
My mom has late stage dementia and she refuses to take her medication for her anxiety, she tells me that she already took it or the Dr gave it to her. Any suggestions?

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We were just discussing this issue at my caregivers support group this morning, and the suggestions were either crushing the medications and putting them in applesauce, pudding or mashed up bananas or the like, or seeing if her medications come in a liquid form that would make it easy to give or put in her food.
Both options would need to be discussed with the pharmacist, as not all pills can be crushed or come in liquid form.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to funkygrandma59

If mixing it in her food doesn't work I haven't a clue.
So, Richardo's Rice pudding or Chocolate pudding from Trader Joe's would be my recommend.

And if not, perhaps all those meds aren't doing a whole lot anymore anyway.

I would discuss this with her MD.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Sendhelp Feb 26, 2024
Skip the medicine, just eat the chocolate pudding, imo. Lol.
interesting question I am dealing with. Is your mom currently living in her own home or a facility of some sort?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Karsten

With my dad, we were advised to put the Xanax (I think?) tablet under his tongue, and it dissolved right away. We could do that in various ways without his noticing, believe it or not.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Fawnby
Fawnby Feb 28, 2024
I now recall that it was Ativan. Not Xanax. Anyway, it calmed Dad down fast.
Tell her they are vitamins and it won't hurt to take another one , even if she took them already
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Anxietynacy

i have tried putting it in her food and a dissolving pill. She doesn’t really eat She snacks and any food she does take she spits out. I don’t know what to do if she would just take it it would help her be calm.
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Reply to Tweety1

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