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Is your sister able to defend herself?

If so, she should speak up and ask the staff to stop making racial remarks. She should be honest and tell them that she is offended.

She could also speak with the DON in the facility about their comments.

Is she afraid of retaliation from the staff? Hopefully, the DON will handle this situation in a professional manner.

Wishing you and your sister all the best.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom
Patartsy May 3, 2024
Thank you for your reply. Before I report anything I think I will try just distancing from the individuals involved in behavior. If it continues or gets worse I will report it. Sometimes escalating things can just make them worse.
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If they’re doing it even while a family members are around, who knows what goes on when you’re not there. I’d raise all hell with everyone up the chain of command.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to ZippyZee

Why is your sister in a NH? Does she have dementia or any short-term memory impairment?

I'm asking because people with dementia often will have confabulations about what's going on around them. Paranoia is a very common behavior for people with early dementia. It doesn't have to be every day, all the time. My 95-yr old Mom has it about once every 1 or 2 weeks now. Last year she never had it. It's disturbing because you cannot convince her that she is mistaken in her beliefs, even when I show her proofs (and it's ususally about me managing her finances).

Please consider she is not telling you something accurate. It would be a shame to cause problems for those CNAs unjustly.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777
Patartsy May 3, 2024
Thank you for reply. However I experienced it while visiting my sister. It’s not her imagination.
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NeedHelpWithMom has suggested that you go to the administration with your complaint.
I second that.
You have replied that you will distance yourself from this rather than rock the boat at present, in fears that reporting it may escalate it, but anyone who is hateful enough to make racist remarks, and those--as you tell us --right in FRONT of you is, in my opinion, dangerous.

I would definitely go to the administration. I would tell them that I am placing camera's in my Sister's room and I would tell them exactly why. I would ask that my report of these remarks be scanned to her chart and tell them that anything further will lead to your reporting the matter to police.

You don't give details. If you're not comfortable with doing so I fully understand. But if you witnessed this it is awful.

You don't tell us why your sister is in care. Does she have dementia or is she fully capable of reporting to you on this?

I would at the least have these people you WITNESSED drawn into the DON's office with you and her and speak with them directly. Hate speech as a crime is a difficult call legally because of the "Freedom of Speech" laws. But this should/could result in a firing of personnel in the case of someone helpless before such abuse.

I am so sorry this has happened to you and your Sis.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer
NeedHelpWithMom May 3, 2024

A camera is an excellent suggestion! She will have to check to see if cameras are allowed in her state. Our state does allow cameras in rooms.

Also, if these employees are doing this with the OP’s sister, chances are that they are doing the same thing with other residents as well.

The racial slurs may not stop until someone steps up to complain.
They are saying things right in front of you? I would have reported it. This is unexceptable and unprofessional. Did you not ask why they thought this was appropriate. Is your sister the only person of her race/ethnicity in the facility. I wonder how she is treated when ur not around. Maybe you should find another facility. Ibwould contact the Ombudsman too.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

Is your sister receiving decent and adequate care in the nursing home? Realistically this is about all that can be expected from most nursing homes. If she is, then maybe it would be a good idea for both of you to ignore any racist comments you may or may not have heard. Brandishing the social justice warrior sword can backfire and your sister will be the one who pays the price because there could be retaliation in the form of less care or poorer quality care.

What state is this nursing home in? I find that most nursing home CNA jobs are held by foreign people of color. If you and your sister are white women and claim that staff members of color are making racial remarks, you will probably get labeled 'Karens' by the staff and the administration behind your backs. Then your sister's care can be reduced.

The CNA staff are the people who do actual the labor work in nursing homes which is the hands-on care. It's not the nurses, or the social workers, or the administrative staff. It's the CNA staff. So your best bet would be to stay on the good side of these people for your sister's sake.

I'm not trying to be harsh to you but this is the reality in nursing homes. There can be a lot of petty behavior and the patients are the ones who suffer for it.

Then look for a different facility to put her in if you don't think the one she's in right for her.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to BurntCaregiver
AlvaDeer May 3, 2024
I would be so surprised to learn/hear that the woman who is having cruel remarks made is a white woman.

First of all, we Caucasians ARE, imho, the privileged of our society and we KNOW it, so remarks made to us about being a "Karen" or a "honkie" or a "cracker" are about as hurtful as water over a duck's back.

As to just accepting this? If someone is cruel enough to make a racist remark to a helpless resident of a care center I just wonder what they do when the lights are out. To me the though of being in the hands of such a person is terrifying.

Unfortunate, I DO AGREE that bringing this forward may further endanger sister. I think that is everyone's fear here.
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No one in a professional capacity should be making racists remarks. I could have gotten fired for doing that at even an office job. It works both ways and if it doesn't, it should. It does not say much for a facility that would allow it.

I think an investigation should be done. Not accusing anyone. The aides should be asked why they are doing it. You may find that when your not around your sister is using racial slurs and the aides are just reciprocating. Just tell the DON what you have heard and wonder why ur sister is being talked to this way. Or ask the aide why she feels the need to talk to ur sister this way. Don't accuse, just ask. By not saying anything, you are allowing it.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

Abuse of ANY kind is not allowed and should not be tolerated.
And abuse of any kind should be reported not just to the facility but to your States Abuse hotline number.
There is an Ombudsman's office in every state.
Have you heard the remarks made to her? If so you can report them.

I also wonder...
If someone thinks that racist comments are alright are they verbally abusing others and is there other abuse going on Physical? Mental/emotional? Are they denying food? drink? Are they using restraints of any kind?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Grandma1954

A wild guess is that mom is white and these aides are making anti white comments.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to PeggySue2020

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