
I guess I'll go first with this one.
The thing that stands out the most for me about MIL with alzheimers.......

Everything is ALL ABOUT HER. I could cut my arm off and be bleeding on the floor right beside her and she would worry about who was going to bring her a cookie.
I am treated as" a nothing" in her world.
Then I feel guilty for thinking she's an old battleaxe.
Well that's my confession.
How about yours?

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Im caregiver my mom91 she don't ask for much she really don't talk much mist of the time but she's getting where she can't get around much she don't want ti move in with any body .good mom but I feel so trapped at times been here 1 year and 6 months can't even go to store until some one comes up got two sisters that comes once or twice week im about to go crazy but I love my my mom feels like it's all on me don't see no change any time soon and I resent my sister's and brother's because they free to do what ever they want have 3 brothers and two sisters im I wrong to think like this I feel guilty im 71 and my health is not all that good eather
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Nora123

The "slammies..." Our LO gets so angry when she's unable to understand or when she thinks we just don't get it... she gets terribly mad and slams things.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Calliesma

People who screw over the ones who cared for their elderly LOs. I think there's a special place in H3LL for them. They better pack their bags, 'cause they're going there. Bon voyage!
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to ventingisback

I’m 35, single, only child. Caring for a mother who is 58, married to a man who does less than the bare minimum and thinks he’s husband of the year. She’s blind, can’t walk due to a stroke, has 4 autoimmune diseases, diabetes, bedsores that the local hospital let her get, kidney disease, she’s on home dialysis which I administer to her every single day, has an ostomy bag, and she’s prone to getting c-diff and other intestinal infections. I sometimes feel immense guilt because I feel like my life is passing me by and I am resentful. I take care of the house, pets, and my Mom 24/7. My car is the only car in our family so sometimes I can’t use it to go do something for myself because my stepdad will have my car while at work. I can’t work because of my home responsibilities. I can’t even go out to a movie or dinner with friends or date because I am the only one trained to give her dialysis and my step-dad isn’t helpful and tends to ignore her in favor of running outside to sit on the patio and smoke while listening to music. I do EVERYTHING. I felt obligated to care for her after her health declined in 2019. If I didn’t, who would? She and I have both dealt with thoughts of self harm due to everything going on. At one point she spent a year and a half in and out of hospitals and rehabs because she would skip dialysis for weeks at a time and would get so sick she would become septic and comatose. It started taking her 7 days or longer to “wake up” after she slipped into that non responsive state. She would do this because she felt like a burden and like her husband can’t wait for her to die so he can be free. Myself, due to her husband being verbally abusive to me, and seeing my Mom just refusing to cooperate and causing so much unnecessary stress on me. From December 2021 to July 2023 she spent a total of maybe 2 accumulative months at home. Everything else was in a hospital because of her doing. We also moved across the country in 2020 so I missed home and everyone there. All of these things caused me to eventually create a plan to end my life in late 2022/early 2023. I feel resentment towards my Mom for all of the stress she has caused me, all the fear, the physical and mental health issues she has caused me, for taking my life away (she didn’t. I chose to be her caregiver out of sheer obligation, but in my anger, it sometimes feels this way). She and I have a lot of past experiences that are unresolved and I still hold onto because of the pain she caused me after my Dad passed away when I was 17. So a lot of that past trauma seeps into my mental state as her caregiver. Sometimes it feels like a thankless, endless, 24/7, living nightmare where I am at her beck and call. I get little sleep because she requires attention and assistance at all hours. From needing food and drink, her ostomy emptied or changed, bedding, clothing and bandage changes when her ostomy leaks (which is FREQUENTLY), needing her dialysis, needing medication, needing the channel changed, needing to ask the time or a question, needing extra blankets, needing help bathing or dressing, etc. I love her more than anything and I would give anything for her. She is my rock and my biggest supporter. But sometimes I feel like her assistant or maid. I sit and wonder why me? Why her? Why us? When will we catch a break and live a calm life with no stress or issues? Will I be in this funk or rut for the rest of her life? I get so angry at her sometimes and I yell out of frustration. I feel like it’s because of all the times she yelled at me as a child over trivial things, and that’s how I know how to process my anger. Yelling at someone. She’s so weak and frail and apologetic and then I feel like a terrible person and an even worse daughter. It makes me cry and hate myself. I feel like I willingly gave my prime years away to care for her and I will never get them back. It weighs on me so heavily. But hugging her and hearing her say “I love you” makes it all go away.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to HeyKittyGirl
Anxietynacy May 15, 2024
Heykittygirl, you have a lot on your plate, sounds like you are really burnt out. Want you to know your not alone, we are here for you. Any venting or questions. Please take care of yourself , your mom sounds very ill , this won't be forever
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The fact that my wife and I had to change our entire lives right after we got married. Also, the lack of support from family. My brother in law and his wife rarely help at all. They just took a trip to Scotland and are planning a trip to Japan - meanwhile, my wife and I are babysitting her mom all day.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to nickpip25
BurntCaregiver May 9, 2024

