Over the span of two decades, author, columnist, consultant and speaker Carol Bradley Bursack cared for a neighbor and six elderly family members. Her experiences inspired her to pen "Minding Our Elders: Caregivers Share Their Personal Stories," a portable support group book for caregivers.



How do I deal with siblings not providing support?

That's true, Suzime. Attitude can make a difference. It's hard not to be mad when no one helps out, but if we look for the precious... see more


How do I deal with siblings not providing support?

Rachel, you need to get your mother (and probably yourself) on Medicaid, if you aren't already. Please call you county social services... see more


How do I deal with siblings not providing support?

Dimsie, you are right that one size doesn't fit all. There are many families - and you read about them here - where taking the parent... see more


How do I deal with siblings not providing support?

In general, our parents to the best they can with what they have and what they know. I try to remember that and remind others of that, as... see more


How do I deal with siblings not providing support?

What an uplifting note! Thanks for writing. When this kind of care is possible, it's wonderful for all. Not everyone can care for an... see more


Is there someone out there to take care of me?

Yes, it makes sense. You aren't losing your love for him, but you are so tired of doing it all. You are human.


Is there someone out there to take care of me?

Take care, Miak. Sometimes you have to just detach from it all, and it sounds like you don't have much choice but to ignore your... see more


Is there someone out there to take care of me?

Those falls are awful. My mother had a wrist alarm and lived in her own apartment for several years. I was getting calls all the time from... see more


Is there someone out there to take care of me?

You gave an eloquent answer. I appreciate your wisdom (hard earned, to be sure) and know others do, as well.


Is there someone out there to take care of me?

Lindam, your words are from a wise person who has lived and learned a lot. No one can walk in anothers shoes. Many adult children must make... see more


Is there someone out there to take care of me?

As Tracy says, you are not a horrible person. You are a good person dealing with a huge amount of stress. Please keep talking, get as much... see more


How do I deal with siblings not providing support?

Children can be raised the same, but personalities are so different. I believe there is a certain personality that takes on the caregiving... see more


How do we, as caregivers, take care of ourselves?

Good enough has to be our mantra, whether it's housekeeping chores or trying to make someone happy who can't be "made"... see more


How do we, as caregivers, take care of ourselves?

It takes time to find balance, Nitzipinki, and it takes time to look inside to find priorities. The "friends" who fall by the... see more


How do I deal with siblings not providing support?

Good for you, Bennie. Your attitude will help you a lot.


Is there someone out there to take care of me?

Sibling issues and problems with parents as we grew up do make it all harder when we are faced with their care. It sounds like you have a... see more


Is there someone out there to take care of me?

It sounds like your mom feels the need to control something - anything - and this is her current choice. She knows that she is losing so... see more


Dementia or Alzheimer's?

She is afraid and that is part of what makes her act the way she does. Is she being seen by a doctor? Sometimes medications can help. But... see more


Is there someone out there to take care of me?

Hi Patty, I know it doesn't always make sense, but agreeing with her when you can helps. She believes what she sees and says and... see more


Is there someone out there to take care of me?

Talking about these issues helps. None of us can really solve another's problems, but we can suggest and support, and most of all, we... see more

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