
My mom (72) has several health issues, many related to her long time uncontrolled diabetes and related vision issues. She also has a recently discovered heart issue that will require surgery. But perhaps the most concerning, is she has been experiencing some significant cognitive decline. We suspect dementia of some type, but she has not been tested yet. She had a significant fall a year ago, breaking her thumb and almost completely blowing out her shoulder, requiring surgery. This was partly caused because she confused my home with our next door neighbor’s. A place she had been to almost daily for a year at that point.

My dad (71) is reasonably healthy, and recently retired to assist in her care and many medical appointments as she cannot safely drive anymore. A complicating factor is my brother (38) who has Down Syndrome, also lives with them full time. He does not require a ton of hands on care, but is definitely not able to be alone for too long, can’t cook for himself, needs help with hygiene, etc.

My parents have a beautiful property with many acres of land, and as a bonus, a separate but connected living space where they would most likely begin to live as it is all on one floor. This would leave the upstairs of the main living space available to my family, myself, husband, and two daughters (ages 3 and 1). We would intend to share the main kitchen and living area, though the area where my parents would be does have its own kitchen and living area, just much smaller.

I feel the need to be there to help more permanently. Between the upkeep of the property, my mom, and my brother, just seems likes like a lot for my dad to handle on his own. We currently live about 20 minutes away, but working full time with two toddlers, feels like it might as well be an hour or more. I’ve always been so close with my family, and I know they would do and have done anything for me. I feel like it is the least I can do to be there for them, as they were for their parents. I want to spend as much time as I can with my mom, for my kids to really know her, and I know she would love to be around them more. Though of course my mom is not the same as she once was, and it is hard to navigate that.

However, I know first hand the toll that caretaking can take on a family, especially from a child’s perspective. I am scared of the toll it could take on my marriage and my kids. I am also sad to give up our home. While it was never my intended forever home, it is the only home our kids have known. I also don’t think we could afford to buy in this area again should we decide that living with my parents will not work.

On the plus side, my parents’ property is beautiful, and could give my children several opportunities we could not afford to provide for them on our own. They would have much more space to be outside, help to take care of animals, a pool, etc. I just don’t know if the benefits outweigh the costs, or if I will be able to live with myself if I am not there to help my family.

Has anyone else experienced this type of living arrangement? Can it work? Once my kids start school, I would hate to move them, so I’m feeling pressure to decide sooner rather than later. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you!

Do not move in with your parents. Your father is caring for mom and his son, and if more help is needed, he can HIRE outside help. Stay the daughter here instead of the resentful caregiver who laments the day she moved in and wrecked her life, her marriage, her autonomy, and most importantly, her children's lives. Your mother, with dementia, will only get more difficult to manage as the disease progresses. Living apart, YOU get to decide if and when the young grandchildren see grandma. Living together, they get to see ALL of grandma's moods and histrionics, whether you want them to or not. My gown children were horrified at my mother's behavior with advanced dementia. Fortunately, she lived in Memory Care Assisted Living so they could pick and choose when to see her and suffer afterwards.

Stick around and read the forum, my friend. You will learn why it's a very bad idea to live in a multi generational home and expect to preserve relationships that were once close. It rarely works out. What sounds good in theory often winds up being so awful in reality that it's mind boggling.

Wishing you the best of luck with all of this.
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to lealonnie1

No, Dad can care for Mom. Her uncontrolled diabetes may be why she is having cognitive problems. Maybe its time to find a place for brother. Your parents are aging. There are group homes and programs for your brother. I have disabled nephew. I have been able to find him people so I can back off at age 74. I just no longer want to deal with his problems. He has a coordinator that now does that. Big burden off my shoulders.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to JoAnn29

Another vote for no, do not move in with them. Please read the hundreds of other posts on this forum from loving and well-meaning adult children who could never imagine how stressful and limiting hands-on caregiving eventually is. At some point if your Dad started to decline it would be even more challenging.