Put her in memory care then. You and your wife don't have to hand over your lives to babysit your MIL and neither of you should have guilt about it.
I hate being the house "slave". I am trying to work full-time from home and I must get up AT LEAST 75 to 100 times a day from my desk. Today I woke up early because my dad wanted breakfast before golf came on this morning. I am exhausted and I need to put in a 9-hour day of work today which turns into 15 hours because of the constant interruptions. FML :(
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Starrann69
waytomisery Apr 22, 2024
@ Starrann69,
Dad gets breakfast on your terms when you can do it . Set a schedule that works for you and Dad has to follow . Caregiving is on the caregivers terms not the other way around , especially since you are trying to work. Ridiculous for you to go through hoops so he can watch a golf game. He could have eaten and watched the game at the same time so you didn’t have to get up early .

Getting up X 100 times a day during your time to work is over the top . I read your profile. Your Dad needs SNF if he is still bedbound . Get out from under this . He expects too much of you . You said on your profile you need help but don’t know what with.
Call the local County Area of Aging . They will send someone out to help you with placement of Dad in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) . If he has no money Medicaid will pay . Tell them you can’t take care of him anymore. It’s too much for one person.
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I miss me. I miss my mom. The woman she has become is someone who mean, selfish and approaches life like 'Mommy Dearest' where nothing is ever good enough. Mom is 84. 'Moderate' lewy body dementia per the 15 minute visit with the doctor. Add mobility issues, cardiac issues and incontinence. And a hoarder for the last 60 years. I 'temporarily' came to stay in her home when she came home from hospital/rehab stay. That was 18 months ago. I am still paying rent/electric on my place as my husband and daughter are still there until there is space here. Trying to clear mom's house of 60 years of hoard that was organized into hundreds of small boxes. Two 30yd dumpsters later, i am still cleaning shit out. My oldest sister will come for a few days as she lives on the east coast, six states away. My brother is in a rehab facility for peripheral neuropathy. My sister that lived in town passed from cancer in May 2023. Julie's death seemed to accerate everything.
Mostly i hate watching Mom slip away every day and be replaced by someone i dont know.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Payne66

I’m really tired of having other people in my house. Even the ones I like, like the respite caregiver. I imagine it sounds weird and spoiled, but I just miss having our house exactly the way we want it, and being able to act however we want when we’re home.
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to BayPoodle
BayPoodle Apr 21, 2024
Also the poop. I mean, how does it even get all
those places???
Recently I would say that having to “manage the care” a facility that costs $6000 a month seems wrong. One might think giving basic care would be a given.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Sadinroanokeva

One of the worst things about this is the true inability to talk about it and to just be “heard”. I’m not asking for advice from people who cannot step in to help. Sometimes I just want and need a friendly ear. And it is entirely UNHELPFUL to be told to “walk away”. Some balls simply cannot be dropped. That’s the worst…

Thank you
Helpful Answer (15)
Reply to JustBreathe8
BayPoodle Apr 21, 2024
Also being told
to just change my attitude and “find the humor”
in it. Not that I don’t laugh about it sometimes, but it’s not the cure all some
people seem
to think it is.
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My wife has Alzheimer's..............I feel so sorry for her and do all I can to keep her entertained and involved. When I think to get in-home or consider other options so I can have a life, guilt sets in. My kids (not hers)& grandkids live out of state and my brothers who live in state all pressure me to do something and spend more time with them. I would love to, but she really has no options other than me. I get upset at times wishing I could enjoy the outdoors and hobbies again, but get over it. The pressure from family is the worst,
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to thisnolife
JeanLouise Apr 11, 2024
So very sorry this burden is on you. I gently suggest it's time for placement. You've done more than enough. Do your best to tune out criticism. They're welcome to take over 24/7 anytime
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What surprised me the most about caring for my mom with Alzheimer's, was the unpredictable nature of the whole situation. Her lucidity and her attitude could change on a dime, so one minute she was kind, easy-going, etc., and the next, she's verbally abusive and accusatory, as in, "Who stole my cup of tea?" (She forgot that she had just finished it.) We couldn't really make any definitive plans, let's say for all of us to go out for dinner, because it would depend on her mood, so she could be nice at 3:00, and "fussy" at 6:00, (like a toddler). I found writing about my stress to be therapeutic, and I wrote down anecdotes (many of them funny, actually), that became a book: "My Mother Has Alzheimer's and My Dog Has Tapeworms: A Caregiver's Tale." I thought of the title when I was driving home from work one day, and I realized that my once broad life, was reduced to the pressing health concerns of my mom and dog. I learned to develop the mindset that when my mom would insult me (over nothing, by the way), that it was the disease talking and not her. I think all caregivers deserve a pat on the back.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to rlynn123

