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Or paper cuts, Willie

Golden , I'm so glad they are getting the fires under control. 2016 must of been horrible, and the anxiety from it all I'm sure comes back when ever you hear about wild fires.

That's really interesting about music and over stimulation flaring up fibromyalgia. Really good to know too. It's all about paying attention to are bodies and listening to are bodies when we have had enough.

cw - hangnails???

Thanks to all for prayers. It continues to rain in Ft Mc. DD and hub have returned home and the general consensus is that the worst is over, The fire has not grown. It is still out of control but many fire guards and protections (large sprinklers) have been set up in the parts of the city closest to the fire. I sincerely hope and pray they get it under control soon.

I remember in 2016 someone set their sprinkler system going and it prevented damage to their house from flying sparks. Our neighbour had some roof damage to their house though we were closer to the fire (about 1/2 a block away).

On another topic, I finally got my new hearing aids and they are great. They are even hooked up to my iPhone so I can answer it through my h aids if it is within a 15' range - very handy!!!

However there is a downside. I listened to music for hours when I first got them and that triggered a fibromyalgia flare up. Too much brain stimulation. So I have to scale back and be careful.

It's a trade off. Listening to music is good for my hearing, but too much (what ever that is) sets off fibro pain. But, no doubt, overall they are an improvement and I am thankful for them.

Sun shining here today and very welcome it is.🌞🌞🌞

Why do they always include 4 cm X 1 cm bandages in multi packs? What are they good for?

Golden ,

Thanks for the encouraging update . Hopefully it continues to improve for our neighbors in Canada.
They have been talking on our news about smoke coming to the northern US .

👍💕 that's awesome to hear

Thanks for asking, nacy. The weather has been good yesterday and today preventing further growth. Another much smaller fire north of the city is under control. It looks like it is staying cooler and somewhat wet till next week which will help the firefighters. Those people evacuated from the parts of the city closest to the fire aren't allowed home yet.

It's not over yet but looking better right now.

How are the fires going , my Canadian friends?

I hope everyone makes it to safety. Rain and favourable winds stop the spread.

Zombie fires also occur in landfills. Decomposition + pressure + methane.

Hopefully drones equipped for thermal imaging will help spots zombies early. But these fires - size and frequency - are absolutely terrifying.

Alva - Zombie fires - oh yeah. There are fires in the far north which have burned in the peat moss underground for years. News says they are still working on a 2023 fire near us. I wouldn't catastrophize it to dooming the woodlands, but they do need to be reckoned with. They have been around a long time. Current climate change doesn't work to reduce them.

nacy - thank you. The evac caused a lot of trauma for those who experienced it. Many had PTSD. I prob had a little as I have never been comfortable in fire season there since. I am so glad to be out of it and will be relieved when my dd is as I know she feels it. My middle son is very logical and handles things differently. I know he will act sensibly. He's one that falls on his feet. They called it the "Beast" with good reason. Any large fire out of control is a beast.

The fire is inching closer to the road - the only egress to the south. Hopefully the winds today will drive it back. They have finally brought out heavy equipment to build fire guards between the fire and the city.

Golden, I was actually just reading an article on CNN, they talked about how it's like a war zone , and the anxiety of living through this again after "the beast" in 2016 . So the news made a lier outta me. Lol

But it sounds utterly horrible for all of you. I'm so sorry

I heard the most bizarre thing about these fires today.
My partner, N., was asking why so many and after the last awful season as well, and on researching he found that many of the fires are called ZOMBIE fires because they actually lived deep in stumps through the winter rain and snow and now are rekindling themselves?
Can this be TRUE? My god, if she, seems we are doomed in the woodlands. They say the winters weren't cold and wet and snow-heavy enough to ill the fire completely.

You would know if you have heard such a thing for your fires?

Thanks, nacy.

Golden, wow I don't remember hearing about that. I actually don't feel like we get a lot of Canadian news here.

We may get a clip of something here and there and then if we want a follow up, I have to look it up. You are are neighbors, I think we should get more of your news. But it's about what gets them ratings.

The only reason I even new about your wild fires last year is because it affected us in NY so much.

Keep us posted golden! Thinking of you all in the North

nacy - there was a wildfire and the whole city was evacuated. - 80,000 people. Parts of the city were burned to the ground. Other parts survived. There is one road south which some were allow to take and one road north which others, like me and family had to drive north to the oil sands camps. To the south in places people were driving through flames. There were no casualties due to the fire but a couple of young people died in a car crash.

I was on my own driving north to I didn't know what. No water, no toilets no nothing except trees, the road and a line of cars. Finally after many hours on the road we all found different camps in the bush and were accommodated for a couple of days then flown out to Edmonton. I couldn't find a hotel with rooms in Edmonton so I tried in the surrounding small towns and got the last hotel room in the town I live in now. It was pretty crazy.

That was early May. We weren't allowed back home until early July as all the gas lines etc. had to be checked. My house had water damage from the water bombers and needed work for months. The others were ok. Thank goodness for insurance covering the costs!!!!

Golden, I'm curious, what happened in 2016?

Margaret - interesting stories about your fire experience. I'm glad your animals were ok. Forest fires are another thing. They can "crown" meaning burn from tree top to tree top and that way travel very fast and "jump" a river. Northern Alberta is mainly forest and there are many resources such as the oil sands which are developed. The city of Fort Mc was developed to accommodate oil sands workers and the increased services for them. It was nothing to do with living in nature as such.

Firefighters have been taken off the fire lines as it is too dangerous there, so now they relying on whatever can be done by air. The northbound lanes on the highway are closed and the southbound open for evacuees. The fire has grown to over 20,000 ha since this morning (doubled). The wind is shifting to push the fire away from the city. That's the good news.

