready to break I woke up with aches all over and pain all over and when we brought her here I was on the phone for 7 hours and the next day 6 but she didn’t say a word it’s like it’s just expected of me.

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Once again I apologize this is the little bit of time I get to update and vent my mom was med flight on April 23 rd on the 26 th the hospital she was at told me that she is all set to go back to the nursing home for additional therapy they just needed to arrange transportation this was around 3;40 we are in bumper to bumper traffic in Chicago going to Bon Jovi there was no way we could get better. So I paid 150 dollars to have her transportation. Now they couldn’t do it until tomorrow morning. We picked up the dogs and were going to get mom settled in . I just put my foot in the door and the nursing home called and she was denied, I needed to have her doctor call their doctor by 4;30. I got that started then another thing happened my sister in law called my cousin and said they are done with the farm you have to ask Penny if you want to go hunting that it’s all mine. I tried to call my brother again but he blocked my number yet my husband was joking around with him in the yard as he was cutting grass.then I have my other cousin ordering me that the three of us have to sit down and talk about her care, I know this but I cannot make someone do something they don’t want to. I didn’t even know if he was going to plant. This is happening while I am waiting for the appeal plus my husband has to go back to work sometime and we only had one car. Well we didn’t hear anything from the appeal so we self paid over the weekend. Monday I was back in Wisconsin having a great day and I found out it was denied she spent Monday night to there was no way I could have gotten everything ready, we picked her up and brought her back to Wisconsin with us, it’s not perfect but at least I know she is safe . I don’t mean to add to this but she refuses to do things for me or complains and makes rude faces at me and is just not nice she does not have dementia. For example Sunday I could barely move my body was telling me I needed to rest but everything was about her and then how I didn’t call this person or this person about her being med flight I was a little busy it’s like she is bragging about how sick she was and then she will ask why me self pity I don’t go for that. Anyway last night I was just finally checking emails and she said I wonder how bev is doing ? I should call Betty she ordered me to call her I said I will dial but I don’t want to talk to her I just want to decompress she said well I don’t want to talk I said either di I she got all pouty and then called, it’s the same thing with getting dressed I don’t want to or later and walking same thing but the way she looks at me is so mean I apologize there is a lot in there

Read your previous posts. So understand a little better.

Yes, sorry hard to read.

Was the hospital suppose to set up a nursing home? Who denied Mom and for what?

Nice family there. Hope you have POAs in place.

I know, you are mad and overwhelmed so you wrote how your brain was going. Glad Mom is doing better.

Staff come and vent any time, but i do not understand your post either.

Staffbull, I am glad to hear your mother is better. Sorry to hear you are having aches and pains though. Thinking of you.

Hi there, I am sorry but am having a tough time reading your post. Is your mother now living with you? Wasn’t she is a nursing home? Please don’t take it personally but I can’t understand if you are asking a question or giving an update. Your paragraph is one big sentence. It may be hard for others to help you as well. Thank you.

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