If your parents' property is as large as you say, I'm hoping they have the resources to hire in caregivers. Your kids and spouse are your priority.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Geaton777

No, you should not move in.
What you should do is to stay on the forum here for one month reading. Simply reading.
I think that will let you know that moving in would be a dreadful mistake and would be irresponsible in my humble opinion for your children. They are your first obligation.

As bad as you imagine things could get?
It will get ever so much worse.
Again, welcome to this Forum.
Please read. And read. And read. See the broken and angry lives, the near breakdowns, the tragic outcomes.

After one month of that, I trust you to make your own grownup decisions for your own lives.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to AlvaDeer

The benefits do not outweigh the costs. I see no benefit whatever in increasing your work load in a home that is not your own and where your parents will definitely decline and become even more your responsibility. You think that's good, that you should assume it. One thing you've left out of this is your time for your kids, who deserve you more than your parents do. Your parents have lived most of their lives. Your kids are just beginning. There is more to raising kids than you can imagine at this point, trust me.

On top of that, it isn't a good environment for kids when granny is ever declining mentally. They will not understand. Are you prepared for her wandering? Angry outbursts? Poopy diapers? Feeding her? A home with invalids is not easy. You are not a professional caregiver, and your kids don't deserve that.

Then there's the Downs syndrome brother. How much of his care are you willing to assume as your parents become more frail?

Pool, animals, nice property - they are nothing when it means giving up your privacy as a family. Where is your husband in this? I can't believe he'd be willing to put up with it, even if he says he will. You two have NO idea. NONE.

Help your birth family - notice I don't say your family, because that's now your own nuclear family with your kids - help mom and dad find help to live in with them. Or find a placement for them and a group home for brother. That's the best way to help them.

I wish you luck on this journey - but please, for your sake, don't complicate it unnecessarily.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to Fawnby

If your Mother is moving from independant to dependant, your Father needs to make the decision about how to proceed. Stay & get help in or downsize. Your Father also needs a good long term care plan for your brother.

Suggest your parents arrange a Social Worker to help them plan. A SW with both elder disability experience would be best. Go along. This can be how you help.

'Aging in place' is a nice idea. It can work for some time but also be very harder in non-urban areas, due to challenges obtaining visiting aides & home help services.

While I can certainly understand your wish to help, you need to be realistic about your own responsibilities as a parent & ensure your children come first.

There are many ways to help.
*** help FIND the pathway ***
(Not carry everyone & everything on your own shoulders)
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Beatty
AlvaDeer May 6, 2024
I love what you say here:

"There are many ways to help.
*** help FIND the pathway ***
(Not carry everyone & everything on your own shoulders)"
There is no plus side, your children will be exposed to things they really shouldn't be exposed to on a regular basis. Watching an old dementia laden person get worse is a very negative, depressing situation.

The pool and all the things you are excited for will not override everything else, your children will carry their childhood into adulthood.

You do understand that your parents could live for another 20+ mother is 99.

If they can no longer manage independently, they will have to make their choice as to what their next step is.

Your priority should be the well-being of your family.

Read around here, you have no idea what you and your family will be in for, don't do it.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to MeDolly

Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to funkygrandma59
AlvaDeer May 6, 2024
My first inclination was to say "no. just no". But we all know I can NEVER write three words only, even when they, in fact, are the best response.
On this forum there's a Care Topic devoted to the subject of Burnout. Please read the articles and then scroll down to the bottom to read questions (and responses) posted by people just like yourself.

Family members get themselves in trouble by romanticizing the multi-generational caregiving scenario, like on The Waltons. They never showed Gramma Walton's incontinence (and ingratitude), or Grampa Walton cussing and saying vulgar things in front of the yungun's because his filter was completely gone.

