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1.   I had a bad cough about a month ago, sudden onset, eustachion tubes plugged as when I used to have a lot of sinus problems.  I was all out of cough drops, so I inhaled and sipped lemon tea, peppermint tea, and chicken noodle soup.   I also did a lot of deep breathing, nasally and abdominal (as I learned how to do when I took voice lessons).  

I'm searching for a recipe to make lemon cough drops.   I probably could have heated and inhaled the lemon juice I had, but didn't think of that at the time.

I like your idea of tea and honey, or vinegar and honey; my father used to faithfully drink a cider and vinegar concoction daily.

2.    Are you interested in making face masks? I have a few good sites, one that's for the kind typically found in pharmacy departments, with the 2 elastic over the ear extensions, and another that's larger and ties on the back of the head.

My niece said the typical store bought ones aren't completely protective, but are better than nothing.    She wears masks and an N95 over them, but has to change them every time she works with a different patient or tests a different person.

If you want links to the patterns, let me know.
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Sendhelp Mar 2020
Someone online demonstrates how to use a disposable baby diaper by cutting a hole for your head to go through, and installing it over your face.
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Bookluvr, the postal reorganization act of 1970 turned the postal service into an independent agency within the us government that was primarily responsible for funding itself, something that has become harder since the internet era led to a dramatic drop in mail volume. The postal service since 2006 has to pay 5 billion dollars annually to prefund retiree benefits 75 years in advance.
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Special appreciation to all those that keep the supplies and necessities moving! Thank you.
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bookluvr Mar 2020
I second it!!!
My Sig other works for one of the biggest shipping companies and as we and most of the U.S states are in lockdown they are not and will not close their doors. Therefore, they are still shipping supplies to your favorite stores like Wal-Mart and other stores like Wal-Mart and they are also shipping medical supplies as well. However, they can only ship what they are getting. But fear not, as long as they are open there is light at the end of the tunnel! The company has assure my sig other and his co-workers that they 'Will Not Close' their doors! The dock workers and the truck drivers are doing everything possible to stop the spread of Coronavirus this includes but not limited to: cleaning all high-lows, cleaning IT guns, the plastic wrap, inside the trucks, and containers. They wear gloves and change their gloves as much as possible, as well as, washing their hands for every tailer they break.

Please keep taking the necessary measures to stay safe! But as long as they are shipping items across the U.S. to the stores and some hospitals they will get their supplies.

I hope this gives some hope to all of you out there:)
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I work for the postal service. The house panel warns the corona virus could destroy the postal service by June, according to Republican Carolyn Maloney. The postal service will not survive the summer without immediate help from congress and the White House. I meant Democrat Carolyn Maloney.
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bookluvr Mar 2020
elaine, I recall reading an article that the income from USPS does not go back to USPS to cover expenses but to the general fund account. It was article on how the USPS was struggling - and hence raising the cost of mail (stamps).

Yesterday, I picked up 3 packages that I ordered online. Not sure if the senders had any contact with the virus, I decided to leave it in my car's trunk for at least 3 days under the hot sun. From what I read, the viable virus could be detected up to 2-3 days on plastic/steel.
Florida: up to 1400+ cases, 20 deaths.

Yep, me and 90+mother surviving with continued Happy Hour each evening and lots of Netflix :)
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Glad, since that Friday when I did my 'what if the island goes on lock down' scenario, one of the things I needed to get was a working thermometer, Tylenol (fever reducer) and cough medicine. Fave sis got me the Tylenol PM (hmmmm, not exactly what I was looking for) and the thermometer. The only cough remedy in the grocery store was Halls cough drops - I got 2 small bags. I figured I can always fall back on my Bigelow English tea bags + honey.... or apple cider vinegar + honey … and gargling salt water = to combat the coughing.

