Over the span of two decades, author, columnist, consultant and speaker Carol Bradley Bursack cared for a neighbor and six elderly family members. Her experiences inspired her to pen "Minding Our Elders: Caregivers Share Their Personal Stories," a portable support group book for caregivers.



Can you buy life insurance for a disabled person?

Have you checked with other people who are diabetic? They may have an idea. My guess is it's very expensive, just like with other... see more


Any advice for a new full-time caregiver moving into position this week?

Hi Cathi, Cat is right on.Get everything in writing. This is not to say you don't trust people, but it is to protect yourself. The... see more


My mother doesn’t believe anything is wrong with her. She has changed doctors because she doesn't like that th...

Hi Cindy, You do have your hands full. Thank God you have some help. Take care and please keep coming back to this site. We've got some... see more


My mother doesn’t believe anything is wrong with her. She has changed doctors because she doesn't like that th...

Good advice, Cat. People who discover they have dementia are fighting for their dignity and facing such severe losses. Whatever... see more


Can you buy life insurance for a disabled person?

That's a good question. I have a son with depression and he can't get life insurance. It should be illegal. He's not suicidal,... see more


How can I be the "perfect" caregiver for my mother?

We are all imperfect and will always be so. We do our best with what we have. We strive for more information. We share our stories and gain... see more


Can you buy life insurance for a disabled person?

Hi Nancy, This is a tough one. You maybe can, but it will be really expensive. A lot depends on what your health issues are. You should... see more


My father just passed away and my mother is struggling from dementia. Do I tell her about my father's death?

Funny, Jen! I was always told it was good to say that, and when I told Dad that he thought I "wanted him to die." It was awful!... see more


My father just passed away and my mother is struggling from dementia. Do I tell her about my father's death?

It's so gratifying to read how you help each other! Everyone has such good ideas, that the whole community becomes exactly that - a... see more


My father just passed away and my mother is struggling from dementia. Do I tell her about my father's death?

Good plan. Watch her reactions and go from there. Each person is different, and you have the travel problem, which can be very upsetting to... see more


My father just passed away and my mother is struggling from dementia. Do I tell her about my father's death?

This is a heart-breaker. My mom had dementia when my dad died, and I had to tell her repeatedly that he died. I think she knew on some... see more


How does one cope with the loss of dreams while supporting the present situation of taking care of a home, ill...

I'm so glad you are reaching out. This is your first step in taking care of yourself. Please understand your feelings are very normal,... see more


I am worried about my dad's lack of activity and recreation. How can I get him more involved?

Michelle, your dad could be suffering from depression (likely he is). It may be also dementia, but depression is often found with dementia.... see more


How do you deal with a mother so mean and abusive?

Welcome, Mystery Sue. We're glad you're here. Believe it or not, the idea that your mother is totally different when others is... see more


Is there someone out there to take care of me?

You're not complaining, Eddi. You are human and you have a lot on your hands. IS had some good advice. I'd check with your state... see more


Is there someone out there to take care of me?

Writing out how you feel is therapeutic, as you can tell from the numbers of people chiming in on this forum. Please keep coming back. You... see more


Why do I feel alone in caregiving?

msTish, you have kept the spirit of the promise. No one can guarantee that a person won't have to go to a care home. It's best not... see more


How can I avoid putting my mother and father in a nursing home?

Wow, you are really a well-reseached caregiver. I wish PACE were more widespread, and I expect it will be, but it's a great option for... see more


How can I avoid putting my mother and father in a nursing home?

That's an interesting site, and I'll be checking it out for sure. People seem to have some very different ideas about these sites.... see more

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