
I am not certain you are aware--I found out quite accidentally--most banks you have your accounts at will offer a service to do notarization for you. FREE.
We had redone, just because they were so old, our Advance Directives. Kaiser provides a great free document. Found out we could notarize them free at our bank with an appointment.
So check to see if your bank offers this service when you need notarization.

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My skunky bank charges $15, but it is convenient.

Lol Mj on the skunky comment.

Many Town Halls will also offer the service free of charge to residents of the town. You can often check their websites to see hours/days they offer it.

Please be aware that when these Notaries are certified, they cannot charge over a certain amount for the service. That bank maybe overcharging. They as a bank, I don't think are the notary, the person putting their signature and seal on your paperwork is the authorized notary. In NJ a Notary can charge no more than $2.50. Here is how it works in NJ. I would think all States are about the same.

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