I'm feel like I'm giving up my life (I'm a 56 male and single) caring for my mom . Days are consumed with caring for mom. :(
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to Lwayne
someguyinca Apr 2, 2024
You are almost me. Add 2 more years, and cancer, and you could be.

You are giving up your life.

Mom was easy to care for, she had dementia but only made it a few months, and while they were hard, I appreciated them and I think she appreciated me.

My father was a completely different experience. He had 4 major trauma's: blindness, losing mom, losing driving and losing his hobby of caring for a ranch. He was stubborn, angry, resentful and most of all refused every bit of help I offered him. The 2 happiest times were when he went away for 6 weeks to a VA program (he loved it, then afterword, told me how much it sucked) and when I got him on Zoloft (he was happy, really happy, so, of course he stopped after 30 days).

If I could go back in time I would set up a Conservatorship, sold the ranch, and disappeared. This would have broken him further but maybe then I wouldn't have been broken too? Did I mention that I had a job that was terrible and that he'd curl up in a ball of worry over his mail every time I talked about a new job? And that the only joy he'd find would be riding a trike while blind?

I don't remember much, if any, happiness in caregiving for him. I was alone and it was way too much to carry.
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What bothers me the most about caregiving is that I'm not being appreciated and they take a lot of advantage of me being there. I suggest you look for another job where you would be appreciated, you're a human being too. I'm so sorry for what you're going through.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to AnonymousR111

Wow! I'm sorry for you for sure.
My mom has demensia and 4th stage lung cancer. I have lived with her for over 10 years. It's getting harder as she moans all day/night, won't eat or take her meds but when older brother gets here she's absolutely fine and only 1 extra strength tylenol all day instead of liquid morphine?!!! So? Why is that?
Everyone says she's playing me. I'm exausted. My voice sounds angry, irritated, frustrated and then he tells me off. I just spent 3 weeks full time with her while he vacationed in Florida. It was hell. He comes back and voila she's fine. Thank you listening to me rant. I love my mom with all my heart but I have no life. I do have 2 grandchildren and a new bf. I'm trying so hard. It's always about her...always has been. We used to be friends and now it's like I'm just the one who gets to clean up after everyone like usual while brother dearest gets to see the smiles. Jealous? Maybe but I don't like that emotion and never have been but what does anyone think? Am I a terrible daughter?
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Angie60
partnerwife1 Mar 29, 2024
Take a vacation! Let older brother deal with it all for a week or two....
Caregiving is the worst job I have ever had, I dont want it and I hate that there are no days off.....
I NEED time alone to revive, and it is sorely lacking in my life with husbands ALZ.
For me, I wd say having to do it full stop. I feel I have had to put my life on hold to care for my mother. My sis and bro did a runner years ago and bcoz I don't want to leave the burden of it to my other sis, we share the burden. Our mother is unmarried, has no friends, won't joi any groups etc and is miserable 24/7. Joy oh joy!!
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Goingbatty
Beatty Mar 22, 2024
"A burden shared is a burden halved" is the quote.

You & Sis paddling Mother's canoe down the river with an oar each. Hard work but moving forward.

When the time comes that one of you needs a rest (or stop completely) you may end up paddling in a circle..