I just realized today that I need to buy face masks. I know the governor will eventually institute the 'no going in public without a face mask' - for grocery shopping in the coming weeks/months. I just messaged fave sis that we need to buy it - even if it's not coronavirus resistant. We just need something because 'it's better to wear one than without one' mentality. I'm not saying to stock up like how people are doing with the TP. I just mean enough to pass protocol when shopping for grocery in public - until the real masks are available for public purchase.
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gladimhere Mar 2020
Tylenol PM is what some people will need, I am afraid. Maybe get them to just relax. Wonder if the hoarders realize that it might be good for them.😉

And when tp hoarding started I wondered, cynically, if people were using it for masks somehow.😄
I'm in California. We've been locked down since St. Patty's Day.

Husband and I are both 63. We both have complicating conditions. I'm his caregiver - he has many issues, but some ability to improve. We were *just* getting to the point where we could expand our lives a bit.


Current plan? Try to get us both into IL/AL when/if we're ever able to maneuver again. Too much isolation for either of us to reintegrate with the outer world.

FIL is in IL/AL and completely locked down. Facility lockdowns seems to be California policy now. But we still have phone and email.

Main problem is panic-shoppers and profiteers who empty the store shelves of most necessities. I must never go out, so ... FUN-FUN-FUN!

At least online shopping almost works.
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Feels like a typhoon, doesn't it?

Powers that be still not sure what to do with my department. I have had a mild sore throat since Thursday, don't think I have a fever, but couldn't get as thermometer. They are very slow at making decisions.

Denver locked down. Caused a mad dash to hoard at the liquor and recreational marijuana stores. Then mayor decided not a good idea, so liquor stores and Mary Jane are now considered essential.😳
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Got word today that one of my husbands co-workers has COVID-19. They recently returned from a family vacation to Hawaii, one of the extended family members got sick and tested positive. Husbands co-worker was tested and got positive results today. So they either got it from the extended family member or both got it while traveling. My husband from the sounds it has very little in-person contact with this co-worker BUT they share a work vehicle. This person is my husband’s partners subordinate and his partner has some contact with them...and my husband has in person contact with his partner 3 days a week!!!

Don’t know what to think right now. I just know my husbands family, on his mothers side, tend to have BAD LUNGS! And each family member with the bad lungs, all found out upon getting pneumonia! 2 uncles died because their lungs were shot, too weak to fight it off and found out their lungs were shot was a total shock. His grandmother had pulmonary fibrosis as well and it wasn’t diagnosed until about a month before it killed her, she gotten pneumonia or so they said. She had been bed bound and in LTC for awhile by then...went to the hospital and they said her lungs were shot, she wouldn’t live but a few more weeks. So....if my husband gets COVID..hopefully he got his lungs from FIL side of the family.
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I went to Sam's Club today and there was no paper products nor were there any meat; they didn't even had lunch meat. I went to get some smoked salmon and some muffins for my mother.

Also, today is the last day I will be able to get paint. I will now have to wait 3 wks. I bought enough to get me started!

I think our governor doesn't know what she is doing!! Why did she order for us to stay in home with no visitors (about a week ago), but today, she is shutting down all non-necessary stores for 3 wks! Why did she want so long? Oh God help me!

I really hope that it warms up soon then I can at least be outdoors!😠
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I just read this in article that in Italy,

" Dr. Gai Peleg told Israeli television that in northern Italy, the orders are not to allow those over 60 access to respiratory machines."

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lilhelp Mar 2020
Oh my Lord!  So they're choosing who lives and dies.  I suspect this is going on all over.  Thank you for sharing this information, Myownlife.   lil
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Not everyone can afford to shop for two weeks.