A regular contributor on this forum (I think it's JoAnn29) often advises to "help them find a way, don't be the way" to solve their care solutions.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Geaton777
Fawnby May 6, 2024
Gramps Walton used to take his pants off and scream obscenities to the kids! And Grandma couldn’t remember their names! Everyone else said “goodnight, John Boy,” but Grandma said “good night, Urso.” The family never found out who Urso was but Mary Elizabeth thinks it must have been her Cherokee lover when Grandma, then known as Mary Martha, was but 15 years old.
Do not move in with them. Also you need to start preparing your brother for a time when your parents are not around anymore to care for him. Talk to your local social services and ARC group about available living situations and support. You may have to get him on a waiting list for a group home. It will be better if he goes through this transition while your parents are still around for support.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to TopsailJanet
Geaton777 May 6, 2024
The OP can set up her brother in a group home with a court-appointed guardian. We had one for my SFIL and we had a very good experience with this.
I came back this a.m. to read responses to your post.
They are excellent.
But what I want to let you know is that, long as some of us are here and well as we know and love one another, we SELDOM all agree.
When we DO AGREE I read that as a serious warning.

Don't do this.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to AlvaDeer

No, no no no. Absolutely not.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to LoopyLoo

A very good friend of mine is the oldest daughter in her very large Italian family.

Her youngest sister was born with Down’s syndrome. Her sister was very active when she was young and fairly independent. She remained living with her parents.

My friend was very close to her sister and helped care her for. When her parents died she moved her sister into her home. It became overwhelming for her.

Her sister ended up developing dementia in her 50’s and required hospice care. She took advantage of hospice volunteers and helpers from ARC. She died at home which was my friend’s desire.

A neighbor of mine has a son who has Down’s syndrome. My neighbors found a group home for him to live. He is able to be fairly independent. He participates in certain chores in the home and is able to work in the kitchen at a nearby restaurant. He is a younger man in his 20’s.

I know that you are close with your family. I was always close to my parents too. Things change when we live together. It may start off okay for a while, but it’s really hard to share a home as an adult with your family.

My mom moved in with us. I loved her very much but trust me, a relationship changes when we are trying to care for them and raise our own family too.

I would not move in with your parents.

Wishing you and your family all the best.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom

Here's an idea. Why don't your parents sell a few of the many acres of beautiful land they own and raise some funds that can help them, your brother, and to give their grandkids a good life?

From what you describe here, your parents have plenty of money. If they don't have actual cash assets they own enough property to be rich. They have a big place as you say with a 'separate but connected living space' sounds like that could easily become servants quarters. They could move in a married couple to become caregivers to them and your brother. Or a pair of caregivers who would live there for free and look after everyone and the property. Of course they would have to receive wages and time off in addition to living in a nice place for free. If mom and dad sell some of the many acres of property, paying for some domestic staff won't be a problem.

You and your young family should not move in with them. That will be a huge mistake.
Helpful Answer (13)
Reply to BurntCaregiver
AlvaDeer May 6, 2024
I LOVE this.
Or even build a tiny house on it as a friend who had CADISIL and needed care did when she moved to AK. Her caregiver gets to live in it rent free.
See 1 more reply
It sounds, on 'paper' to be a good plan.

However--all 3 of the people requiring care NOW are just going to get 'worse'. You'll find that the level of care they might need NOW will just double down each year, over time.

My mother and dad moved in with my YB 25 years ago. Dad lived there for 11 years before he passed, mom (with help) was able to care for him. Then she began to age out and there were 14 years that my YB was the primary CG for her.

Mom passed 18 months ago. My brother loved my mom very much, but he has said, many many times --"We should have had them in Assisted Living rather than move them here."

It was HIS choice to do this. They had a separate apartment, but were still very much a part of the day-to-day of YB's family.

Please don't do this. It's really only a temporary fix. Look way down the line--not just at what you'd be doing NOW, but what would be expected in 10 years. Or 30? Your brother could live a full life span.

If your folks have funds and such--get them the care they need when they need it. Don't let YOU be the only answer to every problem. That's what my YB did and he regrets those years he cannot get back.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to Midkid58

Acquaintances of mine have a Down Syndrome adult child. She was a beautiful precious little girl, and from the beginning in their small town, she was brought up to think she'd be independent some day. School, shelters, workshops, etc. They had two younger children as well. Now "Marcy" (not her real name) lives in a group home in a larger town 35 miles from them. Marcy, about age 40, has a job and friends her age. They go to the mall, to parks, to performances. Parents post her pictures on their Facebook page. It is so much better than if they'd kept her bound to home and parents.

