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Cali, thanks for that information about the nurse-patient ratio. I researched it and looks like mid december Newsome did a temporary thing on nurse patient ratio only for those caring for covid and only in an ICU department, so they are up from 2 to three patients each. Probably doable with patients on a vent because so many others are doing crucial care on them, but my fear with changing this around is that they will lose nurses. Apparently that is already happening and I feared it would as we head into second year soon enough. As to other states with NO limits, well I knew long ago why all the Traveling nurses came to Cali and it wasn't only about the money. It was the staffing ratios. So glad we had them all these years.Saved my life.

The other night CNN had an excellent document program about the 1918 pandemic. I've seen this once before, and it is so interesting I didn't mind watching again. Oh my gosh, here it is 2020 and we haven't learn anything from the 1918 pandemic.

People in 1819-1820 were refusing to wear masks. There were super spreader events, mainly war bond parades. Unfortunately antibiotics had not been developed, thus people were dying within 24 hours of getting sick. Masks were made of gauze, and noses were not covered at first. So many parallels to what is happening today. That pandemic lasted until 1821 with 675,000 deaths. The program said 1/3rd of the world's population had died from the virus.

The 1918 virus started in Kansas with military troops, apparently it was animal related flu that passed to humans. The reason it was called the Spanish Flu was because the King of Spain had died from the virus once the U.S. troops had landed in Europe and the virus had spread.

President Woodrow Wilson at the time, and he wouldn't wear a mask. Sure enough he came down with the virus. He recovered but people who knew him said he just wasn't himself, his thinking wasn't clearly as pre-pandemic. He didn't make good choices after that.

If you get a chance look for this show, it's with Anderson Cooper. It's a 2-hour special which probably will be repeated again. Check weekend listings.

Need: Yes, that was sad about Dawn Wells.

It has been mask protocol here. I even went under a procedure and two eye surgeries while wearing a mask. Hair cuts and styles, too, all mask on protocol.

Freqflyer, that Spanish Flu doco sounds really interesting. Thankyou.

I actually thought 'bat flu' might take off as the name for this but Covid it is. (My spellchecker still tries to correct Covod - I have typed it zillions of times how can it not know this word already??!!)

Some call it 'The Rona' here. What nicknames are around in other places?

Beatty: The Novel Coronavirus.

Oh I just looked up Dawn Wells 😥😥😥.

I so loved Mary Ann. Well I loved them all, but I identified with Mary Ann the most. (And I wanted to marry the Professor).

We have a mask protocol in my county in Florida.

I have numerous health issues, and always wear a mask outside my home.

I am so hurt by my church, whose pastor and others refuse to wear a mask. Covid has run rampant through the congregation.

Two weeks ago, at my hair salon, the owner refused to request that the mask mandate be followed. Even after my diabetic stylist requested that the owner do so.

Once again, I am forced to lose something/someone I care deeply for over someone else’s refusal to treat me as worthy of a simple gift. First, my church family. Now, my stylist.

I am sad and angry.



I am so sorry that people aren’t following the mask protocols for your area.

Some people are very foolish. My niece is that way. She got Covid from not wearing a mask or social distancing.

Thank God, my niece is okay but it could have been a different story if she had serious issues with Covid. She could have died!

My niece recently texted me and says, “It’s no worse than the flu!”

I was shocked by her reaction. I texted her back and said, “Well, I am truly happy that you have a mild case.”

I desperately wanted to tell her about the number of people that are suffering horribly or that have died but I refrained because I didn’t want to upset her, cause fear for her or hear a stupid remark back about it not being so bad!

People are dying for crying out loud!

She is one who hasn’t looked at it as a medical issue.

She sees it as a political issue which is absurd!

Covid has nothing to do with a politics or religion!

Your church should be respectful of the congregation’s health needs.


I respect your feelings about wishing to attend religious services but honestly I wouldn’t go right now.

NPR recently had a doctor on saying that Covid spreads quickly through churches for various reasons, no masks worn, prayers recited, loud singing, and so on.

There is a church here in my state that the pastor was horribly defiant. He made national news!

Our governor issued regulations and this pastor completely ignored them.