Many stores don’t have enough food on the shelves to last a family for 2 weeks. For many Americans, at this time due to panic shipping AND people buying 2 weeks worth of food. you can’t go to just one store and buy 2 weeks worth of food. Stores here are still dealing with empty shelves. If I was to go grocery shopping today, there wouldn’t be enough on the shelves to make 2 weeks worth of meals for family of 4. I would have to go to multiple stores. I started prepping 5 days before our shelter-in-place order and had to go to 4 stores over an 7 day period in order to get 2 weeks worth of food. And I had to go to 2 of the stores twice on different days.
It is difficult to get meat, milk, eggs, bread, beans, rice, canned goods, frozen veggies, unless you lined up at a store hours before they open. And then you have to wait for the seniors to do their shopping. Most stores give them the first 1-2 hours to shop. Then anyone can shop.
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Jada824 Mar 2020
I’m in R.I. & they opened the stores early for seniors but others much younger shop then too. It doesn’t make sense that you open the store @ 6am for seniors & there’s nothing on the shelves.n

I’ve even tried ordering on line but there is no stock on a lot of items.
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I'm in Wisconsin. We have a little over 400 cases. Half of them are in the county I live in. Gov. Evers has issued a stay at home order but people keep swamping the grocery stores. Seriously, just buy for two weeks and stop buying 6 months of toilet paper.

My grandma is in an independent living facility. My mom was thinking about pulling her out for a bit but is satisfied with the precautions they are taking. All common areas are closed, common areas get cleaned multiple times a day, and there is somebody always in the office now. They do not want the residents visiting each other and have asked them to stay in their appartments. Only one family member may bring supplies. We are not even visiting grandma. If she needs something, we give it to her at the main door. Groceries now get ordered online and delivered.

We've stressed that she needs to wash her hands when coming back after getting the mail with antibacterial soap. Before this, we were looking for assisted living but for now it's best to keep her tucked away in her apartment.
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Indiana is going to Shelter in Place (Our governor called it "Hunker Down" LOL) at midnight.

We have the guardianship hearing for MIL on April 7th . . . . I sure hope there is a way for that to happen. We need her daughter (my SIL) to be able to make decisions, especially now. I"m hoping they will at least have something set up by video by then if nothing else!
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Yep, quarantined here in Louisiana. Any non essential businesses closed due to the spreading of virus and deaths.

The governor has ordered this to be enforced statewide. Majority of confirmed cases are in New Orleans.

We have special operating hours in place for 60 years and older individuals to shop so that seniors are exposed to fewer people.
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Ontario closing all non essential businesses by midnight tomorrow, what exactly qualifies as essential is still TBA.
Even though I don't live there I've been very impressed with the messages from Dr. Eileen de Villa, the Medical Officer of Health for the City of Toronto - she lays it all out in a very calm, precise and easily understood way.
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Denver under shelter in place until April 10 at least.
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bookluvr Mar 2020
What does that mean?
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Unfortunately, this is just the beginning.  It's going to continue to get worse until it reaches its peak.  If everyone can just pitch in and do their part from spreading it... It's sad when I see numbers of deaths. 20 deaths is a lot. I hope I don't become immune or numb to the numbers. This morning in my calendar, I started noting down the events as it occurs here on island... Our national guard has been activated....

A few minutes ago, I saw comments from those working the suicide prevention and other hotlines. They're receiving so many calls of people wanting to kill themselves because they were laid off or just plain panicking... If you can't find strengths or encouragements from friends and family, at least you will find it here in AC.
Helpful Answer (10)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Wow, so sad about suicidal feelings. I get it. People are reacting to fear. Fear can change a person’s outlook on life.

Our national guard is active too. Brings back disturbing memories of Hurricane Katrina for me and many of our residents.

I am 64, my husband is 65. Our stores have special hours for residents over 60 to shop. I think that’s nice but I am not comfortable being out at this time.

I have been hospitalized with asthma attacks before and since this virus can attack the lungs I am being extra cautious and staying self quarantined.

My husband is home from his office so he is doing our shopping. He is sanitizing as much as possible when he returns and immediately washes his hands.

This virus situation feels like a bad dream to me. I know it’s real but it’s hard to believe at times that we are experiencing this.