Sometimes you gotta tie the canoe to the riverbank before your shoulders wear out & you all capsize.
0h yes. I can relate. I'm called a b constantly when all I do is help with everything. I want my life back.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Rogerwyatt7890

The thing that bothers me most is that I never had any choice about being a cg. I feel a deep sense of moral obligation to care for mom. I woke up one day laid off, with a mother getting too old and frail to care for herself. I was the default child because my mom and I were close. We've always been closer than she has been to my sibs, and even though they love her (or say they do), they do nothing financially or to help with anything at all. I have asked for help from them repeatedly. My mom and I always had fun together and talked. In some ways getting her story and her family stories firsthand is the single greatest thing about caregiving. I love and respect her for being such a good person. She didn't smoke, drink, and she and my dad were married 40 years when he died. Is it corny to write that she set such a good example as a mother and wife? She's fun and loves to ride around with me while I run errands. This IS a labor of love and I know others feel that way. I wanted her to be able to die at home, but I didn't count on 10 years of this and did not fully understand what I was taking on with dementia, heart and kidney issues, mac degen, etc.... Then, there's having to live in her home. I cannot move a tchotchke as it makes the dementia worse. I have devoted myself to this to my own neglect. It's caring for her and the house that consume everything I have. It would have been so much easier to do this as a family, but that was never possible in our family. What makes up for their lack of familial care and love? I am getting everything. Even the tchotchkes. Unfortunately, there may not be much left and even that is OK. I have realized life is about relationships, not possessions, and how you conduct yourself is something to be proud of in life. I hope that God forgives me for yelling at Him when I'm just too tired to do anything.
Helpful Answer (21)
Reply to Bikegirl
JustBreathe8 Apr 17, 2024
Hi Bikegirl-
You’ve written a beautiful and heartfelt post, and G-D will most certainly forgive you for having periodic human frustrations at the very difficult situation. I truly admire your positive outlook. I wish I could absorb some of that and apply it to how I feel. Maybe someday I’ll look back and see something positive about what I’ve been doing for my aunt for all these years. From what I can tell, she’s never noticed.

Hugs to you, JB
The obliviousness of siblings and other family members about the extreme effort, energy, financial burden and health effects of being the sole caregiver for my parents.
Helpful Answer (13)
Reply to Singingway
nickpip25 May 9, 2024
This is very true. My wife and I are in this situation with my mom in law now. My brother in law rarely helps at all, and it's infuriating sometimes.
Ill confess mom has demensia and 4th stage lung cancer. She moans so loud it breaks the sound barrier. She fell last week and was acting so nuts I called ambulance. As soon as she gets to hospital she can talk. Walk. Eat. Drink and make sense to Dr and nurses. They actually transported her home because I couldn't get her that day. She returned at 5pm. Moaning. Refusing to eat. Can't walk...already fell. I feel trapped. Like I'm a prisoner here with a guard that only moans at me. I make food...she says she's hungry and I bring it and she won't eat. I cannot afford to throw out all the food she rejects. It's driving me nuts. Some of you say...suck it up. How? Ever tried it? To never be able to sleep myself and with all the influcted makes me worse. I've been doing this for 11 years! And I have a narcissistic brother who left for Florida for a month and he gets me served with lies about me smoking in the house and that I won't even give her a tylenol! How would he know??? This has been in court for 16 months because hi illegally changed her poa to only him but does nothing because all he wants is her money. It's exhausting. Any advice without someone ripping me to shreds?
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Angie60
Anxietynacy Mar 16, 2024
No one should tell you to suck it up, or make you feel riped to shreds.

I'm sorry if you have felt that way
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My mother and I always argued about everything. If it was red, she will say it was green. If it took 30 minutes, she will say it was 5 or less. If he was here yesterday, she will say it's been weeks. But also she never believed anything I said from early childhood on. When I said that I thought one of her sisters had some kind of dementia, she said I was crazy. Two years later when other relatives said it, of course she believed them. Do you know what it's like to NEVER be believed?
Helpful Answer (14)
Reply to S7Catherine
Beatty Mar 7, 2024
Trying to be rational with an irrational person will wear out your brian.

I like to simply reply "Yes". Accompanied with a fake smile 😁

Some elders use verbal sparring for entertainment, to relieve boredom. I once met an old lady like this.. a nurse asked if she needed help opening her banana. "It's not a banana" came the swift reply. Nurse says something like Oh my mistake. Do you need help opening that yellow piece of food?

Old lady says " It's a BANANA. Don't you KNOW what it is??"
Begging your family to help and they won't even when you are exhausted from years of doing it all by yourself.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to Bubba12345

I hate the term "caregiver". I don't care. She's awful and dealing with her makes me miserable. I want a LIFE. I need to EARN MONEY. There is nothing good about this. Not one single nice moment. The only thing I've learned is that I have a sense of duty, which may not be healthy. I've also learned I'm not capable of murder.