My neighbor has a son who has Down Syndrome. Neighbor is a doctor. Their son lives in a group home and visits from time to time. He usually can't wait to get back to his "real" home where his friends are.

Something to think about.
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to Fawnby
Hothouseflower May 10, 2024
It is responsible thing to do and is an act of love bestowed to the entire family when parents of developmentally disabled children make placement plans that do not include the exploitation of their daughters in law as has happened in my life experience. I wish my in laws did not just assume that I and my BIL's wife were the solutions to their problem. I did not want to look at my SIL as a problem but my in laws chose not to make any provisions for her future and by doing that destroyed the relationships between my husband and his brother. The family is destroyed. And this situation very nearly destroyed our marriage. We came close to divorcing.

I would have liked to have been a decent SIL to my husband's sister and done some nice things with her but I was too busy maintaining boundaries because I did not want it assumed that she would be living with my husband and me after my mother and father in law were gone.
See 1 more reply
I have no idea what you should do. Only you and your husband can answer that. After reading the comments though, I felt I wanted to pipe up re: kids and living with your elderly parents. My mom (79) has dementia and a recent history of cancer, and lives with me, my husband and our 13 year old son. As much as it gets me down sometimes, I remain convinced it was the best option available to me and I have no regrets. More importantly, I do not think it is having a negative impact on my son. Of course Nana makes him a little uncomfortable, but we need to learn to live in this world with all kinds of people, and he is also learning that just because she says things that don’t make sense, it doesn’t make her a scary bad person. We have appropriate respite care so that I can still participate in his life. I have my plans in place for when it becomes too much, but until then, I am not a believer that it is “bad for kids” to witness caregiving or live with an elder in decline.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to BayPoodle
Fawnby May 6, 2024
OP’s kids are only 1 and 3. Their grandmother has heart surgery coming up, and she has cognitive decline, which we know can get worse after anesthesia and surgery. I think it would be disturbing for children so young to see grandma having delirium, crying out because she can’t understand why she has pain, and all the sorts of things that could happen. A teenager is ready to understand the nuances of grandma’s dementia. Little ones - not so much.
See 5 more replies
Your Dad with being reasonably healthy should take care of mother.
As for your brother, parents had 38 years to look for alternative arrangements which many do as they know one day they won’t be able to take care of mentally challenged child.
Whose idea was it to move, did Dad ask you?
Because you are female and should help? For 20 years possibly?
What if it does not work, as it usually does not, read endless stories on this forum which often begin with how it was great for a few months, maybe a year and then becomes a nightmare.
What if it does not work and you won’t be able to get into housing market?
Bringing up young children, working and taking care of aging parents with potentially increasing needs does not work.
Parents have enough assets to make alternative arrangements.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Evamar

Surely your parents had a plan for when this would happen. Was their plan you?

Did they ever ask you if you would want to do this?
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Southernwaver

Please add to your considerations in this, people with Down syndrome have much higher rates of Alzheimer’s and other dementias than the general population. They also have higher rates of heart and lung disease and life expectancies are shorter as well.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Daughterof1930
NeedHelpWithMom May 6, 2024
This is so true. Something about their makeup makes them more susceptible to having medical problems. A friend of mine who works at our children’s hospital has seen this over and over again.