I look forward to when it’s behind us. I am sad about the deaths. I want everyone to protect themselves and others. I wish everyone well. My thoughts are with all of you.
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Here in Louisiana we are up to 837 confirmed cases of the virus and 20 deaths. Mayor of New Orleans is reporting it will become worse. It’s upsetting. New Orleans has the majority of cases.

Praying for everyone. Please pray for us too.

I have asthma so I am not taking any unnecessary risk. My husband is a sweetheart and has been doing the shopping for us.
Helpful Answer (4)
Jada824 Mar 2020
Hi NeedHelpWithMom,
Here in R.I. We have 106 deaths as of today but lifespan is saying that’s not a true # because people can’t get tests. I don’t know how many are in self quarantine.

All non essential businesses are closed here. But people are hoarding like you wouldn’t believe and stores have run out of a lot of items.

This is so scary..........stay safe!
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My hubby is a Doctor. He's been off for several days. So far we only have one case in our little town, but we all know there are many more to follow.
I am worried for him. His Clinic has limited resources and the appropriate protective gear is at a premium.
People in our town are literally camping out in the grocery store parking lots the night before the trucks are due to arrive.
This is starting to feel like a freaking scifi movie!
Stay safe everyone.
God bless!
Helpful Answer (5)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Wow! Camping out like the nuts that go shopping for Black Friday sales!

Hope you and your husband stay safe.
Well, non-essential offices are to try to reduce the person to person workforce by 50%. Powers that be will meet in the morning to discuss what to do with me since I may have been exposed and of course my office in its entirety.
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020

Will say a prayer for you. Please update us. 💗
Health care workers here have started receiving letters from their employers that allows them to travel.
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I am primary caregiver for my mom who lives with me.   Historically, both of my siblings visit me once a month, so I get every other weekend relief.  I don't know how much longer they can do this.  My brother could drive (6 hours v a 1 hour flight, but when you add in all the time getting to and from airport, going through security, more like 4 hours), but not my sister.  She is very worried that they will shut down domestic flights.  The last time she flew, the plane was half empty and everyone wiped down tray tables, etc.   The passengers joked it was the cleanest the plane would ever be.
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Just received news update. 27 confirmed, 1 death. Small island, very strong family ties, etc... Teacher niece couldn't take being 2 weeks homebound. She visited this afternoon her parents/siblings home next door. I haven't seen fave sis in exactly 1 week. She called today. Trying to persuade me to pack up, move in with her and hubby, do a 14-day quarantine in her spare bedroom with attached bathroom. Uhm… No, because I don't feel comfortable leaving oldest sis alone in this house, by herself at this uncertain time period.
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gladimhere Mar 2020
Smart Book. After two weeks of being locked up with fav sis, she may not be fav any longer😉
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I was talking to nephew #1 last night and he feels we should either go totally into a strict shut down or just go back to carring on as usual, all these half measures aren't solving it and the financial effects will bankrupt us for no good reason. I think I have enough of a cash cushion to get me over the worst of this but there are many who do not, and while my gov't is telling people they will expand employment insurance and not allow any evictions for the duration the small business owners and landlords as well as pensioners living off their investments have no safety net at all.
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Worried, just some thoughts on the back yard... with all those chopped up trees, you could make a small stockade, and grow morning glories around it.  It would add regular color and spruce up the yard for the time being.

Your kids could make a project out of it, winding the morning glory vines in and out of the "stockade", creating patterns in between the sticks and eventually covering them as the vines reach up to 10' or more.  

Or you could grow anything with vines, including peas and beans, and save some money on food.    If the ground's not friable now, with vining plants you can get by with just loosening the soil in the area of the stems, before you plant.  That's one of the great things about vines; there's so much more above the ground than there is in the ground.

Pumpkins are another option; the kids could grow their own Halloween pumpkins.   That kind of children's garden helps them learn more about plants and gardening, as well as look forward to the time when they harvest the pumpkins for Halloween.   And they may develop a gardener's habit of checking the plants every day to see how much they've grown. 

