
My mother passed away in March. I have been trying to donate a hospital bed, but have had no takers. I called the county Department of Aging, the Salvation Army, Goodwill, hospice care, and other charities. I put the bed on Facebook Marketplace and had no interest. I really thought that there would be an interest in a good hospital bed. I checked Craig's List and eBay and they also sell and ship hospital beds. I would prefer for the interested person to pick up the bed. Has anyone had any experience with donating a hospital bed?

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I'm also surprised given the need for durable medical equipment. Salvation Army has an ad that specifically asks for hospital beds so their refusal is rather shocking.

How old is it? We rented my MIL's hospital bed. Are you sure yours was purchased? I ask only because I thought FIL bought it but it turned out to be rented.

I had no problem donating MIL's other DME and supplies. Have you already donated other DME and supplies? If not, treat it as a package deal i.e. if they want the supplies and DME they also have to take the bed.

If it's just the bed, what comes to mind is calling houses of worship in your area, and asking them if they have someone in need of a good hospital bed.
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demstress May 2019
Dear NYDaughterInLaw,
That is surprising that Salvation Army accepts durable medical equipment. I called the local chapter in Washington, D.C. and they told me that they don't accept hospital beds. I know they usually just have one driver and any donations must be handled by one person. Maybe a bed is too heavy for one person to handle.
I purchased the hospital bed for my mother two years ago. I'll try your suggestion of calling houses of worship. Thank you!
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Try contacting VFW posts in your area. They may know of a veteran in need. Or, call your local Area Agency on Aging. I know that in my city, there is an organization that collects DME, cleans and fixes it up and then loans it out at no charge.
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Some hospitals operate resale shops. Try that option.
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Hi Demsress, I’m sorry about your Moms passing. Try contacting PT or OT Agency. Since these folks are in homes, they know who is in need and would benefit. That is how my Mom got a slide shower chair. Through OT knowing what patients needed and what patients had. Good luck.
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Im so sorry for your loss. There may be concerns about disease, stains an/or bed bugs hence the hesitation
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The concerns would be the mattress. In my state you cannot sell used mattresses. But the bed itself can be cleaned with bleach water. There is also a cleaner used by EMTs to clean up ambulances. I used this when I cleaned up equipment at the VNA I worked for.

Was the bed purchased thru Medicare. If so, it may be rented and needs to be returned to where u purchased it. Call them.

Most Homecare agencies have their own suppliers. They set up and take down. Do you have a Rotary, a Lions Club, Ruritan?
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I was wondering what to do with mom’s stuff later too. Not a bed but other things, walker, bedside commode, her hearing aid, etc.
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Labmom May 2019
You can also donate to a hospice thrift store. That's what I have planned for my mom's things. I have also bought items there, so thankful things I needed I've found & very reasonable priced.
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I’m so sorry for your loss. Just so you are aware, eBay and Craigslist don’t actually anything. Craigslist is basically classified ads just like a newspaper. eBay is a marketplace, eBay itself doesn’t list and sell anything. You should put the bed on Craigslist, there will be no shipping involved. The buyer will come pick it up.
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I’m really surprised there’s no interest. Perhaps try a few apps - letgo or Nextdoor & state pickup only. You can also try calling a few local rehabs or hospitals & see if any discharged patients might need it. Ask for a social worker or case worker. Very sorry for your loss.
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In our area UCP accepts these types of donations and lends them out to anyone in need.
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I donated mine to Project C.U.R.E., which provides medical supplies and equipment to needy people in the U.S. and around the world. I had to get it transported there. They have several locations around the country which can be found by searching for them online.
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I got a hospital bed for my friend when he went into AL Memory Care from Medicare. After a year or so he owned it. When he went into Skilled Care they provided their own beds so I had to get rid of it. Fortunately I had a friend who was in need of one. Sad part is Medicare nor the Company we got the bed from would take it back. Funny thing is it was a used bed to begin with. You could tell from all the scratches and markings and poor mattress quality it wasn’t brand new. So how that happens is sure a mystery since they don’t take back beds. When my friend passed away her family ended up throwing it in the garbage since they couldn’t find any takers.
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In my city American Legion has a room of used medical equipment that they loan. They will take the bed frame but not the mattress. That has to be thrown away.
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Some places don't take a mattress for sanitary reasons. If you have curb side trash/recycle p/u you could place it at the curb. You could also place it as a free item on apps like Nextdoor including the bed frame.
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I would suggest your local Area Agency on Aging who work with the elderly and disabled. It’s kind of you to pass this on. Also I would call local Home Health Agencies. That’s where I got my air mattress.
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I so desperately need one. Bro has copd, chf and arterial disease. Trouble sleeping, sits up most of the night. Neds to be elevated due to breathing (clogging) problems. I live in Baltimore Md and will travel to get bed
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sahmed Sep 2019
Sandy, did you get the hospital bed.
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Sorry, accidentallly touched post without finishing my comment.

Deepest condolences on the loss of your mother. I lost my father and that was so painful, i just cant imaging losing my mother who is 87 and suffers with too many illnesses to mention. Keep hope in our rrsurrection hope. It for sure will come.
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Get in touch with Project C.U.R.E. (Commission on Urgent Relief and Equipment). They donate medical equipment and supplies to needy patients and healthcare organizations in the United States and around the world. A phone number in the Chicago area for them is (630) 491-8000. They have several locations around the country. Their headquarters in Colorado is (303) 792-0729. I donated a hospital bed to them last November.
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Did u get the hospital bed? I have one im in orlando fl
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Sandy01 Sep 2019
Thank you AnilNnaki1066; however, I no longer need the bed.

