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No health insurance yikes - but does your mother have substantial assets and an independent income?

If she also doesn't have the funds or assets that you can sell to pay for her care, you will need to help her apply for Medicaid. Other people will be along shortly with advice about doing that, I'm sure; or you can go online and Google "Medicaid in [mother's location]" and find information that way.

Has your mother had some sort of accident or medical crisis? If she's in hospital, there will be a discharge nurse or social worker who can advise you, too. If she's still at home, you can contact your Area Agency on Aging - again, the details will be available online.
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What country is your mother in? I'm assuming she doesn't have Medicare since you said she has no insurance. It's not possible to respond without knowing what location we're talking about. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
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Chris, could you explain why your mother has no health insurance? I don't mean to pry, but what about Medicare? Or are you not in the US?

What has she done when she's needed health care in the past? Does she pay out of pocket?
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Does your mother not have Medicare? If not, I'd be surprised. But, at any rate, if she has assets, you might consult with an Elder Law attorney about her financial situation and what she can afford, what she might be entitled to, if assets are limited, etc. Normally, if her doctor recommends nursing care, there are ways to obtain it. Either with private payments or qualification of Medicaid. There are professionals who can help guide you, assuming you are the POA.
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