
Let's take a break from the stress!

Assuming most of us are the "sandwich generation " this should be fun!

What, in your opinion is the worst 70's song?

I'll start.

Muskrat Love!

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Tie a Yellow Ribbon Around the Old Oak Tree. Thankfully it rarely plays.
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Countrymouse Mar 2020
"... there ain't no yellow ribbon 'cos there ain't no bloody tree." - I can't remember who did the spoof version, but anyway the tree had been cut down. Mercifully.
This will be controversial, but there is one that makes me want to throw things at the radio, or else reach in, take the ladies by the neck, and give them a good shake.

Abba's "The Winner Takes It All."

I know the reaction it provokes in me - namely, "for God's sake woman get a grip and move on!" - is not universal because I have seen - smh - educated, intelligent, rational, young *men* shed a manly tear on listening to it. Smh. Smh.

Is Muskrat Love an actual song??? - I must look it up!
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MargaretMcKen Mar 2020
The thing that breaks me up about it is that he actually wrote it and made her sing it. It’s hard to believe that they both did that just for the money.
Gosh what a time it was!

This is a great thread idea, xrayjodib :) Do you want to expand it, too, into all the 70s tracks where opinion is sharply divided between

Wonderful? Awful???

Bohemian Rhapsody
Wuthering Heights*
Sugar Baby Love

oh heavens - Puppy Love. Yeah that was pretty terrible... I think I've still got the album somewhere... :/

* PS - just had to go and see how it's doing on YouTube and found this comment from Luke, 8 months ago: "I’m nearly positive that my Aunt Jessica did this entire choreography after her schizophrenic break down." But most of the reviews are from men who are still just as much in love as they were when they were 12 💓
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xrayjodib Mar 2020
Just had to google Muskrat Love... unmm. WHAT!

Muskrat Lo-o-o-ove that key change! Those keyboard sound effects! Just speechless 😱
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Countrymouse Mar 2020
Oh but I LOVE Captain & Tennille! Listening on...
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Nooo going back to the 80's where I belong...

Now The Neutron Dance by The Pointer Sisters is a b-a-a-d song but oh so much fun - start the dance party now! Check out the YouTube for the shoulder pads!
Helpful Answer (1)
xrayjodib Mar 2020
There were a few stinkers in the 80's. I think the song is "I've Never been to Me"! Worse song ever! Lol
Overall, I think 80's music was the best!
Ohmygod it's even got a kind of muskrat voiceover with authentic When Harry Met Sally effects - ROFL helplessly - !
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Okay, first let me say that Led Zeppelin saved me from disco! 😂 hahaha, I detest so much of the 70’s music, especially when the disco crap reared it’s ugly head!

Picking the worst 70’s song though is almost impossible to do because there are so many crappy songs to choose from, right? I could list a bazillion really bad songs from the seventies!

But here goes, I wanted to throw up from the very first time I heard this song! It has to be, ‘You Light Up My Life’ by Debby Boone

Personally, I think maybe the reason that everyone did cocaine in the 70’s was to escape some of the most nauseating music! Hahaha 😂

The 70’s were weird! Crazy memories. Does anyone remember The Gong Show? Hahaha
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Countrymouse Mar 2020
At the time Debby Boone perfectly expressed my feelings about a certain young man who was three years older than me. I can't hear a word against that song!
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More soberingly, I am discovering how much abrupt editing of old Top of the Pops footage has gone on to try to erase Jimmy Savile from it.

NOBODY didn't know that he was a repulsive old perve. I could see at a glance that he was, and I was ten. So much for all the protestations about not realising how dangerous he was to vulnerable young people.
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
A reflection of the era. Music tells a story. Still, music can be separate from the musician. Same with any famous or popular person, musician, actor, directors, etc. Some people are pretty disgusting. Then it’s hard to stand behind anything they have done. Their secret lives become exposed.

A person’s art may be liked without necessarily liking the person who created the art. It’s not always a package deal.

I agree though, that some people’s actions are totally repulsive and it usually catches up to them.
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Need, guessing that you're not a huge BeeGees fan, then, how do you feel about voting for Tragedy?
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020

I was not a Bee Gees fan. Tragedy was different from Staying Alive but...I was never a fan of their stuff, not my cup of tea. I do understand that some groups had a catchy tune here and there that some people were attracted to.

I am a ‘live and let live’ person. I don’t care what anyone else likes but when asked what I disliked I will voice my opinion on it.

