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need help ,
id check the pawn shops for a saw . then id check menards to make sure the pawn shop wasnt trying to be silly with their price .
two words with a table saw ; push stick .
anybody can have a moment of misjudgement -- a little nick in the push stick beats the hell out of a severed thumb .

- I found my 1960s Beatles mags from my Liverpool, England penpal!
- My daughter traded up and got a high end Denali and also a 3-step increase in wages!
- My niece arrived at her next duty station - Fort Carson, Colorado!

NHWM: Do you have a harbor freight supply in your area? Usually they have things like that for cheap and many of the products have gotten very good reviews, no complaints. Lowe's also sells craftman tools (a sears brand), They have gotten very good reviews, too.


Any suggestions for an inexpensive table saw to buy? I tried looking online and got confused. Hubby isn’t really a carpenter type. He’s my hi-tech guy.

I got him to cut boards for me for my project but he kept saying that it would be so much easier with a table saw.

Captain, firewood processing machine is way cool!  My husband had to split our wood and saw into lengths.  He'd wait till they froze to split, because it was quicker.  Then we got a used splitter, which I could do.  I'm not good with an ax. You brought back memories.   I miss our wood stove, but not the work.

I got a dividend check from my former employer - $50 more than last quarter

I got the last oatmeal cookie at the lunch counter

and, with any luck I’ll get to leave work in time today to tuck the Viking in to bed

Our brand new airport opened up today!

Music playing! We have fabulous musicians 🎼 !

It represents New Orleans very well with incredible food and cocktails! Gear for our New Orleans Saints games. Who Dat!

Elaine 1962: Please do not assume I don't care about others and I don't have any compassion for others. Please do not assume that I don't understand depression and mental illness. That's a accusation and that hurts my feelings. Plus, I have tried to never say anything mean to anyone on here, I have always tried to be respectful to everyone.

Usually my therapist recommends remembering positive things during a tough time in your life. It keeps you moving forward, instead of staying in a depression or funk, if you want to call it that. I am no Pollyanna, but once my father passes, I will grieve, but I will have to also pick up the pieces eventually and move on with my life. My dad told me once that I have to stay strong for my family, when there are losses and bad situations. It helps them, and it also helps me, too. Someday, there will be no people, like my parents, to help me get through things, I will have to do it myself, sadly.

Just my two cents. Have a nice night.

1) it was fun shoveling snow today (I'm in WI and we've had 8 inches already)

2) made a big batch of sweet potato soup
, it was so good

3) looking forward to picking up a stack of Amish mysteries from the library tomorrow

My daughter is meeting with her advisor this week to review her final plans regarding her final months of school.

She is excited about the possibility of an upcoming job after graduation in Colorado.

Salaries and opportunities for advancement in Colorado are much higher than Louisiana.



3 good daughter has 3 ulcers! This is actually SUCH good news, because the other stuff they were scoping her for were more serious.

My 3 good things for today:

1. Perfect Fall weather, cool, sunny and clean air.
2. Taking a nap
3. Dinner is taken care of by Costco. As my husband usually says, "This is your best cooking." Haha.

Anonymous, cetude is entitled to her opinion just like we all are. You don't shut somebody up just because they don't agree with you. My mother does this to me all the time. Maybe Cetude suffers from depression and can't find anything good right now. Show some compassion Anonymous.

pretty cool ,
i got to operate a firewood processing machine all day today . this monster holds multiple logs . you convey them forward one at a time then shift them forward where a 24 inch hydraulic chainsaw cuts them into firewood lengths . the lengths drop into a splitter , thru the splitter then up a conveyor and into the dump truck .
brand new machine . im flattered that i was chose to operate it .

and my new boots are at the post office .

i have a ( what i hope is ) nice pair of insulated army boots coming from ebay . only cost 30 bucks -- tremendous savings .

my new batch of beer is nearly ready to " rack off " into settling jugs after only 3 days fermenting -- it smells great .

im going to the forestry for another truckload of firewood here in a bit . it costs 10 bucks but the equivalent in electric heat is probably 400 . 00 .

The sun is coming up, a stack of good mysteries to read, house is warm and cozy this morning...and for me, always a good cup of coffee. I also look forward to buying a good pair of walking shoes today.

One: My 22-year-old cat is still alive and looking very cute in all curled up in his cat bed right now.

Two: I have a good book to read before I go to bed.

Three: I love my husband but I am adoring the fact that he's not home right now so I can have some extremely rare peace and quiet.

I like this exercise a lot, I do think it helps. My mom and I both suffer severe depression. Hers is worse and she can become psychotic but by some miracle it is under control now.

I am on the highest possible dose of an antidepressant and do all sorts of things to help manage the condition, but I still need all the help I can get. So grateful for this forum.

- After being out of state for a bit, I got all caught up on Aging Care.
- I began Christmas shopping.
- My cholesterol is 117.

rather uneventful day today . i came home and checked out the obits and jail bookings . my name isnt in either one so i guess im doing ok .

savalot cranked up the pizzas ive been buying from 5 bucks to 6 . 50 . its like they think nobody's paying attention .

needless to say " i aintt'a payin it " .


It is normal to feel sad when bad things happen. Hugs! Not everyone is a Pollyanna. Even therapists say we don’t get over things, we work through them which can take time.

1) Acceptance of people no matter where they are.

2) I have true friends that I don’t have to pretend things are fine and dandy. They are encouraging but also loving and patient.

3) Going for a daily walk is really nice. I don’t mind riding my exercise bike, especially with music in the background but it’s nice being outside.


cetude: If you can't say something nice, then don't say it all. Don't participate in this thread if you can't say something nice. Thank you.

Great idea:
Mother is in advanced dementia at AL and we have a dentist visit scheduled for tomorrow. But..
1) She says she feels safe.
2) She is treated with respect.
3) She says the food is okay.
4) She is not in pain.
Music to a son's ears.

This is a great idea! Thank you!

Thank you for starting this thread! My three things (from yesterday.) Too early to tell yet for today! :-)

-Celebrating my son's 16th birthday with our traditional donuts in bed breakfast
-My daughter wearing Christmas accessories and jumping around the house to Christmas music even though we just wrapped up Halloween
-Walking our dogs with my son

1. Mum has finally realized she needs to move into her own unit as she is well enough again to live alone.
2. Feeling relieved I will have some of my independence back. (taken 3mths of convincing her that us living together isn't healthy for me.
3. Looking forward to my holiday in Vietnam next week, mums 2nd carer (hired) is amazing with her and I really won't worry at all while im on holiday.
4. Being happy now, the moving house will be in 6mths time (lease ends then)...that stress can wait till then. Meanwhile I choose to look forward not backward. Depression lifting. Yey!

Good, positive things-
-DH dresses and feeds self, sleeps well, and seems to have normal memory issues for being so exhausted all the time.
-Going out today to meet with 2 friends.
-Car set for winter, working well, and no snow here yet.

oh, so many things.
1 - talking openly with my mom about her memory loss - what a relief.
2 - I get to go to my cancer yoga class today - start a new week.
3 - the weather has turned cool, hot humid days of summer are in the past - I hope.
4 - my trash pickup man just waved to me.

I doubt there really is any "joy" in life other than we are here and we have to live. But it's the only life we will live so make a go of it. The way things are going in the world, one day we wake up and there will be mushroom clouds in the sky...
Actually when you force too much positive thinking--it can do more harm than good. It is normal to feel sad or miserable especially with catastrophic loss like a spouse, job, or parent.

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