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I love MDs post.
I DO wish the techies would read these threads, as this is where we let both THEM and one another know we are having a problem, and it's a problem for us ALL, so not to worry (like the slow-site problem and the pop up the other day).

I do know the site said they would report the AC update threads; we were told it would be at the top of our newsfeed so we would see it and know the updated rules.
Like MD I DO wonder at old posts showing up without new comments. It's almost like old questions get shuffled and repeated.
also wonder at the "newbies" dumps that seem to occur. There will be 20 new members on one day, then no new members at all. And it always makes me question. So I am curious if our forum is posted places that catch the eye of people in elder care, and accounts for 20 new members with questions one day, and then nothing new for weeks?

Anyway, I think the best way for the techies to help our page is to look in on our "discussions" once in a while, and that, and all their hard work is SO appreciated.

Good morning,

A moderator post about community standards and this thread about tech fixes have been pinned to the top of every newsfeed for the time being. We have chosen to place them there for visibility and will unpin them in the future if needed. We want to make sure that every member is aware of the standards, new suspension policy, and where to report technical issues.

The Tech team prefers the "send us a message" approach to reporting problems with the site, as threads naturally turn into conversations between members and information gets buried. There can also be the expectation that problems will be solved instantly because they are being heavily discussed or people are upset. While some fixes are quick, others take time, testing, and re-testing, before they are ready to go live. We appreciate the time to truly work through issues and build long-lasting solutions.

From time to time, AgingCare is mentioned in the media, or in resource emails for families, and so there will be influx of new posters. We know these new people will find a warm, supportive community here.

Thanks everyone, and have a good weekend.

Good morning, the ability to delete messages in your inbox has been restored.

Our team is working on the issue with the accessibility widget ("little blue man") obscuring page elements and not staying hidden.

Thanks and have a good day.

Thanks so much to the techie team!

Thank you!

Thanks for all your work!

I've spent a lot of time today rereading and then deleting all my messages, I figure there's no need to leave them.
BTW, we used to have much yummier looking cookies than the ones we've got now.

Hi all,

The tech team looked at the issue of the accessibility widget (“little blue man”) obscuring elements on forum pages. They’ve changed a setting to ensure the widget displays only in the lower right corner of the screen.

As far as the widget not staying hidden, if you’re experiencing that issue, you may have missed the final step below to save your widget settings:
1. Click/tap the widget icon
2. Scroll down to “Move/Hide Widget” and select “Hide”
3. Scroll down some more to “Hide for” and select how long you want to hide the widget 
4. Click/tap the blue “Hide Widget” button to save your preferences

Again, please use the “Send Us a Message” form on the page below instead of starting new threads about site and forum issues.


Dear Admins, a new "technical" problem I'm having on my MacBook Pro laptop is that whenever I go back into a comment to make an edit, it loses all the paragraph breaks and I have to go back in every single edit to remake them. I've never had this problem before. Please check into it. Thanks!

Same from my smart phone.

Same on my Asus laptop.

I have had the same frustrating problem that Geaton777 has had.

Same here. Whenever I attempt to edit my posts, I lose paragraphs too. Kind of annoying because I have to fix the formatting all over again.

You may have seen some test posts and test answers appear today and be quickly removed. This is the Tech Team investigating the paragraph breaks issue. They are working on it, so thank you for your patience.

Just have to say that the little blue guy is bugging me. I am on an 8" tablet and he is in my way. Always hitting him and then that menu comes up. I still cannot delete him. Can u not just delete him till you find out what is wrong? This started happening after the interface was updated.

I agree 100% with JoAnn. I’m also constantly hitting the blue man, and then the menu comes up. He’s in the way.

The Blue Man is NOT being removed "indefinitely" when I hit that option.

I was on several sites this morning that had the accessibility icon and they all had it placed about midway down rather than in the bottom corner, perhaps that would make it less likely to be tapped inadvertently.

My little blue man left when I last sent him away for one month.

If I see 'Blue" when on other websites, I leave those places and never go back.


No offense to others with a blue avatar. We are talking about the blue accessibility icon.

Thank you, Tech Team.

Please keep us updated!

Keep up the good work!

So the site doesn't have 24/7/365 monitoring?

I'm pretty sure they have a bot, but it obviously isn't triggered by attacks like this. Maybe they could be scanning for anyone making multiple posts - but then members like me tend to comment on several threads when I visit the forum 🤔

It looked like everything was removed when I checked in around 9:30 eastern time MD1748, so likely soon after office hours at 9:00 a.m.

I keep accidentally hitting the blue man. It’s really in the way. It changes my screen. Then I need to un-change.

Hi all, this morning, we released a fix for the issue of paragraph breaks disappearing when posts were edited. Enjoy your weekend!

I do the same thing with our annoying blue friend

The forums are verrrryyyyy slow and clunky this morning. It's not my Internet connection (I have FiOS).

The original post was written back in April. Just how long is it going to take for the forum to be fully functional again? The longer it takes, the less traffic it will get, the less advertising revenue there will be, etc.

Yes, over the last couple of days I've occasionally been getting a 504 error when I try to access the site.

I'm new here and can use some help with how to edit an answer after posting it past the 30 minute edit option? Is there anyway to make a change to my own answer in the comment section where my thread originated from? I contacted the admin folks but haven't heard back.

EC, I don't believe there is any editing that came be done after 30mins. And I don't think there's a away to move a post from questions to discussions.

I don't think it matters that much; if I leave out an important word (like NOT) I make an additional post on the thread

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