I like a wide variety of music and some music I really do despise. Like, Debby Boone, You Light Up My Life. I hated it from the very first time I heard it and still do.

Music is very personal. All of the arts are, music, paintings, poetry, movies, dance, etc. It either speaks to us or it doesn’t.
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Omg I love the 70s songs!!! The one I hate and still do and always will is “Killing me softly with his song” 1973 by Roberta Flack. I hate that song. But Muskrat love is a very close second!! I hate that song too!!!
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LivingSouth Mar 2020
I think that Flack's ' I celebrate my love for you' must have been the 'lose your virginity song' at college I went to.

Fun thread! Thanks for the change of pace 😊.
Helpful Answer (2)
xrayjodib Mar 2020
Anyone have a favorite song that they love that they played over and over on your record player? I was born in 1962 so I loved all the 70s songs. My favorite one was “Back in Love Again” by LTD.
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Countrymouse Mar 2020
OOOOOOHHHHHH WOOOOWWWW!!! Yes, I LOVED this 😃 I'd forgotten all about it, thank you!
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My my! At Waterloo Napoleon did surrender!
Oh yeah! and I have met my destiny in quite a similar way...

REALLY????!!! "Quite similar" to a 14 hour pitched battle involving 141,000 troops, horse, foot, dragoons and artillery? Must have been quite some date.
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No more favourites! - we're supposed to be choosing the wince-making worst!
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Riverdale Mar 2020
Hard to imagine but as we isolate all the awful songs may come to a conclusion.
Having my Baby - Paul Anka

oh, and who can forget Disco Duck (even when they try)
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
OMG! YES! Hate that song so much! Having My Baby was awful.
I was born in 1955. We have seen so many changes during our lifetime! Ahhhh yes, music is a universal language but has unique messages for each era.

I can’t say that I have a favorite era or style of music because each era has a variety of music. Plus, it’s simply a matter of personal taste.

My grandfather’s family came here from England and he loved to dance (waltz). He loved classical music.

My grandmother played her records, the early jazz music of that generation. I loved listening to music with my grandmother at her house. She told me about the hemlines getting shorter and cutting their long hair! She was German.

I didn’t know my dad’s parents. They died before I was born but they were Irish and Scottish.

My parents listened to swing music, Sinatra, Bennett, and so many others.

I was influenced by all of it and developed my own taste in music of the past and current music. Same with my kids. Variety is the spice of life!

Music is influenced by the region. New Orleans has a big influence from jazz and blues.

Same with food. We can learn a lot about an area through their food and music.
Helpful Answer (2)
Countrymouse Mar 2020
Spare us the food of the 1970s, though, I beg you.
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No one has mentioned the song, Feelings. Another one that I hate!

Oh gosh, having horrific flashbacks now from seventies music! Hahaha.

Okay, this was a REALLY bad song! Candy Man. That was another one that I found so nauseating!
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Countrymouse Mar 2020
At its very worst when you hear someone singing it in the shower while you're sitting peacefully at your breakfast -

[longer pause]

[best take your coffee and toast outside]
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Pretty much everything by Abba.

Of course now I have all of these songs swirling around in my head.
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Oh no. RIP Kenny Rogers. We had an old unreliable truck in the 70's... my parents named it Lucille. "You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille...."
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
B. B. King’s guitar was named Lucille.
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Did anyone go to their high school prom in the seventies? I did.

Guess who played at our school dances before he became famous? Dr. John. He was Mac Rebennack then. He wasn’t playing the piano then. He started off on guitar, switched to piano later.

We could drink at 18 then. So, we would go hear music all over the city because we were of legal age to get in the clubs and bars.

RIP Dr John

His dad is buried in the same cemetery as my dad.

Dr. John is in another cemetery.
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I've just been looking up top singles sales worldwide. There are only three from the seventies in the top fifteen.

One is less surprising than the others - You're The One That I Want, from Grease.
The top seller is 'In The Summertime' by Mungo Jerry - 30 million copies, and it only just squeaks in to our category because it was from 1970.

