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ER =Eye roll
BER =BIG eye roll
ISAT= I smell a troll.

DFTT=Don't feed the trolls

Happy IVGLDSW Day.... thanks !!! - gladimhere ----- I love that....... Also love the fact that we can have some {GGOTD} "good giggles of the day" here.... as folks in our realm of {LDA} "last days ahead" need some good giggles every day.... to stave off depression...!!!

Glad you're ok, Bunnyo! :-)

Bunnyo, it's your keyboard.... I have the same issue if I tend to rest one of my fingers on a key for too long, next thing I know there are a lot of aaaaaaaa's or ::::::::::::'s. As for the dots...... dots ok :)

Glad you didn't flat line, BunnyO..... [that was so funny, thanks Dhilbe]

All those dots are something wrong with my computer software from Aol.
They are not admitting it, but I don't have them this morning after spending 45 min with the tech last night. Sometimes it is a whole lineup of 333333 too. Thanks for caring.

I saw that, Glad. Hopefully Bun is ok.

check out Bunny's profile. Maybe that answers the question.

Not sure what Bunnyo is up to....I received a "hug" from that user that contained no text other than about 80 "3's" in a row. Then there was this post with nothing but dots. Kind of have to wonder.

Luanner... hahah... I think "Bun" just flat-lined........................................!!!
I hope someone was by her or his side to administer CPR..........
In the meantime,,,, I hope everyone had a great 4th of JULY !!!! and did not get side-swiped by Arthur... took a lot of shingles off my son's house... wishing everyone well !!

OK Bun, don't get that one at all.
OK= OH KAY ;-))


Actually got this in my e-mail from a friend this morning! Just thought I would let you all know it is not just us!


Today is International Very Good Looking, Damn Smart Woman's Day, so please send this message to someone you think fits this description. Please do not send it back to me as I have already received it from a Very Good Looking, Damn Smart Woman! And remember this motto to live by: Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, totally worn out and screaming 'WOOO HOOOOO what a ride!'

DH, at least once a day I think of something to post to this thread. TRL - the ridiculousness of life!

The closest I have ever been to a goat was at a petting zoo more than 30 years ago. One of the goats thought my daughter's dress was quite tasty! The photographer for the area paper thought it quite cute. The photo appeared on the front page the following week.

What does G.O.A.T. stand for ? ..."Greatest of all time" : Source: michael Jordan...of Google tells me... and wth did I start when I said "Abbreviations are getting my goat...? "
{wth= what the heck...} not the other bad word
.. and yes, dear lloveMom , I have chased goats... Grandparents had a farm and I used to have to take 2 of them up the road with their kids to grassy areas along the railroad... Not only did I have to chase them often, they chased me also and bumped me about at times, and yes, they can be ornery, but are so cute when little...but I could never stand to drink their milk... worst taste ever...!

oops I see that was AA (Answered Already)

Wait a minute. What does G.O.A.T. stand for?

these maybe from glad's previous post

GOAT - Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test
GOAT - Gap Overlap Analysis Tool
GOAT - Gene Ontology Annotation Tool
GOAT - Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test
GOAT - Geriatric Obnoxious Angry Toad
GOAT - Geriatric Outrageous Alien Toddler
GOAT - Get Our Act Together
GOAT - Getting Over Another Tantrum
GOAT - Glossary of Acronyms and Terms
GOAT - Go Away Troll
GOAT - God of All Things
GOAT - Goes Over All Terrain
GOAT - Gone On A Trip
GOAT - Government of All the Talents
GOAT - Greatest of All Time
GOAT - Greedy Outsiders Always Trouble
GOAT - Grouchy Old Angry Toad
GOAT - Grouped Optimal Aggregation Technique
GOAT - Guru Of All Trades

Check out a Facebook Page "Goat herders Unite" Goats are a sort of internet troll that take over pages, at least from what I gather so far. Still reading. I found out after this original post that GOAT in internet slang is "Greatest of all time", but have found other definitions, can't again now.

that's my AC handle.... it's an old lady....hahaha

What's DHIBe

Google is a great encyclopedia....
Get your goat...Meaning: ...Make you annoyed or angry.
The dictionary definition of goat is 'a ruminant quadruped of the genus Capra'. What's that got to do with being angry? Given the meaning of 'get your goat', we might expect to find goat as a slang term meaning anger or annoyance. That meaning is recorded in the US book "Life in Sing Sing, 1904" ,in which goat is given as a slang term for anger.
Well, I picked up this phrase from my KY husband, rest his soul... he was never in SingSing, TTL-Thank the Lord - hmmmmm - he must have read the book .

To Shakingdustoff: Have you ever chased a goat? Or lost a goat? Neither have I :)

but I can imagine they are stubborn....

Inspector3500... hmmmm... A Sundowner {SD} is the patient who slapped me when I came too close while trying to help him... when I still worked in a Florida Hospital...
ALZ-patients or Dementia patients get tired more quickly than us young folks of 79... and that usually results in worse behaviour, attention, and reactions, until you can get them to bed and to sleep...
That turn usually happens @ the end of late afternoon/evening ... hence the term Sundowners.

Glad, I reached that stage last year. I just make another email address just for AC. Also, when I comment on a thread and have no plans to read the follow-up, I automatically go to Following and 'stop following.' This has drastically cut back on my incoming email from AC.


Time to un subscribe from this thread.

I am on too many, taking too much time to read them all.

GTOTT getting tired of this thread

Debralee: ATTLS
great book, by the way. SK is my favorite writer.

Shilo8: BYMLH

I wanted mom to get out of the house so I took her to Target while I looked for a bottle of vitamins. I was a few isles from the vitamins so I told her I would be right back. When I got back I found her in the book isle with 3 books in her hand trying to pick up a 4th and move her walker at the same time. I asked her if we could go bc I had to use the bathroom (not) and she said me too then she started laughing. Well then lets go now before you pee your pants. She was LHAO so much she grabbed her stomach. I caught the books and she pointed to a page and started to read it to me. It was 'Doctor Sleep' by Stephen King:

FEAR - F**k Everything And Run
prefatory matters old aa saying

(aa - alcoholics anonymous)

If she did have an accident Target was the one that was going to be wiping this one up! Really, you just can't take us anywhere! The whole store heard us laughing.

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