They also have higher rates of leukemia. My cousin who has Down’s syndrome spent time in St. Jude’s children hospital with leukemia. Thank God, Ali went into remission and is doing well.
I lived 3 months with my elderly parents when one had a stroke. They are both in their 90's now. It completely takes over your life. I don't have young kids or a husband to consider but if I did, it would be an even harder, No. I moved out to a place nearby and am using their assets to provide 24 hour care in their home. One is mostly independent, one needs a lot of care. I work full time. I have my own life and family. It is very hard to maintain, dealing with agencies and caregivers and feeling all the things as you watch your previously independent parent, decline. Do not become the live in, handle everything, person. I think it is a great suggestion to engage dad while still in his 70's to make arrangements for the Down's syndrome brother. He should not be your responsibility. Elderly parents needs increase, A lot, as many people have already described. It very possible, you and your family will become trapped in this Or, you will be forced to make even harder decisions as things deteriorate. Engage your Dad now, to help make arrangements. It will give you much peace to know what is the plan. Brother is taken care of. ( we have a family history of autism so I refer to that). If Dad (and/or Mom) can't engage in planning, that gives you a lot of information. It will all fall to you, If you let it. Get ahead of it as much as you can. Get brother sorted to an adult family home or stable situation. Mom and dads beautiful property may become hard to maintain, and hard to get regular services like caregivers, home health care, and hospice, if they are rural. We have dealt with the family farm / ranch that everyone loved... Until it became a big nightmare of trouble and needing other people to manage. Be prepared to hire help to maintain it. Or divest, sell or rent it out. Look for long term caregiving solutions now. It will cost A lot of $$$. Don't give up your life for this. your young children and you and your family deserve to live your lives. Use the parents assets to pay for their care. Managing things is a full time job in, and of, itself. Just managing everything. Not doing the hands on caregiving. Don't let anyone discount that. People will try. If you live there, you will be on duty all the time. All of their problems will be yours. IMO, you will not be happy. Be prepared for a lack of support from family, if you have any. Friends also drift away because you are preoccupied with problem solving, constantly looking for help with your parents issues. Its not fun to be around. Your life disappears in a matter of weeks. Go in Eyes Wide Open. Your parents are only 70's. This can go on for 20+ years. Think ahead. You are fortunate Dad is still a part of the decision making. Engage and support him to make plans. Also engage brother, to his abilities. Otherwise, it will all fall on you. Don't let it. If you go the home care route, Look for caregivers who will stay the course for the long haul if you are committed to keeping them at home as long as possible. Read about the pitfalls of home care and the limitations. Know that it still requires constant oversight and a significant time commitment. Search this forum for information because there is tons of valuable info. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to Beethoven13

The most important person that you should be asking this questions is Mr. Parenthelp513. (in other words..your husband) His opinion is the one you should take into consideration first and foremost.
Please know that your caregiving duties will not end when your mom dies. They will not end when dad may have another 20, 30 years ahead of you caring for your brother unless other arrangements are made. And I doubt at this point he would do well in a Group Home.
Is your husband up for that as well?
And another thought...
What are YOU giving up work wise?
What is your husband giving up work wise?
Will you be able to continue to work where you are? Will your husband be able to continue to work where he is? Or will you both be looking for another job? How will this impact you both in 20 or 30 years?
Are you going to get paid for caregiving? YOU SHOULD BE.
At what point are you not going to be able to care for mom, dad, brother? What is the plan then?

You say.....will I be able to live with myself if I am not there to help my family....well your husband and children are also your family. You need to make a decision that is in their best interest.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Grandma1954

Thank you to everyone who has responded! I had a feeling this would be the response, but was still curious. I definitely have a lot to consider, and we have a lot to discuss in our family for sure.

I did want to clarify a couple of points. No one has asked us to do this, and my parents are willing and able to hire help or do whatever is necessary in the coming years to aid in their care. I know I am absolutely not equipped to deal with advanced dementia, and would not subject my kids to that on a daily basis. I suppose I thought I could provide some logistical help, and basic care for my brother if my parents are away at appointments or my mom recovering from surgery, etc as needed, in this transitional time. Then as needs increase, care arrangements would adjust accordingly.

I also have an aunt with Down Syndrome, another family member is her guardian, and my husband works in an estate planning/trust law practice. I’m definitely familiar with guardianships/groups homes, etc. My aunt lived with my grandparents until they had both passed and then transitioned to a group home. We all agree that was not ideal, and want my brother to be settled before then if at all possible. My aunt is beginning some cognitive decline and other mental health issues in her 50s, and she was much more independent than my brother is able to be. The group home has been good overall, but does not handle any medical care. Her guardian has had to handle everything, which has been very difficult. Steps are already being taken to move forward on another living situation for my brother eventually.

