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Yes there is, you need to talk to the doctor and tell him, and find the right meds. But most of all you need to keep safe, my father was angry the last years of his life, vascular dementia. It's not uncommon, for dementia patients to be angry, so talk to his doctor this could be dangerous for you.

But we really more information to give you better advice. You post says very little.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Anxietynacy

Call 911 when your husband gets violent. He'll be taken to the ER for a psych evaluation where meds will be tweaked to help him calm down, hopefully. Never be afraid to protect YOURSELF from a man who's brain has now been overtaken by dementia. Don't wait to hear back from his doctor, just call for emergency services immediately.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to lealonnie1
cover9339 Apr 25, 2024
Interesting, a guy in the facility was/ is similar, though he has no dementia, just on hospice.

They called the emergency after he bit a nurse. This after incidents where he overturned a table, threw things on the floor to a name a few. He'd go out and come back, the same they did this time.

In this instance, he was back the next day.
Yes, there are MANY and often whole cocktails of them. Problem is that they can have side effects, can have paradoxical effects (such as opposite of effect wanted) and that they often don't continue to work when they work in the beginning. They can complicate poor balance and cause falls. They need assessment and often are given when/where there's no medical personnel to assess the effects.

This is a medical question now to discuss in depth with the doctor. I sure wish you the best of luck.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Yes there absolutely are and as others said if you really feel your safety is threatened call 911 but if it hasn’t gotten to that point yet there are geriatric psychiatrists who deal with this and can figure out the right medication or combo. I asked my moms primary to refer us and she did so it was all covered by insurance (maybe it would have been anyway I’m. It sure) and worked with us by phone when we felt we needed something different and didn’t have an appointment.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Lymie61

Yes anger and aggression can be part of this disease. Speak to a doctor now about meds now. Also want to mention that many times the worst aggression is towards the caregiver, it's literally as if you become their worst enemy and all their hatred if release upon you. If you feel threatened listen to your gut and call for help. Don't understimate what a person with dementia can do, keep all sharp objects and weapons out of reach. Best of luck.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to NJmom201

Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JamieNe

Please discuss this with your husband's doctor.

There are medications to be certain. However, all have different side effects and many can make balance more difficult, etc.

We do not know your husband nor his history. Just know that sometimes when medications do work they don't work for a long time. The body seems to adjust around them. This is something you need ongoing qualified medical advice on. I sure wish you the very best.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Lorazepam helped my MIL with anger but she was never violent. It was a lifesaver for her and us especially during sundowning hours. Blessings to all caregivers! ❤️
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Cocomae

If you want to expedite, you call 911 for a social admit, otherwise known as the Baker Act which will put him on a 72 hour hold and assessment to get the process going. You might have to speak to a social worker in the ER and let them know that you are unsafe at home. When you call, request a CIT who is a specially trained officer. Otherwise if you go through your PCP for a referral, it may take a few weeks for an appointment.
The ER may send you husband to a psych facility if it is needed, but at least he will be treated as promptly as possible.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to MACinCT

My husband has the same issues in the afternoon. There are medications that can help. As others have said, contact your doctor. My husband uses Trazadone and it works really well for us. He also uses it for sleeping at night. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Tmmelody

Birdseed: Pose this question to your DH's (Dear Husband's) physician.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Llamalover47

There are medication for anger, aggression and violence.
Do you know the type of dementia he has? The type can be very important in finding a medication that is safe for him to take.
Quite often curbing the anxiety will take care of the anger, aggression and violence.
This next part is for you. And it is important.
If at ANY time he becomes agrressive, violent and you even think your not safe you MUST leave the room, call 911 and tell the dispatcher that you are afraid for your safety.
If he is taken to the hospital you tell anyone and everyone that you are afraid for your safety and that to discharge him home is unsafe and you can not care for him.
Once his aggression is under control then discharging him to home is fine if that is what you want.
Many, make that most facilities will not accept a resident if they have had violent outbursts within a 60 to 90 day period. So getting this resolved is important for your safety as well as if in the future you have to place him in MC.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Grandma1954

Does he have a neurologist? It's important to identify the type of dementia. Both FTD and LBD can cause aggression. I'm only familiar with LBD, but I can tell you that some of the suggestions here would be disastrous for LBD. There are meds that do help, and my husband takes one. However, you need to know what disease you are dealing with. If you are in danger, follow the suggestions to call 911 to have him taken to the emergency department, and refuse to have him discharged home because you aren't safe. This will at least get him to a neurologist faster than the typical 6 months wait. If less serious, ask your primary care doctor to get you into a neurologist faster.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Pressurized

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