After about 5 continuous months of herbal treatment, holistic and aroma therapy, my brother has made significant recovery. Forward thinking doctors at a local hospital followed my brother closely, even made house visits because he was doing so bad observed and approved of the treatment. We are just about to get him a new mattress and box spring. He is back home and his children’s mother cleans and cooks in exchange for a house in which she can stay.

Recently his cardiologist expressed her disappointment with me taking him off of all his meds. I respectfully disagreed and asked her to look at the results. My brother’s holistic dr and nurse practitioner stood up for us and told the cardiologist that his steady recovery and test results support staying the course.

Thank you you so much for the bed. I wish I could still come to get it bc I have a 95 1/2 yr old alzheimer’s relative who replaced my brother in my home. I am unable to help her hetbally or holistically bc she had me promise that I would strictly follow her doctors before she declined.

If anyone out out there is interested in what helped my brother and the brother of a friend of mine, I am willing to share
Many places would take the frame but they can not take the mattress.
Check your village they may have a "Nurses Lending Closet" or there are some places that will take furniture and will pick it up but again they will not take the mattress.
Local Senior center might know of someone that could use it.

Hate to say it but many people get the hospital bed through Medicare, Medicaid, Hospice so there is not much need for a hospital bed.
The mattress, put with the garbage for pick up
And if you really can not get anyone to take the frame a scrapper will take it and sell t for the metal.
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Ojosdegatos Dec 2019
Not in my area (DC). I tried for 3 years and finally had a neighbor haul it off & scrap it. Sad.
I'm having the same problem. It's an amazing electric bed and more than anything I want to donate it to someone who needs it. I live in Redlands CA. Did you have any luck ?
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Ojosdegatos Dec 2019
Try Lions Club, VFW, e.t.c. They are the only ones I know that accept them for sure. But in my area I couldn't find any open clubs so I finally scraped mine.
I had one that I used after I had a stroke in 2013. I tried for 3 years to find anyone who would accept it as a donation. Someone finally told me that no one would take it because Medicare & Medicaid would buy a new one for anyone who needed one. Ridiculous, right?

So I finally gave up, took it apart, and had a neighbor haul it away & sell it for recycle metal. Good news was, I was able to take it apart in about 2 hours, using only a socket wrench & a pair of pinch nose pliers (to pull the springs off the bottom).

If you have a Lion's Club in your area, they'd take it, but all the clubs within 50 miles of me that I checked had closed. Try clubs like that. Otherwise, scrap it.
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demstress Dec 2019
After months of calling different organizations, I finally received a response for the bed. My daughter posted the bed on an online yard sale group and we connected with someone whose father needed a hospital bed. Initially, I wanted to sell the bed but no one was interested. Then I said I would donate the bed and called so many organizations and the department of aging, none of which were interested. I don't understand why because the bed was in excellent condition. It turned out the family of the person who needed the bed came to my house and took the bed in their truck. I am glad that someone in need could use the bed.
I'm very surprised CL or FB Marketplace provided no takers. Did you offer it for FREE? People normally jump all over free stuff. There is also a website called Freecycle. Also, contact local nursing homes to see if they have a need. My aunt donated a very nice Hill-Rom motorized bed to a NH near my parents with the understanding that if any of her relatives (who all lived near that NH) were patients there, they would get dibs on the bed as it was fully motorized and much nicer than the other beds there. Sure enough, my grandmother ended up in that NH 2 years later and she got the bed, which was great because she was an invalid and needed it.

Also contact some of the larger churches in your area and find out if they have a ministry which provides this type of thing to needy and aging members.
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First no one will take the mattress.
Check your local senior center or nurses lending closet.
You could also drop it off at a donation site. Salvation Army, Savers, Goodwill..
Worst case put it out on garbage day and a metal scrapper will take it and sell it for the value of the metal.
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I have a friend that needs bed ASAP. Where are you located?
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Spotless210 Dec 2019
I have a hospital bed where are you located
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Hello. Do you still have the bed? Where are you located? My Dad fell this past week. Needs one asap. Thank you.
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anonymous1000375 Jan 2020
I have a gently used medical bed that is located in Montrose California if you can pick it up it’s yours.
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In the Syracuse NY area we have Winds of Agape and Restart, for example. The first helps immigrants. The second helps those generally in need of furniture, kitchen items
They took bed parts, clean mattresses, too. One was going to a veteran coming home from the hospital.
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This post was from May of last year. I am sure the bed is gone.
Any one needing a bed your doctor could probably write an order for one and most insurance will cover DME (durable medical equipment)
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I have a gently used medical bed that is located in Montrose California if you can pick it up it’s yours.
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This thread should be locked to further replies. The OP hasn’t been back in 6+ months and there are people offering beds if you can come pick them up—which isn’t safe at all.
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anonymous1000375 Jan 2020
I promise you I’m just trying to give my grandmothers medical bed to someone that could use it no strings attached. When you don’t need it anymore you have no idea how hard it is to just give it away. Let me know if you have anymore questions or concerns.
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