My dd and her hub are south of the fire now. Middle son and wife are still there and will wait until an evac order is given for their area, if it happens.

For sure tornados, floods, earthquakes and all can be terrifying and cause a lot of damage.

Thanks to all for prayers. I would hate to see a repeat of 2016.


Yeah, tough times for New Orleans residents.

Needs, thanks so much for sharing your story. A tour bus drove us through the hard hit area, showed us a house , with yellow spray paint markings, as for how many dead, and other things. It feels so unreal that , that all happened.


Yeah, your area is different than here, Alabama and Florida.

We are below sea level but if our levees hadn’t broken the damage would have been far less.


Things are different after Katrina. Before Katrina many people did what we refer to as vertical evacuation. Going to relatives or friends who have an upstairs and riding out the storm. Katrina wasn’t a storm to ride out.

I was swimming at a friend’s house when my godson called me on my cell phone and said. “Hey, they just did a special alert on television. Are you going to get your mom to evacuate? The storm is heading directly for us.”

I thanked him for calling me and I immediately went to Mom’s house to pick her up. We didn’t have a lot of time to pack up much.

Rooms were booking up quickly, but we were able to get a hotel suite in Texas. Since we were in Texas, I called a friend of mine that lived near me in New Orleans before she moved to Houston to have lunch.

She insisted that she wanted us to go and stay with her. She lives in a huge Texas mansion. She is a sweetheart. She had people before us staying with her and people after we left staying with her.

When we were watching the footage of the storm on television, we could see that Mom’s house was in a hard hit area. Mom was devastated but we were all glad to be alive. So many people died in Katrina.

It was strange when we were able to return to the city. New Orleans looked like a war zone. Nothing was in operation.

Seeing my childhood home completely destroyed was quite emotional for me.

The bizarre thing was that my graduation photograph was the only thing that was remaining on the wall! It was crooked but it was still on the wall.

My godson laughed and said that I was a survivor for sure when he saw my picture on the wall.


usually the hurricanes are weaker by the time they reach up north . But we have had some bad ones too . But we don’t live below sea level like your city , flooding isn’t usually as bad as it is by you . Winds bring down big trees and power lines . The closest I ever lived to the beach on Long Island was about 3 miles and my house was on a hill ,we never flooded .
I now live in a large valley in PA. Lots of creeks do flood often . I bought a house on a street that is up high on a hill about a half mile from frequent flooding , so I’m good .
However when it floods we do have to take other routes to get places .
Also water doesn’t burn you . Fire is the worst IMO .

Needs, I can't even imagine how scary hurricane season must be for all of you down there


After going through hurricane Katrina, I am not as willing as you are to take hurricanes that easily! 😝

Mom lost her home in Katrina. Nine feet of water in it after the levee broke.

I was almost 10 years old when hurricane Betsy hit New Orleans. We had water in the streets but not in our house. The power was out for a few weeks. My parents were the only ones that had a gas refrigerator and neighbors brought food to our house for us to store.

Betsy was a fierce storm but it was nothing compared to the destruction of hurricane Katrina.

Just saw a clip on the news about a scam that is going around about charging for a toll service. When people click on the link they are scammed.

Geeeeez, what next?

I have been getting repeated texts saying that I have a package that couldn’t be delivered and that they are holding it. A link is attached.

My husband gets these texts messages on his phone also. We aren’t waiting for any deliveries. It’s yet another scam.

I have had my gmail account hacked before and a loan was made in my name. I don’t click on anything! The scammers do the online overnight loans.

These overnight loan companies don’t verify information and they approve the loan. I have since blocked my credit with all three credit bureaus.

The detective that handled my case said that he had a room full of cops working on fraudulent cases.

It’s hard to keep up with all of these scams!

I’ll stick with my Northeast US hurricanes and snowstorms thank you . Not that brush fires don’t happen here , they do.
But it’s rare that they are so severe . I don’t like the occasional tornadoes . The occasional earthquakes here are mild so far .

Margaret, I was wondering about your animals, but didn't want to hear the answer. 🙂‍↕️ So glad it all worked out and your stock was all ok. Hope you never have to go through anything like that again!


Glad your stock did well. That’s an amazing story.

Interestingly, it wasn’t ‘incredibly scary’ at the time. We knew what we were doing, we were very calm about it. When the flames got too close (in the paddock about 30 feet away) it was time to go inside to avoid the radiant heat (which is a killer). Tony just said “inside now” quietly and in we went for 15 minutes while the front passed. Very very stressful afterwards, and everything stank for days. Fire kept breaking out in tree trunks and roots for a few days – smoke coming out of the ground, most disconcerting!

No-one asked about the stock!! That’s in spite of many site comments about me being a bit cold-blooded about dealing with ferals. It’s all relative, isn’t it? All our sheep ‘saved themselves’ and none had to be shot. We had also opened all the right gates in advance so that they had options to choose from – stony ground, bare tracks etc. But that was a bit of a miracle. A neighbor a couple of miles away had no feed but a fenced area, and we moved them down the road and fed out there for a few weeks, until we got some of the fences repaired. The roving police turned a blind eye to us, the sheep and the non-road-registered quad bikes we were using to move them, the morning after the fire.

Lots of issues to remember. Best wishes again, Margaret

Margaret, that's must of been incredibly scary!

I'm feeling a little guilty for complaining about are air quality last year, in NY

It was disturbing, seeing and tasting the smoke , knowing that things where burning up for are Canadian neighbors.

Well at least I know it's coming this year

So sorry about the fires in your area. It is devastating to endure these kinds of natural disasters.

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