I have known, and my husband understands and supports, that because I don’t have any other siblings, I will shoulder more responsibility as my parents age, and for my brother long term. I do not look forward to being in that position of course, but I know it has to be me in some capacity.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Parenthelp513
NeedHelpWithMom May 6, 2024
Thanks for the update.

You are wise to seek feedback from a caregiver forum. You will hear various opinions and receive support.

It isn’t always easy to make plans for the future.

It sounds as if you know how to set boundaries, so that you won’t end up in a situation that you’re in over your head.

I wish you and your family well.
See 2 more replies
Absolutely not. Terrible huge mistake to move your family into parents’ home to become caregivers. You’re going to have to go to psych ward after a short period of time…I hope & pray 🙏🏼 you will get your common sense back . Another plan has to be made: See an elder law attorney, decide whether in home or facility care is better for mom & brother. Maybe brother can learn simple skills for earning money. Your first responsibilities is your husband and children. First try in home care & if it doesn’t work out, start touring memory care facilities . I wish you luck and hugs 🤗
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to CaregiverL
BurntCaregiver May 7, 2024

If a person's mind is made up there's no stopping them and usually have to learn the hard way. I just hope their hard way doesn't get too hard.
Your update does put a different spin on things since you know many of the potential pitfalls.
Using this forum as a sounding board to validate what you have in your head is a great way to figure some things from a different angle that you may not have thought of. (and we are less expensive and easier to get to than a therapist!)
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Grandma1954

I would stay in My House and Visit on weekends or vacations and test the waters . You have 2 toddlers That is exhausting in Itself . Once your Mom declines and believe me It is Like taking care of a Toddler add on a Disabled person who is also Like a child - You have 4 children . Then your Dad May decline . It is very difficult to take care of One sick adult never Mind 2 sick adults . I am Not sure this is fair to your children as you will be exhausted and worn down . A Lot of us on this forum Have experienced Caregivers Burnout , near nervous breakdowns and Illnesses . I would Place being a Mother first because your children Need you .
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to KNance72
JeanLouise May 11, 2024
It will be waaaaaaaay worse than caring for a toddler
My sister and I just placed mom in memory care. We cared for her for years and it only gets worse. It’s so incredibly stressful on the caregivers. I agree with the forum. Keep your family intact by staying in your own home.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Abli64

I would what's a family for, sounds like a significant homestead. Move to Cincinnati Ohio they just legalized previously illegal ADU's Accessary Dwelling Units with the pitch families to use them for the olde folks to live, I forget the rest of their tripe. Lol couldn't proof read.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AdVinn

Oh, work out solutions for these conditions save the souls of these pre baby boomers and boomers. Years ago I visited bed ridden relatives kept at home till death, like they do in long term care facilities and don't care for them except for meals, meds, pull-up & bed Linens change out with those mini horse lift machines and don't pay attention otherwise sit away the shift in the nurses stations. See Kingston Trio MTA, Foundation line "I'll be back." The latest is John Travolta's "Staying Alive." Or response greeting "Upright." By CEO No Joke. Oh I guess we do lately now days but with day care for the kids growing up. Wow. I cornered myself with that one.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to AdVinn
JeanLouise May 10, 2024
See 1 more reply
I would not, I have a quadriplegic sister now 50 and my mother is 82 with Parkinson’s still living together

Ive been caretaking since I was 10 years old and just keep adding as my mother was diagnosed Parkinson’s

PBS did a documentary on stress, every year you care for a disabled family member you age 4 years. They included living in a dangerous area, their example was Richmond CA near where we lived also.

I can tell you our family has disintegrated trying to accomplish this even with round the clock full time caregivers at this point.

Folks experience burn out after 2 years, your toddlers need you first.

I had a hard upbringing being a caregiver at 10 and my parents couldn’t parent me bc they too were caregiving.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to Mjustice98

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