You could also make a children's garden.  Use the tree stakes to make a teepee, and wind beans or peas up over the stakes.

Now, if you tell me the soil's not good, I've got suggestions for that as well!
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Shell, I suspected that at some time thieves are going to feel more enabled and burglaries will increase.    I don't know if I can get a good system in given the business shutdowns in this area, but what I can do is make first alerts of the garden kind.    I should be able to find in the house enough metal to make wind chimes, then attach the chimes by string or chain to a base, then hang it in front in front of the door side and front doors.

If the thieves attempt or manage to break in through the door, the chimes should alert me, as I'm a light sleeper.    And if they get any farther, they'll either get a whack on the head with the cast iron pan I'm moving next to my bed, or they'll get a broken knee if I whack him/them/her with the cast iron pan.   Hopefully they won't be armed, but I'll have both a knife and a pistol by the bed.

I suspect there will be some looting as well, especially at night at smaller stores that don't have lighting or security.
Helpful Answer (6)
Shell38314 Mar 2020
That sounds like you have a plan! Crime is increasing in my city! It is scary! I guess criminals don't care if they get the Coronavirus!
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We are up to 11 confirmed cases here. And just had our first death-the person also had underlying health issues. The county is being tight lipped. They will not release anything but the numbers. They will not release what city the infected people live in. They even planned to release the numbers on a WEEKLY basis but the local media banded together and pushed back and they are now giving daily updates. At least 2 of the cases were acquired in the community.

and I want to rant for a moment. My
mothers friend who is retired and has adult children, grandchildren and a great grandchild....none of whom live with her.....just posted a meme on Facebook of a health care worker crouched in a hallway and it says “please stop complaining about being home with your children while I’m praying I don’t bring this virus home to mine”. Sorry not sorry but if I want to complain, I gosh darn will. Some of us, who are under statewide order to stay home, are home with our children while our spouses are at work & at risk for bringing home the virus too. As I said below my husband, a first responder, has workers who are symptomatic but have been denied testing. So not only I am stuck at home with my kids but I am also praying my husband doesn’t bring the virus home too!!! The last thing parents need is to be told to stop complaining. I know people just want to put things in to perspective, but if you aren’t stuck at home with your kids, please don’t tell parents not to complain. If you feel you need to say something, say something supportive or offer up ideas to keep the kids entertained and the parents sane.

and the same people who are telling parents not to complain are the same ones complaining when they see kids playing outside! I am just beyond over it now. Everyone is allowed outside. We must practice social distancing and most people are. Yet people are losing their minds because people are still out walking their dogs and letting their kids play in the yard.’re telling me I should keep my kids inside and NOT complain about them? Please, I beg you, please, just give me whatever it is you are smoking because I can’t keep my kids inside and NOT complain about them unless I’m high as a kite. Or drunker than 50 Indians.

and where are the memes telling the kids not to complain? Kids all over the world are complaining because they are bored and there’s nothing to eat and nothing to do.....I have yet to see a single meme addressed to the kids!
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Shell38314 Mar 2020

I don't know if this will help, but have you thought about art & crafts or you could do what my dad use to do, sign a book to each kid and have them write a book report about 500 to a 1000 words. I know a 1000 words seem like a lot, but I assure you it's not! Let the kids play in the back yard perhaps build a fort or something! Kids have so much energy that they just can't sit so know this! I have a good stock of red wine that I use for bad I can not send you a bottle! Lol!

I am sorry that you are stressed out and worried over your husband and his co-workers! I wish I had better ideas for you! We are on lockdown as well!
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We have several confirmed community spread cases......and the county is STILL refusing to test anyone unless they’ve traveled out of the country. We’ve got first responders showing serious symptoms and they can’t even get tested! This county is failing us. These first responders are obviously quarantined at home but have been exposed to a lot of people who STILL have to go to work and deal with the public.
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We're in NC. My mother's ALF went into lock down about a week ago. At the moment, we have 185 cases, some of which from community spread.
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