The pastor went as far as sending buses to pick people up in the community to attend church, prayers with ‘laying on of hands’ without masks worn in services.

No social distancing! How foolish is that of this church? It’s ridiculous that the pastor of this particular non denominational church said that government was taking away the church’s right to pray! The governor had to arrest the pastor for ignoring stipulations in our area.

Churches that care about their congregation have online or televised services! People can participate from home!!! How is it Godly to spread a deadly disease?

So, I relate to your feelings about feeling betrayed by your church. The same goes for your hair salon!

Foolish, foolish people! Selfish people! Ignorant people! Defiant people!

NHWM - I agree some of the churches have behaved badly for sure. On the bright side, ours has had masking requirements, no choir performances, social distancing in the sanctuary and overflow room, reservations required for each service, no lingering after church, no meals served, and I believe they are not passing the collection plate from person to person. We had one or two covid cases early on, but nothing since then! And I don't think those few cases were linked back to the church at all. Even with all this, for a variety of reasons, I've been to church only twice since March. To accommodate those of us making this choice, we've had live streamed services, online educational/discussion groups, drive through communion. There is another church in my area which was already doing drive through prayer for years prior to covid. Definitely some good things happening in the midst of this mess we're in.


Hooray for your church! They are being responsible, intelligent, loving and caring! They are behaving in a Godly manner.

Nice to hear of people doing things the right way and setting good examples.

There should be coverage on how many marriages covid has wrecked, we haven’t had it. Husband wants to live in precovid state. I am retired medical lab tech... meaning we are on opposite sides of the spectrum. In summary of my marriage for 2020 , we fought all year...

I’m not attending church. Too risky! It makes me so sad.

Such a godly example your church is. Loving your neighbors! I’m glad for you guys!

I’m sorry about all the fighting. Big hugs to you.

Moody, I am not attending my church right now either.

Absolutely too risky. My husband is in the middle of his cancer treatments.

I have asthma. No way am I going to church during this pandemic.

Call it what it really is, a PANDEMIC, it is not the ordinary flu.

my 95 year old parents got covid from the housekeeper just before thanksgiving. Mom got pretty sick-call dr. for something for coughing etc. dr. suggest get covid test-mom refuses. both had dr. appointment a few weeks later-front desk asks have you been around anyone.....yes. refuse to let them in insist on testing. Both are positive. I was in their house around exposure time also one day when housekeeper was there. I test negative but stay in quarantine away from my son with cancer diagnosis and from my parents. 2 weeks later resume appointment for dad with home caregiver assistance. CG gets tested that day for job to make sure she is not positive due to caring for parents-she is positive. Me in quarantine again for 2 weeks until CG is tested 2 times negative with no covid. Mean while sister in nursing home becomes very ill with UTI. Hospice is going to her facility to keep an extra eye on things. I call every couple days to see how sis is coming along with UTI antibiotics-not good i am told. One day, this entire thing with sis overwhelms me-talk to staff nurse about sis condition and tell her covid has stolen 275 days (at that point) from me and my sister-I may never get that time back. I have done as many window visits and phone calls as I could with limited help from the staff to coordinate with sis. Mounting cases at facility i am afraid is a matter of time before sis also gets covid. Unfortunately after multiple UTI for sis this year, she had no strength left in her body to fight off the infection this time. Sis late stage Lewy Body lost a lot of weight no interest in food for months. Sis passed on 12-27. She was transferred from hospital to inpatient hospice where i spent every single day. We skiped family christmas so i could be with sis. Her funeral was today. I want answers from the staff and Hospice about what they saw the two weeks before she passed, but no one is talking to me now. I will never forget this year ever-I am sure I am not alone in this feeling of loss, time missing our family not able to hold their hand bring them treats and some love. I miss my sister so much. I heard her take her last breath. I hope she is at peace in a heavenly place. I dont have much else to say anymore on any of this. I wear double mask any time i need to go to the store. Signing off.

I am so sorry about your sister. What a horrible year for you all. Sending hugs and prayers for you tonight.


I am so very sorry for the loss of your sister. Also very sorry that your parents caught COVID from
the housekeeper.

It’s been a rough year, for sure.

Take care. Stay safe.

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