You will NEVER guess the third one, released in 1977 and selling *18 million* copies. Any offers?
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Riverdale Mar 2020
Is it Tonights the Night by Rod Stewart?
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The 70's was my coming of age decade, don't dis my songs! (I probably still know the lyrics to a lot of them 🤣)
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That is exactly why Abba is so dangerous, CW. Mamma mia, here I go again - you don't even have to look the bloody things up and you're still stuck with the whole track running through your head.
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balababe Mar 2020
We used to put ABBA on full blast and the 4 of us used to clean the house on Friday afternoons. My husband and teenage daughter did the dusting and vacuuming, my grade school son cleaned the bathrooms and I cleaned the kitchen. ABBA was great energy music. We would be finished in an hour and I would have brought treats home from a bakery.
You won this game when you asked the question! I was once stuck in beach traffic in NJ when a local DJ decided it would be funny to play Muskrat Love on a loop. I haven't heard more than three notes of that song since then. If you want to see me move fast to turn off the music play "Muskrat Susie, Muskrat Sam...."
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Sorry, breaking the rules. I loved anything Kenny Rogers. He has left too soon. RIP.

The Gambler a long time favorite, can't help but sing along.

Concentrating on positives.
Helpful Answer (7)
Sendhelp Mar 2020
"Somewhere in the darkness,
the gambler,
he broke even."

Saw your earlier post on Rod Stewart. I have to tell you my Rod Stewart story 😊.

He was playing at the municipal auditorium in New Orleans. That venue is no longer open but it was a hot spot for concerts when I was a teenager. I saw tons of concerts there.

My best friend was in this on again, off again relationship with her boyfriend. He bought tickets for them to see Rod Stewart. She was in one of her off again modes so he asked me to go. Of course, I told him that I couldn’t go because he was dating my best friend.

So, he tells me to call her to see if she if she would mind. I thought, why not? I called, she was still mad at him and was not going to go with him but said that she did not mind me going with him. So, off we went to the concert.

The concert was awesome! Rod did a couple of encores and my friend said to me that he wanted to leave so we could beat the traffic. I said that I wanted to stay because he may do another song. Then, we saw them carrying the equipment off the stage so we took off as everyone stood and cheered for him to play another song.

As we approached the parking lot, a huge white limo nearly hit me as we were running to my friend’s car.

When I looked into the car I could see Rod Stewart in the back seat. I told my friend all excitedly like a silly teenage girl, “Wow, we were almost hit by Rod Stewart while running to your car to beat the crowd out of here!”

Love Rod! He was big in the seventies.

I have seen tons of national acts but I am blessed living in New Orleans. Our city is loaded with fantastic musicians. Our local guys rival any national acts. They play their regular gigs here but tour all over as well. We are known for our music and great food! Some people come to play music here due to our music scene and never leave.

One of my favorite pianists in our city is from England. He’s been here a long time so we claim him as a native. Anyway, Jon Cleary is awesome! He definitely picked up our New Orleans vibe. He blends in beautifully. His Grammy is very well deserved!
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Riverdale Mar 2020
My expecting daughter was supposed to go for a few days from TX(visiting her sister). I am sure they are bummed. She had a great time last year at a bachelorette and wanted to take her husband before life gets more real with second baby due in August. My Texas son in law loves it there. He took my daughter there in their early stages of dating. He takes their daughters for a holiday weekend in early December as older daughter has December 5th birthday. I hear wonderful things. The photos of beignets look scrumptious. Just an incredibly difficult time with so many missed experiences and the unfathomable loss of businesses. Please God help us all.
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For me, the song Car Wash was one the the worst. The first time I heard it on the radio, I thought some idiot called into the station to get on the radio and did a 'sing in the shower' version of the song. The singer was awful as was the song. Both song writer and singer should tear up their musician cards. Ugh....
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Oh gosh, yes! That was bad!
It made me pretty sad when our Golden Oldies radio channel switched from 50s-60s music to 70s-80s (my era)...yech. Muskrat Love is a totally cringe-worthy song. One great thing about the interweb is that it provides a platform for how much talent there is in the world. We're no longer forced to consume the payola playlists. But my votes are for: Send in the Clowns. If you weren't suicidal before hearing it, you were after. And, Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree. I don't care about its message. Cringe, cringe. Shudder.
Helpful Answer (4)
xrayjodib Mar 2020
How bout "Torn between two Lovers "?
I think I need to vomit! Lol
Afternoon Delight was a crappy song. Anything that Barry Manilow did was crappy too. I also hated Sedaka doing, ‘Breaking Up Is Hard To Do.’ Such a whiny baby song! Hahaha 😂
Helpful Answer (4)
Riverdale Mar 2020
Wholeheartedly agree
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