If you drink, you deserve to have your kids abandon you when you're old and infirm. Those drinks are actively contributing to your future dementia.

If you don't save up AT LEAST $250,000 (that's in addition to your social security checks) for assisted living, then you'll get put in a Medicaid bed next to some other coughing patient for God knows how many years. Don't expect to move in with a relative. That's cruel.

I'm wasting my time typing this. The people who need to read this aren't reading this.
Helpful Answer (18)
Reply to BlueHeron
Anxietynacy Mar 3, 2024
I think people should most definitely prepare for their aging, and never expect you children to care for you, under any circumstances, even if you lived the best life!!!
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I love my parents but I struggle with anxiety and resentment, followed by guilt for feeling resentment. Now days, I jump out of my skin every time the phone rings. Dad loves to reminisce about the great times he had with Mom after retiring --- travel (Italy and US), socializing (ballroom dancing, bowling leagues and all of the things they did with friends). MY retirement, on the other hand, is NONE of those things. The best years of MY retirement are being spent taking care of THEM in the house they built, which they won't leave but can't take care of anymore. Dad is a sharp 95, but Mom is 91, has dementia and can't care for herself or be left alone. Because it wasn't part of their plan, ever, to move into a senior living/retirement community where they could age in place (reasonable affordability not an issue), they have left ALL of the hard decisions and heavy lifting to us. They did not take care of their own parents so they don't even grasp the consequences of their choices. Note to self: I will NOT do this to MY children. 😩
Helpful Answer (18)
Reply to Tasha123
Oedgar23 Mar 2, 2024
I’m so sorry. I relate to this level of anxiety. Always a new crisis. Like you, I’ll never do this to our kids.
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I am caring for an aunt who has no kids. I have been a caregiver for my mom and dad and they both have passed on. My issue is caring for them they were so appreciative but with my aunt, she feels like someone owe her something. She gets flip at the mouth and it's like she doesn't want to adapt to my way of living since she was a hoarder. I have ocd and it really get hard bumping heads. She need to realize that I'm helping her and right now I'm trying to find her a nice place but her income won't allow it since she didn't work a lot in her younger days. She's 85 now, and have step siblings who she does not affiliate herself with them now. I have had her evaluated and waiting on the results but I see some signs of dementia happening with her.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Brooksville3
PeggySue2020 Mar 2, 2024
I think in these situations you tell aunt that she should be glad anyone cares about her! I’m childless and if I’m the one left I would love one lunch out with the niece, as opposed to making her the cg
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Warching the decline at high speed and slow motion. DEMENTIA is a horrible disease.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to Kcobra

Watching my father's decline which has increased in the last two months. He is a shell of the father I once knew. I'm his sole provider and I think I'm depressed, have trouble sleeping, and just don't care about things anymore.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Zs60607
Angie60 Mar 16, 2024
Hugs. I'm sorry for you. I'm in the same boat. Shall we open the champaign? Sending love and hugs. I know it doesn't help much but know someone does care about you.
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So I'm not full time caregiver just yet, but being the only daughter between two brothers I can already see I will have steep path in front of me. I know I'm not promised tomorrow but if it's going in the natural order... 😔. I think what bothers me the most is that I have sacrificed the most and will continue to, and be treated the worst. Jeez when I write it down I sound like a spoiled jealous sibling. OH but there is so much more between these lines. I have always promised to take care of her and I will until I don't have the ability to do it safely. But I almost dread it and just that makes me feel like crap. Yup I'm certain I need therapy. I don't know if I answered your question but this forum has alot of experience and wise advice.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to sheepherder
Beatty Feb 29, 2024
Is it the natural order?
Or a convenience to men.

What if you were another brother?
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You’re not alone! My mother does the same thing. She has “per” doctor near psychotic episodes, his save all do all is take her to Er!!! They in turn send the sweet little old lady home! She poops on herself and gets it everywhere and it sets her off! I pooped in her pants, smeared it all over the wall scrubbed it with my tooth brush!! Not her she didn’t do it I did! And she wants to parade around nude in-front of my husband who she believes is her husband!!
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to VictorianDoll

Siblings not agreeing with me on her decline and alienating me to handle my make believe world.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to tdhawk888
VictorianDoll Feb 21, 2024
Yep! My family tool……..get told I don’t have the knowledge to care for mom! It’s a vicious cycle!
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