
Is anyone else having trouble with the forum font size being really small. This happened to me yesterday, everything was ok and then it wasn't. Thought it was the little blue guy but no, I did not hit anything by accident there. Actually, I now have to use him to enlarge the font. It only happens in the forum. Everything is the same up until the forum.

I am on a Samsung tablet. Tried my Samsung phone and no problem there.

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No, not having problems on my Macbook Pro laptop.

Did you check your browser or Appearance settings/preferences on the tablet?

I'm not having any issues on my Dell laptop.

To increase font size in your browser:
Windows and Linux: Press Ctrl and +. 
Mac: Press ⌘ and +. 
Chrome OS: Press Ctrl and +.

I haven’t noticed any changes in the font size. I hope you get it sorted out soon.

Well, I sort of sorted it out. I adjusted the font on Chrome and it seemed to help. Weird because my old tablet and phone are OK.

Thanks everyone.

I've inadvertently changed the font when I'm trying to click another icon since those keys are right beside the home button on my browser, maybe you did something like that without noticing.

Willie, I think thats what happen but not sure what I did.

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